Let me drop some facts on in case you're wondering Prescott is 9 and four against the eagles in his career, the Dallas Cowboys have never been swept when Prescott has been the quarterback by this eagles team who just swept Cooper rush I just want to remind you guys of that just in case you're wondering also I don't think the cow has ever been blown out by the eagles when Prescott starts but I'd have to go look that up and I don't feel like it and also when Prescott starts against this NFC East, and lastly hes like 33-8...
I think I need to remind folks and I don't care about the money or the two contracts the reality is Cooper rush is a career backup for a reason and the little bursts he has for two or three games in the middle of the season is what a decent backup should look like when you watch the eagles 2 backups just absolutely throw Dimes to their talent you might wanna check the reality book and stop talking about how hard our team seems to play for Cooper rush versus Prescott but how does Prescott have all that information about all the records I mean I think washington's only beat him once I mean literally it's clear that at least for the most part during the regular season Prescott dominating NFC East he dominates most regular season games he plays against most teams our team lets him down more than he lets our team down and if this gets erased I'm copying it I'm just gonna keep posting it because I think it needs to be said there's a thread that says Cooper rush has the team the team plays harder for him that somehow they forget how good Prescott really is like they say Prescott has too many turnovers and yet he's top five all time and touchdown interception ratio the man's career has great and yet the small thing like the team not playing well in big games and in the playoffs somehow get dumped on him but let's stop acting like Cooper rush is anywhere near the talent that Prescott is because we forget and we just somehow allow ourselves to be a bad fan base when we're dumping all over our starting quarterback...
At the very least he wins games like today he does not get dominated by the NFC East teams he wins these games he wins them typically in dominating fashion I just wanna remind you of these facts just in case you needed to know..