Daks next contract length


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I think we all know he's getting extended whether we like it or not, just for how long? 3, 4, or 6 years?
This is his last contract with the team, seeing as he'll be in his mid 30s by the time it ends
3 years: 2024, 25 and 26 with no void year.

make him instantly #2 QB, make Lance the starter in 24. -> Tank
draft your next #1 QB in 25.
in 25 make Prescott #2, Lance #1, drafted QB #3 and bring him along.
in 26 drafted QB #1, lance #2, Prescott #3

27: get rid of that crap without any dead money. and never look back.


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i think they want to go longer for more security and stability. this is already his second bite so i don't think he does what he did last time.

i could be wrong, he bet on himself last time and won. but even reg season stats without playoff wins would hurt him for a contract in 3 years.
You could be right. I just think he and his agent will take Kirk Cousins approach to maximize career earnings. Shorter deals, more in guarantees, no trade and no franchise tags.

I hope Prescott does what Brady did with the Patriots. Team friendly so more talent can be put around him for years. He makes a good penny in branding deals, so he won't be hurting.


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I am hearing 5 years $300 million on the radio when they talk about him but they could be guessing.

What troubles me is they are using various contract terms but all at $60 million. There is no way I pay Dak $60 million. I have defended h im, I would defended extending him but not at $60 million. He wasn't worth $40 million when they signed him or now. The only way I give him $60 million is if none of it is guaranteed and he has to earn it every year.

How about $35 million in 2024 with a bonus if we make the NFCC of $15 million, and another bonus of $5 million if we win the SB? Then roster bonuses in each of the next 4 years of his contract. with similar incentives for winning. Patrick Mahomes has a $57.4 million CAP hit in 2024. $35 million is a roster bonus. Mahomes's contract is laid out like that for 10 years. Patrick is betting on himself. If Dak thinks he is worth so much money then how about betting on himself and taking most of his money in roster bonuses?


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I think 3 years is the best we can hope for. It allows for the void years he has but doesn’t saddle us long term.

It just depends on three things
  • Will Dak bet on himself again and be open to the chance to explore the market for another big contract at 33-34
  • Is there a will to actually plan for a future without Dak in 2027
  • Can they ensure there’s not a no trade included


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He and his agent would likely want a shorter deal so they can have another bite at the apple. Look for a three year extension with no franchise tag and no trade clauses. By 2026 he will be in line for an extension again. Or he will play out his last year and be able to hit free agency while still young enough to make more money in a free market.

Dallas will add voidable years to spread the signing bonus cap hit.

The guy is going to be very wealthy when his playing days are done.
I’d take that in a heartbeat minus the no trade

While not common, no trades are not *uncommon*.

If there’s some wiggle room in the negotiations that rely on the Cowboys being able to say that the lack of results requires some minor allowance, this is the one item I’d fight for if I were in the front office


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I would do 2 years to get some cap relief.......after that move on unless there's a SB appearance

Remember that the guys making those decisions are the same ones that wasted a 3rd round pick on Drew Hanson to be their franchise QB after he was out of football for several years, also gave a shot to Chad Hutchinson because what the heck they can grab any QB from the street to carry the team. I wouldn't be surprised if Dak gets some crazy extension like 6/8 years because the Jones don't care about winning but the cash their brand generates.


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Remember that the guys making those decisions are the same ones that wasted a 3rd round pick on Drew Hanson to be their franchise QB after he was out of football for several years, also gave a shot to Chad Hutchinson because what the heck they can grab any QB from the street to carry the team. I wouldn't be surprised if Dak gets some crazy extension like 6/8 years because the Jones don't care about winning but the cash their brand generates.
Funny you say that........it's my understanding that Jerry and Stephen wanted to do a 6-7 year deal with his current contract but Dak and Todd France refused to sign anything over 4 years.


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maybe a one-year deal, naw make it a two-year deal so he can beat garrett at sucking.