Dallas Cowboys’ Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in Dallas murder investigation

I disagree, there are several ways in which it could affect the team. I hope he's not guilty, but that doesn't make him totally innocent either. I'm speaking from a team standpoint though. they need to send a message.

I think for that, the team should make sure they have all the facts/evidence(that exist) before cutting him. What the police know may not be everything we and the team know at this point.
While it's a bad look, if he truly was at the place at the wrong time that's not a cuttable offense. If he had any involvement, even indirectly, in this murder, then yes cut him
you are and hope you NEVER get Jury duty humans like you who prejudge using only a bit of media story to judge someone is whats wrong with society right now and im ridding myself of you.you are clueless..dudes guilty for going out with friends and being scared to say something?
Are you this dense? If he was simply in the vehicle seen on camera performing a "drive-by," he can very well be in a ton of trouble.
There real problem with society is some people grow up without guidance and/or are ignorant/entitled and put themselves is crap situations.
You're being emotionally upset with the wrong person.
Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
there are no longer any courts of law only legal private hearings of tbe Esquires.

Innocent until Proven guilty is a slogan of the Esquires to peddle their services within their private hearings.

Not all crimes require a Court to determine guilt . . . especially in this day and age of Cameras
This isn’t an emotional over the top response at all.

I said the cowboys forced the pick at corner. That’s a fact everyone knew they were taking a corner in the second round, come hell or high water.

I said Joseph’s slate is no longer clean. That’s also a fact. He was at very least, hanging out with a murderer. Best case scenario is he made some bad choices on who to associate with.

He needs to smarten up. Either way.
You know the pro scouts and security around the league do their jobs well. Joseph has first round talent but the knock on him is he hung around the wrong crowd. Maybe it’s just me, if I was drafted by the Cowboys and had his talent, I would literally start my life over. I would eliminate all those fools including family. He has 100 million dollar cornerback talent. What a waste.
Really good football player but he's simply bad news...as you can see.
The smoke was there from the beginning but we’re a gambling team.
I cant yet call it quits on Fat Head not know the scoop but I dont feel good either
deserves???:facepalm: its non story until its not its no ones business..POI isnt anyhtig want soem knowledge this is ghreta sign since the last NFL player that ahd this hapen never lost punlrity and went to the HOF..

Ray Lewis comes to mind..we goig to start the judgment and rhetoric game on his involvement OR get this WAIT UNITL MORE ACTUAL facts and news comes out. Should be deleted..noinsese talk about things we have no knowledge of AT ALL.

lets discus this,

Lewis was arrested for the double-murder and spent time in jail before the trial despite never killing anyone..wow what happened there..niothig went on to be very popular and sometimes lauded and respected player huh? no one sems to talk about it now.

https://fanbuzz.com/nfl/ray-lewis-murder/#:~:text=Lewis was arrested for the,obstruction of justice, a misdemeanor.:popcorn:

so before we get all up in KJ business because your own lives are so boring, remember this story. Sounds like the same situation KJ is hanging in the same vehicle and witnessed this but didn't want to dime out his friends.

so according to you, it doesn’t “deserve” to be talked about.. yet here you are, talking about it.
You know the pro scouts and security around the league do their jobs well. Joseph has first round talent but the knock on him is he hung around the wrong crowd. Maybe it’s just me, if I was drafted by the Cowboys and had his talent, I would literally start my life over. I would eliminate all those fools including family. He has 100 million dollar cornerback talent. What a waste.

Agreed. Even if Joseph wasn’t the instigator or the shooter. He needs to use this situation to smarten up and re-assess who he hangs around with.

I had friends from younger days that went down bad paths. I recognized it and didn’t follow them down that path. Many of us are faced with these decisions.

You have to make smart choices. Joseph needs to make smart choices also.
Ohhhhhh...ok I get it. So that's why you directed me to a Pac Man Jones article? You thought I was referencing Pac Man Jones.....Kelvin Joseph...Pac Man Jones...I can see the similarities in name.

Man, a poster was listing some other players who ran into troubles. At one point it got to Joseph Randle. Someone posted that he wasn't a criminal and someone posted a pacman link. I have no idea how or why folks go that confused and made the link to pacman. But its clear people were posting comments about one person in response to comments about another player.

Just forget about all that it was a cluster discussion.

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