Image: Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. Done!


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This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.


Put Niland and Green in the ROH
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Hard to tell what she's reacting to given the lack of context. That looks a lot like a 'my man just did/said something really stupid" look. Not that I personally am familiar with that look. no...not... at ...all.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"
I will mail and/or email blast the photo with the caption 'Hire A GM Finally!' if anyone has an address/email address that routes straight to him.

Here's an idea for boycotters who have never thought of a realistic plan: invest in t-shirts with that image and a slogan that can be passed out to folks entering AT&T Stadium. His face would turn beet red seeing those images flash across the videoboard.


Well-Known Member
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This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.
Been to games, so lets stop finding the 1% of fans like that that you cant pick out while there because the crowds were loud at every game ive attended..the stadium can be very loud that person or persons like that were caught maybe after opponents score or a TO not the overall tenor of me..

but you are that 1% some are in here and we know who you are so kts not jerry its YOU! there is a fan on any team that doesn't make face like that when something Bad happens on a play..but go ahead frame a picture as if that how all fans, INCLUDING THAT FAN, fans feel ..they dont been to games talk cowboys with other actual fans and lie all teams its a roller coaster of emotions throughout any year.. good try though

crash and burn on your troll attempt.


Quota outta absentia
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Well-Known Member
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This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.
This is who we are now. We are the dregs. Some people just haven't accepted that because it's too humiliating. Please Micah lead us out of this wasteland.


Well-Known Member
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This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.

Jerry Jones would like to thank all those disappointed fans for their monetary support. He hopes each and every fan visits Jerry World and pays the $75 parking, $50 pizza, and $25 beer.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.
It's a circus !
It's about winning football games but it's also about entertainment.
Wish our Owner would just focus on Football, period.


Well-Known Member
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Hard to tell what she's reacting to given the lack of context. That looks a lot like a 'my man just did/said something really stupid" look. Not that I personally am familiar with that look. no...not... at ...all.
That's what I thought. I've been the cause of that face more times than I can me, she mad at ol' dude lol.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Hard to tell what she's reacting to given the lack of context. That looks a lot like a 'my man just did/said something really stupid" look. Not that I personally am familiar with that look. no...not... at ...all.

I remember that TV shot. It was during the playoff game, during the comeback fiasco.


Well-Known Member
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Jerry Jones would like to thank all those disappointed fans for their monetary support. He hopes each and every fan visits Jerry World and pays the $75 parking, $50 pizza, and $25 beer.

Whoa .. I must not be a "real fan!" I mean when I go, I park off-site, fill up on Whataburger before the game and am pretty well drunk by time I get there .. :flagwave:


Well-Known Member
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she was there and that is what counts. Losing hurts no one wants to lose.


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This picture should be blown up and displayed with the works of art at AT&T/Jerry's World Stadium...

Dallas Cowboy fans should never have this look. This is the look of old 70's Saints, old Tampa Bay, and old Detroit Lion fans.

This is not the look of a fan disappointed after a tough lost. It is the look of disgust with the Arlington Jonesboys pretending to be Dallas Cowboys.

I never thought being a Dallas Cowboy fan would make you have this look on your face. Every Dallas Cowboys fan should sent this photo to Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and Stephen Executed VP Jones with the title..."Done!"

I needed to vent.

This could be just her being irritated at the dude she is with. And has nothing to do with the team.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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She’s taking it a lot better than the girl that was crying during the playoff loss to San Francisco. Her sobbing face was blasted over every media outlet.