Dak permanently has quieted the doubters

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Great? No

Good? Yes

In the grand scheme of things, why would this game be the game to change dak doubters minds?

We lost and his weaknesses were still glaring
His weaknesses were there in a win or a loss as well as his strengths. We don’t need the total sum of the results to measure it.

But where were the greater weaknesses that contributed more to our loss?
Dak played great and looked like an elite QB out there, and 100% did enough to win the game.

Why do you seem satisfied with just Dak playing a great game? I'm not happy that we lost, but you don't seem upset about the loss at all. You seem perfectly happy saying "I told ya so" whenever you get a chance. Even going back weeks and bringing up old posts to reply to people that doubted Dak.

That's not what it should be about. Dak played great, but Dak is not bigger than the team and the teams goals. "Moral victories" have you sitting on the couch watching the playoffs. If people want to hate on Dak's play then that's on them. Let them be wrong and let them expose themselves for what they are.

You are shoving "Dak played great" into peoples face. They are shoving "We lost" back into yours. Both of you are right. It's a never ending cycle and pointless.

You've made enough threads about Dak's play since Thursday. I don't think each of your individual thoughts about Dak deserves it's own thread. You can be happy with Dak's play, if you're a Cowboys fan you should be, but you don't need to fuel fires because you think you're right about something. Be better, Rocky.
Winning is the only thing that matters. But keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better.
The OP is inciting the trolls . I have called him out as well over the years . Yes, he’s trolling the trolls.

But on a Cowboy fan site I’m going to bat against the Trolls attacking or targeting the wrong guy on this team.

I am just not certain that Dak criticism is "trolling". Not even "hate".

Just what they think. If they are wrong that isn't a troll.

I guess I could do without the labels...just say your piece.
The biggest take on Dak is that while Dallas lost, they were ahead with less than 2 minutes to go against the defending SB champs, who were at home, and who many have already anointed them to repeat.

And despite a kicker who should have had them up by at least 5.

It's the first game, we'll see what happens from here on out. Tampa went from 7-5 to SB champs, so teams can and do improve as the season goes along, Dallas could be better by mid or late season. Get into the playoffs and we all know anything can happen.

Too early to be too pessimistic, or too optimistic...
The biggest take on Dak is that while Dallas lost, they were ahead with less than 2 minutes to go against the defending SB champs, who were at home, and who many have already anointed them to repeat.

And despite a kicker who should have had them up by at least 5.

It's the first game, we'll see what happens from here on out. Tampa went from 7-5 to SB champs, so teams can and do improve as the season goes along, Dallas could be better by mid or late season. Get into the playoffs and we all know anything can happen.

Too early to be too pessimistic, or too optimistic...

Excellent post!
Unfortunately I have to disagree. Haters, while I am not one, exist to balance the universe. It's good to keep things in check, that's what they do. I don't agree with most haters, but I respect them for that reason. They will always exist!
So, who should we be targeting to get those other pieces in place. Is it perhaps the same one who hasn’t this entire era?

Maybe it’s time for all of the haters and trolls to begin targeting the real culprit on who’s preventing this franchise and team from more success.
How do you propose that?
LMAO Stop the drama queen stuff or hide under your bed, too funny, Your buddy is trolling yet again , you know it go ahead and say it. Didn't need a Dak love post, everyone can see he had a very good game but garbage like this just sets up the other side when he has one of his miserable games. He's a Dak troll, call him out you can do it. Go hide again and calm down no reason to be scared.
No reason to hide. There’s nothing to be scared of lol. Would you be scared of someone who hides when things get hot? Who are afraid to own up to possibly being wrong? No reason to be fearful or cowards lol.
Unfortunately I have to disagree. Haters, while I am not one, exist to balance the universe. It's good to keep things in check, that's what they do. I don't agree with most haters, but I respect them for that reason. They will always exist!
And we need one guy to FEED THEM!
No reason to hide. There’s nothing to be scared of lol. Would you be scared of someone who hides when things get hot? Who are afraid to own up to possibly being wrong? No reason to be fearful or cowards lol.
So this means you aren't calling the OP a troll?
Unfortunately I have to disagree. Haters, while I am not one, exist to balance the universe. It's good to keep things in check, that's what they do. I don't agree with most haters, but I respect them for that reason. They will always exist!
There’s haters and there’s critics. A hater offers nothing. A critic offers something IMO.
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