These guys are professional athletes in a league where the average is around 3-4 years.
He won’t be nervous or overwhelmed. It’s what he has worked his whole life to do.
I think every NFL football player is a little nervous on opening day. I would think that would be especially true for a rookie starter playing in a nationally televised game against a team one year removed from being defending champions.
This isn't a bad thing, It should be expected. I agree with you that the major issue won't be physical, it will be mental. If I've been playing the piano for years but now I'm about to appear in public to a paying audience instead of high school and college events, I think I would be somewhat nervous.
I would expect an early penalty, perhaps even two but let's not roast the guy. I believe he is a very hard worker and will improve in that area. He's had some good mentors in training camp. He shouldn't be judged harshly if he makes some mistakes in the first half.
Smith may be nervous at first but he will be prepared. I think his pass blocking will be a little tenuous at first but that should clear up. In no way at all am I implying that he will be dominated. However, he will learn some lessons as he will throughout the first half of the season. It's all good. This guy is no Chaz Green or Phil Pozderac..