Dak needs to stop being the company man!

When Dak was caught on the sideline talking about how the team sucks, it made me wonder if that’s something he does a lot behind closed doors and perhaps is the reason why the team doesn’t seem to rally behind him. That’s not leadership in any way, shape, or form. And it’s a great attitude to have if you want to lose the troops.
Was he lying? There was a "We" in that. Everybody else discredits or blames him......our premier DE with O's on the stat page, our premier CB that hated tackling, Our premier WR sulking early take a long time to look into the mirror.
If he thinks the team sucks. Maybe he needs to look in the mirror and ask himself ... an additional room on my rebuilt house, or better surrounding players to win in the playoffs ....

Dak, give some back, and make sure the FO uses it wisely.
You want Dak to give money back to a front office that has sat on $20M+ in cap this entire year? Jerry passed on Derrick Henry, who was willing to give him a discount and countless other free agents the public doesn't know about.

Jerry doesn't want to make this team better, just more profitable... but yea Dak should give some of his money back lol... yall funny.
This is Qak's practice job for his projected after football career as a pitchman for any product willing to pay him to be their spokesman.
I thought Micah was the company man. Helping with salary cap, slinging hints about team discounts, calling Jerry his 'dawg'. Micah has to be. Did I get it wrong?
Dak The "company man" Prescott got caught saying "this team sucks" and didn't walk it back. Yall really have to pick a side on how yall think Dak carries himself and how yall want him to carry himself.

Dak shuts up and plays... he's "scared of media/public criticism".

Dak stays neutral... he's "A company man".

Dak says real things... he should "shut up and play".

Pick a one and stick with it.
This is Qak's practice job for his projected after football career as a pitchman for any product willing to pay him to be their spokesman.
You think he is going to be schlepping sleep number beds after he is done? I think he will have a car dealership
He can say whatever he wants, as far as I am concerned. But he should give back about $30 million of his $60 million salary.
Lol the only thing that keeps him on the roster is being a company man... Why would he change that? I can honestly hear Charlotte or someone like her in the meetings about his contract bring up "he's a great face and spokesperson for this team" and I honestly think that's what made Jerry finally give in, he sees this team as a brand not an actual competitor...
I think you're expecting too much from this "Thing" of ours.................

Look at it.......... it is the MOON.............(M-O-O-N......that spells Moon) to him.
Great reference.
When he returns, all the usual robotic things he says after games, we don't really want to hear! We've seen this team play seemingly inspired football while he's been gone. Hearing all the usual mumbo jumbo things he says will only make fans even mad. For goodness sakes you're making 60 million a year, we just want you to play to that level, IF YOU CAN!

Tired of all the, we'll get better, I have to be better, I'll watch the film etc talk, you've been in the league too long to get better and are being paid too much to regress the way you do. It's been an actual joy seeing the ball not turned over in the red zone as much as when Dak was playing. Please give your thoughts
Prescott isn't getting any better than he thinks he is, not going to happen. The dude is an overpaid, over hyped joke of a QB who is probably on bended knees every night thanking GOD for his injury! He was well on his way to having probably his worst season he's ever had and the injury saved his behind from almost being run out of this town. Unfortunately, we're stuck with this piece of trash for a couple of more years. Hopefully, the Cowboys draft his replacement in the 2025 or 2026 draft to apply some real pressure of losing his job. TALENT will put him on the bench, if by the grace of GOD the Cowboys end up drafting a stud, there is only some much a team can do before they have to start a player over another player even if the benched player is making bank!
He is not going to give back any money, he got it for "the brotherhood", whatever the hell that means.

Dak is a thief and he should be ashamed, but he has no shame, like most of his fans that can't see what he really is about.
Quit crying already.

Oh wait. You have no shame...

Please continue...

To be honest, I don't see him playing an entire season ever again. Clearly he has nothing left in his arm, and both legs are shot. He is nothing but a sitting duck in the pocket for the rest of his career here, and may win a few but he has to stay on the field for that to happen
Agree. He's done. Watching other games this season reinforces that in order to have success you need a quarterback with wheels or at least mobility. Dak has neither and he is only getting slower with his body breaking down. Coupled with his inability to read defenses and progress through his reads, he will feast on some bad teams as usual before stinking out the joint against good teams.

It's a depressing outlook given the state of his contract.
Prescott isn't getting any better than he thinks he is, not going to happen. The dude is an overpaid, over hyped joke of a QB who is probably on bended knees every night thanking GOD for his injury! He was well on his way to having probably his worst season he's ever had and the injury saved his behind from almost being run out of this town. Unfortunately, we're stuck with this piece of trash for a couple of more years. Hopefully, the Cowboys draft his replacement in the 2025 or 2026 draft to apply some real pressure of losing his job. TALENT will put him on the bench, if by the grace of GOD the Cowboys end up drafting a stud, there is only some much a team can do before they have to start a player over another player even if the benched player is making bank!
Agree. He's done. Watching other games this season reinforces that in order to have success you need a quarterback with wheels or at least mobility. Dak has neither and he is only getting slower with his body breaking down. Coupled with his inability to read defenses and progress through his reads, he will feast on some bad teams as usual before stinking out the joint against good teams.

It's a depressing outlook given the state of his contract.
All lies...
Being a company man gets you paid and being a squeaking wheel gets you a bad rap and being traded.
Dak has obviously had people advise him on how to act with Jerry to acquire the most money he of all people knows the condition his body is in and what he is capable of.
Dak has made his decisions on what is best for his financial future not on what is best for the Cowboys winning a championship.
We need to take this draft pick and draft a quarterback or trade it to some horrible team for future picks to draft a quarterback.

We are stuck with dak for the foreseeable future but we need to have draft picks in line for when his contract is up we have a fresh quarterback that can hit the ground running with a powerhouse offensive line and running game like he had when he started
Bro, I thought you were coming around, lol? You cannot stop father time, and there is literally nothing you can do mechanically to fix our QB. His deficiencies are his kryptonite, you have to see it, no?
Love is blind. AC is in love.

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