Dak Prescott "Garbage time stats" Question


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Cowboys come from behind, get onside kick, beat Atlanta = not garbage time
Cowboys come back from 15 down, go ahead of Seattle with under 5 minutes left, defense blows it = garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points of Cleveland with three minutes left, force a punt and Cowboys win by 4 = not garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points, poorly executed squib kick, defense gives up a 50 yard TD = garbage time.

It's agenda-driven, foolish, and lazy to call it garbage time when the game is brought back to a winnable position and the defense/special teams blow it. I'll demonstrate a non-Dak example:

Mahomes led KC to 21 fourth quarter points in the SB, coming from 10 points down to win. If the Chiefs defense lets San Fran keep scoring TDs guess what? Mahomes 3 TDs are garbage time in a 41-31 defeat.

But since the defense shutout SF in the 4th Mahomes leads a great comeback win, 31-20 - not garbage time.


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I have noticed a common theme here when it comes to Dak. There are 2 sides of the fence. Those that like him and see that he can lead this team to a Super Bowl. And those that dont like him, no matter how he performs for whatever their reasons are.

Now with that being said. My question hinges on certain statements I have seen on this board about his "garbage time stats".

Now people like to say he pads his stats etc. But the same people then sit there and say he threw a game ending pick to seal the win for the other team.

Now correct me if I am wrong here, but if he is just padding his stats in garbage time. How is he throwing a game ending pick? I mean the game is already over in your eyes. It cant be both. So either he is getting garbage time stats and padding his resume, or he is playing to win and throwing a game ending pick. Pick one. It cant be both.

Interesting way to frame the debate:
1. Those that like him and "can see" that he can lead the team to the Super Bowl
2. Those that don't like him 'no matter" how he performs, for whatever the reasons are
Sounds like this isn't a question, more like an idictment.


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This "garbage time" stat is full of garbage. Only the most rabid group of Dak haters use this as their argument against Dak.

We all know is full of holes and just utter nonsense. They just can't accept that Dak is a very good QB and worthy of Dallas's franchise QB.


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I dont think any offense could win with this defense....anyone who says other wise doesn't understand football....the other offense literally has any game plan they want available to win a game against us....TOP, Deep balls, screens, counters, TE's all of it is a good game plan on this defense.
But that’s not the question is it? Isn’t the question whether both sides of the ball are contributing to the loss? Here’s our drives during CLE’s 34-0 run:

*3 plays, 1:44, turnover at own 34
*1 play, 0:00, turnover at own 25
*7 plays, 3:20, punt
*3 plays, 1:07, punt
*9 plays, 2:24, turnover on downs.

So in the 29:21 where CLE was on a 34-0 run, our offense had 23 plays, 8:35 in possession, 3 turnovers, with two on short fields, and 0 points. How is that not contributing to the loss? Bash the D all you want. They deserve it. But the offense is where most of our money is spent and that’s what you get for literally 50% of the game at home in perfect conditions. 23 plays, 8:35, 3 turnovers, 0 points. They don’t deserve criticism as well?


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Listen every game it isn’t “garbage time” stats. That’s just part of the equation for me.

case in point last week. Again dak gets all the credit for putting us up 14-7. What was he doing in the second and third quarters when our offense scored 0 points? When the browns were scoring 31 unanswered. After every one of those browns scores we got the back no?


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Cowboys come from behind, get onside kick, beat Atlanta = not garbage time
Cowboys come back from 15 down, go ahead of Seattle with under 5 minutes left, defense blows it = garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points of Cleveland with three minutes left, force a punt and Cowboys win by 4 = not garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points, poorly executed squib kick, defense gives up a 50 yard TD = garbage time.

It's agenda-driven, foolish, and lazy to call it garbage time when the game is brought back to a winnable position and the defense/special teams blow it. I'll demonstrate a non-Dak example:

Mahomes led KC to 21 fourth quarter points in the SB, coming from 10 points down to win. If the Chiefs defense lets San Fran keep scoring TDs guess what? Mahomes 3 TDs are garbage time in a 41-31 defeat.

But since the defense shutout SF in the 4th Mahomes leads a great comeback win, 31-20 - not garbage time.

