Video: Dak Prescott - FinishthisFight


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And hes
For me personally...

1. A die hard yankee fan loved one passed in the mid 90s - yankees went on to win 4 was in 5 years.
2. A die hard broncos fan loved one passed last year - broncos win super bowl. (They lost when she was alive, won when she passed)
3. Mamma Dak could be pulling same strings ;-)
lets hope so my friend/fellow hardcore fan. I can sort of Father has had two strokes, my mom has leukemia, and my sis is going to need her big bro around...all 3 are huge Cowboys fans(because of dad likes the packers, mom couldnt care less, but you guys would be impressed at how lowd they cheer for my team), they ALWAYS root for my team because of me. Rock on guys and gals appreciate you all and GO COWBOYS!!!!