Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

No need to "sugar coat" this. If he threw a punch he's involved. If he was in the SUV, at a minimum he's an accomplice to murder. If he encouraged the shooting, he's toast. Dallas FO will know pretty soon and he may be
gone in a hurry from the NFL. Sad but, if you visit the Lion's den, you're likely to get eaten.
That is why we do not allow rumors from random social media accounts on the site, because even when the rumor has some truth behind it, there is a lot of speculation that gets shared as if it were factual and then that information is repeated and regurgitated everywhere on the internet until everyone believes it.

He may be involved or he may have just been in the wrong place, but until we know more, it is too early to form an opinion beyond the bad optics of him being there.

Here is how I view this sort of thing now whether he's guilty of being involved or not. He's a very talented player and has a lot to play for. But given his history and that he's choosing to hang out in groups of people that do this sort of thing, is he worth the trouble? He's obviously stupid enough to hang out in places he shouldn't be if he wants a pay day. I'm tired of idiot players like this. Dump him. Let him be another team's problem. He wants to hang out with gangbanger thugs? Let him...just not on the Cowboys roster. There's hundreds of others that would love his roster spot and don't jeopardize their careers by acting like morons.
Ima say it again, worst off-season in a long time if this is true.
Someone should start a list. It really has been incredible, especially when you consider the variety, i.e., not just football (this, no FA's signed, good players leaving, etc,) but off the field (Jerry's love child drama, the tone deaf crypto announcement, etc.)
That's not sufficient to create probable cause for the actual murder. That would create reasonable suspicion. What they will need to really try to get information is the information to the bullet and linking that to the gun used. Between the location and the bullet, they can find out the kind of gun used, if it's registered or not, and to whom the gun belongs. This will create the probable cause to identify a suspect and potentially arrest the suspect.
lol this isnt a CSI TV show.
Real CSI teams and detectives are not as good as what you see on those tv shows.
It took them 3 weeks or more to id his necklace, and then they ANNOUNCE they want to talk to him, which would allow him to lawyer up and get rid of any evidence.
By making this public, they just made their job much harder.

they might eventually catch the shooter, and figure out who was in the car, but even better odds on that they never solve the crime.
I've only seen that he was "linked" to the murder. I'm sure there are plenty of people saying he did it, but I personally haven't seen any. Regardless, if he was even there, he's no longer in the NFL.
the cowboys only said he wasnt the shooter lol. Nothing about he wasnt there.
they need to ID all those in his group that night. look to see what kind of cars they drive, and if any have registered guns.
I know that. I'm just saying, as far as deciding on here whether he's guilty or not, there's not enough information to say he did it or not. He's an idiot for being around this sort of group with him being a high profile individual. However, being an idiot doesn't make him a murderer.

True, but it would be smart for the Cowboys to cut him now because he was there.

I've been to hundreds of parties in my life. Do you know how many murders there were in total? Zero. Do you know how many fistfights? One. It's about who you choose to hang out with and when you do it. He's shown that he's a moron. Cut him before he becomes a problem if he already isn't because his history show's he's already one.
the cowboys only said he wasnt the shooter lol. Nothing about he wasnt there.
they need to ID all those in his group that night. look to see what kind of cars they drive, and if any have registered guns.
Cowboys only said what YKDV Bossman Fat told them. They don't know for sure if he was the shooter or an accomplice to the shooter. Looks like this quite possibly is going to become another major failed 2nd round pick for Jerry & Company.
True, however given his position with the cowboys, trial by media can be just as worse, guilty or not.

One can't help but think this guy has been in the same position before.

Quite ironic that the guy complaining that a person got into a fight actually has an avatar containing a rifle.

Unless they have something we aren’t seeing. People are just putting it together due to his past and being there

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck & waddles like a duck, it's most likely a duck. When you associate with dogs, you're likely to get fleas. He had issues in college just like Zeke. The NFL Commish is salivating
to hatchet the Jerry Boys once more.
Cowboys only said what YKDV Bossman Fat told them. They don't know for sure if he was the shooter or an accomplice to the shooter. Looks like this quite possibly is going to become another major failed 2nd round pick for Jerry & Company.
In these situations, your money maker of the group isn’t the shooter. At worse, he will tagged an accomplice in the car.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck & waddles like a duck, it's most likely a duck. When you associate with dogs, you're likely to get fleas. He had issues in college just like Zeke. The NFL Commish is salivating
to hatchet the Jerry Boys once more.
No I get it. I hated the pick and was crushed when we just missed out on Moehrig.

Joseph doesn’t love football and it shows from his past. I just don’t see him being the shooter however.
I know that. I'm just saying, as far as deciding on here whether he's guilty or not, there's not enough information to say he did it or not. He's an idiot for being around this sort of group with him being a high profile individual. However, being an idiot doesn't make him a murderer.

he could be charged with accessory to homicide.

he could also be fired by Dallas, with cause, which could void his deal.

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