Fine I’ll flip this on you. Last year when dak Prescott had top 11 defense. Why could he not beat a winning team? Why couldn’t he beat an eagles team that had backups playing late in the year... for the division.

If it’s “all about the defense” why didn’t dak get it done when he had one.

Pat mahomes led his team back in 3 straight playoff games against winning teams. Dak can’t even do that once in the regular season


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I'm seeing Dak haters say that he needs to play better in the 2nd and 3rd quarter but last year when he was doing that y'all was saying he needs to play better in the 1st and 4th quarters which he is doing this year.

Plus Dandy Don wrote Dak didn't look great against Cleveland but had the score been 41-14 then Dak would have looked great....... Dak doesn't play defense and who cares when the points are scored as long as they are scoring. What the defense gives up should have no effect on how Dak looks.

Y'all haters can stop the bs and just be honest. You don't like Dak because it's a personal issue and has nothing to do with his play. Anybody that says Dak isn't a top 5- top 10 QB in the league had an agenda or no idea what they are talking about. At this moment, only 3 QBs are clearly better then Dak. I'm willing to accept Jackson because of his rushing ability but not as a passer....... those 3 QBs are Mahomes, Wilson and Rodgers

so again I’ll pose the same question to you. Why couldn’t dak beat a winning team last year when we had a top 11 defense. In a poor division that the eagles were literally giving away. Every close game he came up short.

that was all garrets fault?

there is nothing personal against dak from me. Great story... good quarterback. He is the guy that turned down 35 million dollars a year. He is the guy that if we give 40 million to he’s going to have to carry the team on his back.


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I have noticed a common theme here when it comes to Dak. There are 2 sides of the fence. Those that like him and see that he can lead this team to a Super Bowl. And those that dont like him, no matter how he performs for whatever their reasons are.

Now with that being said. My question hinges on certain statements I have seen on this board about his "garbage time stats".

Now people like to say he pads his stats etc. But the same people then sit there and say he threw a game ending pick to seal the win for the other team.

Now correct me if I am wrong here, but if he is just padding his stats in garbage time. How is he throwing a game ending pick? I mean the game is already over in your eyes. It cant be both. So either he is getting garbage time stats and padding his resume, or he is playing to win and throwing a game ending pick. Pick one. It cant be both.

I don't know if this is a sincere question or if you're just trolling. But I'll spell it out for you, just based off what I remember, yet want to forget...
  • Cowboys Offense looked good (or Browns defense looked bad) at 14-7. Cowboys Defense looked bad (or Browns offense looked good) as they tied it up 14-14.
  • Dak and Zeke, the alleged leaders of the team, then both proceed to turn the ball over giving Cleveland great field position.
  • So at half, the Cowboys trailed 31-14, because Dak and Co. couldn't mount any response to 24 unanswered Cleveland points, except for turning the ball over.
It's now Halftime, and this board contemplated the meaning of life.
  • Cowboys Defense then gave up another touchdown merely by walking out of the tunnel after half, now 38-14.
  • It is now 4th quarter, 41-14 if I recall correctly, and by a normal NFL team's standards (i.e. not the Browns), that put the game out of reach.
  • The Browns think they are a normal NFL team, and so they play very soft coverage to try to take time off the clock.
  • Soft coverage usually ALLOWS passes to be completed, so they can be tackled in-bounds and thus the clock keeps running.
  • The Browns defense (which isn't good to begin with), is especially bad at this, and allows completions to run out of bounds.
  • The Browns offense also goes into turtle mode (unless you think the Dallas defense suddenly became great?).
  • The Browns offense also just wanted to milk the clock, and failed at that miserably as well (one series I believe they took 15 seconds off the clock).
  • The Browns basically miscalculated and/or mismanaged the game clock and almost paid the price.
  • The game was now close again with too much time left on the clock, and what happens immediately? They score on a 50+ yard reverse, and Dak throws a pick.
So you see? The stats were padded because the defense was intentionally allowing "underneath yards" to milk the clock. They were just trying to wind down the game with as little effort as possible, but as the Browns often do -- they mucked it up. Also what people fail to mention in this "miraculous Dak comeback", is that in order for there to be a comeback, the Cowboys Defense must also make stops. So what is more likely -- the Dallas defense suddenly became the Bears 46 D, or that the Browns offense (along with their defense) both just played very passively to try to take time off the clock?

