Dallas Cowboys Defense gets embarassed what went wrong? (Film Study)

America's Cowboy

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You need Jerry to change to fix this. He needs a new Coach/GM that will pull the trigger on players as needed. Someone like Jimmy. You need a player like Irvin who'll hand the new coach a list of players who are just there to collect a paycheck and the ones that are there to actually play and then the new coach has to get rid of the ones just there to get paid. When a pay-seeker gets lazy, cut him. Let the players know the free ride is over.

But Jerry will never allow this because it would take "credit" from him if the Cowboys succeed.
You nailed it brother! :hammer:


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Lack of effort and motivation has been one of the problems with the Cowboys. The commitment to excellence is just not there. The team and defense couldn’t even get up for a playoff game last year. Every time the Joneses and coaches are asked about the effort they always say they don’t see a problem with it. They’re certainly not going to admit there’s a lack of effort. It would make them look bad because it would be a reflection of the ownership and the coaching. The players need to be held more accountable. The team has been embarrassed in several games over the past few years and nothing ever changes. It only took until week two for us to lay our first egg and it was our home opener. Despite the fans frustration with the team the stadium will likely be packed on Sunday because Jackson puts a lot of butts in the seats.


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Owners and coaches don't dictate effort...the players dictate effort....for themselves and their teammates. Coaches need to coach and not be cheerleaders and, I doubt the players are thinking about Jerry during the game. Bad games happen, let's see if they man up.
A coach taking up for coaches. Lol I know I know, hermano, it's a tight knit brotherhood. I think Jimmy Johnson might disagree with you. He put his major in psychology to good use here. It's a shame that multimillionaires need motivation, but some do.

Speaking of Jimmy. We all know that Jimmy made an example out of Curvin "Swervin" Richards after the last game of the 1992 season. Who would you make an example out of if this team comes out flat again?

America's Cowboy

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Check out this defensive "lack of effort" play. Yes, the video is focused on DT Mazi Smith (who was double teamed), but check out All World talent Micah Parsons coming free off the edge while facing a way smaller Saints RB. What kind of effort was that from Micah?



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Agreed. Don't know what size shoe Zimmer wear but they should of been up a lot of buttholes after that game. I can see having bad plays here and there. But to get paid millions and not show up to play???? UNEXCEPTABLE!!!!!


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Tank gets a lot of flak from the fans but he’s been a solid player here. I just had hoped he would inspire other guys to play hard. Maybe he’s tried who knows, but there is a serious disconnect with these players the team is drafting.
Tank is a very good player who is being overwhelmed due to the extreme lack of talent and especially run stopping ability. It's incredibly easy to scheme around one guy.


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I saw some players trying but most were not.

This team gets easily discouraged which is a huge weakness
BS. They were trying, they're just not good enough. Might make it look like they're not trying.


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:hammer:.....I honestly blame Zimmer though....look @ how we are catching blocks on every play.....We could be more aggressive in filling lanes....and blitzing. That's scheme....soft zone defense that is just passive...asking to give up easy yards.
I guess you're not aware that one of the desirable traits in a player is the ability to get off of blocks.

No reason to keep trying to explain away what is most obviously a simple lack of talent. No one can coach slugs to be elephants.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The game film vs the Saints does not lie. Micah Parsons even said the problem was not Coach Zimmer or the playcalling. It was the players. Watch...

Totally inexcusable to slack and not play full speed. This defense played the exact way in the playoff blowout loss to the Packers this past January.

What needs to be done to the players to fix this?

That analysis is terrible.

He blames Diggs on thar last play of the video...The ball carrier got about 2 yards after contact with Diggs but somehow Diggs is to blame for the runner going untouched the first 10 yards...


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The game film vs the Saints does not lie. Micah Parsons even said the problem was not Coach Zimmer or the playcalling. It was the players. Watch...

Totally inexcusable to slack and not play full speed. This defense played the exact way in the playoff blowout loss to the Packers this past January.

What needs to be done to the players to fix this?

Welll, they just “benched” #98 who is awful. Zimmer needs to instill the fear of God in them but Jerry might not like that. We all know where the problem lies with this organization. Their family needs to do an intervention and get him to retire. Father time always wins.


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Jerry’s position as GM owner and public relations chief undermines the head coach and disrupts the power dynamics throughout the team.

Pretty sure we all realize this.


Well-Known Member
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Welll, they just “benched” #98 who is awful. Zimmer needs to instill the fear of God in them but Jerry might not like that. We all know where the problem lies with this organization. Their family needs to do an intervention and get him to retire. Father time always wins.
No, Zimmer needs to instill talent in the DT's, which means we need different ones. JAG's do not work at DT.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Welll, they just “benched” #98 who is awful. Zimmer needs to instill the fear of God in them but Jerry might not like that. We all know where the problem lies with this organization. Their family needs to do an intervention and get him to retire. Father time always wins.
Thirty-one other teams, bro.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
if you ask anybody, and I mean, anybody, how do you win games in the NFL
. most will say you have to be able to stop the run , and run the football.
A few will say you have to have a great quarterback.
I say if you don’t have strong offense defensive lines you’re not winning anything ever. It all starts in the pits.
Defense is never going to do anything without solid defense tackle rotation
. But Jerry wants the sack , he gets off on it. He thinks it’s sexy. I can’t stand him.
all the smart people will say to have to have a good to great QB
I don't disagree with you on the lines - just saying you are underplaying how many will say QB


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See overshown get washed out of the play so easily......that's why he's not in the base packages. He can't shed blocks.....But he's an all pro already apparently and Zim doesn't know what he's doing by keeping him on the bench....


Well-Known Member
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The game film vs the Saints does not lie. Micah Parsons even said the problem was not Coach Zimmer or the playcalling. It was the players. Watch...

Totally inexcusable to slack and not play full speed. This defense played the exact way in the playoff blowout loss to the Packers this past January.

What needs to be done to the players to fix this?

Good stuff.