Adult Language Dak Prescott: Lead From Behind

I knew you were into that
lol...screw you, zrinkill. I thought we are friends!

This product that is advertised is beneficial to folks in rural areas that might not have the means to travel to a Hospital to get checked up on.

Send it in the mail, safe, see the results when they come back. If the results are bad or their are concerns, then find a way to a Hospital.

Not to many that live in the Castle that I live in.
lol...screw you, zrinkill. I thought we are friends!

This product that is advertised is beneficial to folks in rural areas that might not have the means to travel to a Hospital to get checked up on.

Send it in the mail, safe, see the results when they come back. If the results are bad or their are concerns, then find a way to a Hospital.

Not to many that live in the Castle that I live in.
How's that work? You poop in a box and put it into the mail?
We used to put it in paper bags and light them on fire on somebody’s porch.
I am cool with it. I lost my cousin who was in her 50s last year. It seems to be an epidemic for whatever reason in people under 50. You best get your *** to the doctor for a scope, or you could be dying 30 years before your time.
Jokey commercial about Cancer ........... alright.
No it's not dude. It's a commercial for a product that could potentially save your life. A lot of people dread a colonoscopy and this is an easier alternative. In 2019 I was 51 and was seeing some things I didn't like and asked my doctor if it was time for the Ole roto rooter. Sure enough they found a 3 cm cancerous polyp. 3 months later more polyps but no cancer, then 3 months later more polyps and a couple small cancerous ones. A month after that I was having a foot of problematic colon removed and no issues after that so far. On the 3 year plan now and hoping for a clear colonoscopy next September. Any awareness of this illness is a good thing. I remember seeing a billboard asking "over 50? Time for a colonoscopy" and that planted the seed in my mind.
Along that line of Colo-Guard fecal testing Dak is also going to be TV sales pitching organic shitake mushrooms and autographed colostomy bags.
How's that work? You poop in a box and put it into the mail?
Yes, you can also get a prescription from a doctor that will provide something similar to what Dak is promoting. You somehow collect a fecal sample and then send it into a lab and they send the results back. What Dak is promoting, I guess you don't need a prescription.
win a ring or two then talk
Prescott is promoting saving lives. It has absolutely nothing to do with football.

Everyone should be doing exactly what Prescott is doing in this particular instance. For a loved one. A friend. A stranger.

Colorectal cancer does not care about wins. Losses. Championships. Winless seasons. Monster contracts. Owners. Legacies. Nothing. Its sole purpose is death.

Fighting that purpose is fundamental. This message is vital, regardless of its messenger.
49ers fans are fuming worse than any other team after that... except for maybe Browns fans, lol.
Along that line of Colo-Guard fecal testing Dak is also going to be TV sales pitching organic shitake mushrooms and autographed colostomy bags.
He's also going to be doing commercials for a local restaurant's Pu Pu Platter.

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