Hope that clears up how both are possible - and actually it's quite common (at every level) when teams try to milk the clock and mess it up. It will become clearer as you have more experience watching the games.


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Garbabge time lol. Those blitzes and pass rushes don't stop in "garbage time".


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If you have to ask the question you’re not watching enough film. Look at what CLE’s defense was doing in quarters 1 to 3, versus what they were doing in the 4th with a four TD lead.

And with that, if the Defense stops them and we dont squib kick, we get the ball with a chance to win. If we dont let seattle come right back and score after taking the lead, then thats a game winning drive.


Well-Known Member
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I have noticed a common theme here when it comes to Dak. There are 2 sides of the fence. Those that like him and see that he can lead this team to a Super Bowl. And those that dont like him, no matter how he performs for whatever their reasons are.

Now with that being said. My question hinges on certain statements I have seen on this board about his "garbage time stats".

Now people like to say he pads his stats etc. But the same people then sit there and say he threw a game ending pick to seal the win for the other team.

Now correct me if I am wrong here, but if he is just padding his stats in garbage time. How is he throwing a game ending pick? I mean the game is already over in your eyes. It cant be both. So either he is getting garbage time stats and padding his resume, or he is playing to win and throwing a game ending pick. Pick one. It cant be both.

Padding stats and garbage time stats != the game is over.

Your interpretation is wrong. Change it and there is nothing anymore you dont understand.


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The same people who claim Dak gets garbage time stats also claim "I never felt like we were out of the game" with Romo. It's just an agenda.
Actually I think a lot of them were just as critical of Romo.


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You cannot seriously think that there is no problem with an offense that just disappears during large parts of the game and then yell that the defense sucks. Yea I get that the defense sucks, it’s like beating a dead horse, how that absolves the offense of their mistakes and their play is rather fantastic
so you demand perfection of the offense? do you demand the same from defense? let me hear you say that.


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Call it what you want...Garbage, game was over, whatever....but then call the 50 yard reverse i saw the browns score on after our GARBAGE TIME offense erase a 3 td deficit.....its funny no one brings up the fact that the defense only stops teams when they are trying to run the clock out...as soon as it was a game again POOF score at will...

none of these people have yet to acknowledge and they will refuse to do so..

about 4 minutes to go. the game is within 3 points....they dont' want to admit that. it doesn't support their agenda....and the defense gives up a 50 yard run a 50 YARD RUN to a WR


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Cowboys come from behind, get onside kick, beat Atlanta = not garbage time
Cowboys come back from 15 down, go ahead of Seattle with under 5 minutes left, defense blows it = garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points of Cleveland with three minutes left, force a punt and Cowboys win by 4 = not garbage time
Cowboys come from 27 down to within 3 points, poorly executed squib kick, defense gives up a 50 yard TD = garbage time.

It's agenda-driven, foolish, and lazy to call it garbage time when the game is brought back to a winnable position and the defense/special teams blow it. I'll demonstrate a non-Dak example:

Mahomes led KC to 21 fourth quarter points in the SB, coming from 10 points down to win. If the Chiefs defense lets San Fran keep scoring TDs guess what? Mahomes 3 TDs are garbage time in a 41-31 defeat.

But since the defense shutout SF in the 4th Mahomes leads a great comeback win, 31-20 - not garbage time.


Well-Known Member
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I have noticed a common theme here when it comes to Dak. There are 2 sides of the fence. Those that like him and see that he can lead this team to a Super Bowl. And those that dont like him, no matter how he performs for whatever their reasons are.

Now with that being said. My question hinges on certain statements I have seen on this board about his "garbage time stats".

Now people like to say he pads his stats etc. But the same people then sit there and say he threw a game ending pick to seal the win for the other team.

Now correct me if I am wrong here, but if he is just padding his stats in garbage time. How is he throwing a game ending pick? I mean the game is already over in your eyes. It cant be both. So either he is getting garbage time stats and padding his resume, or he is playing to win and throwing a game ending pick. Pick one. It cant be both.

All I have to say on this is that Dak was once called "dink and Dak". Now, he's breaking team and NFL records with "empty calories". Which one is it? Dinking and dunking or record breaking empty calories? Either way, we're still an 8-8 team, at best.