Scott David was in law school.
He posted for a while here back when we were a very small site. He left because he had a post that was a mock religious comedic offering deleted.
Extremely talented guy but he could never stick to a subject.
I'd love to read a novel he produces but my guess is it would be a serious Fear and Loathing type deal. His mind runs rampant.
He was in law school at SMU at that time(actually may have just graduated, its been a couple of years).
This site has had a max influx of DMN forumers at least 5 times.
My guess is 30% of the site came from there at some point.
I posted maybe 20 times at DMN. It was hardly ever possible to find intelligent football discussion without wading through 20 trash posts.
Mr Bill, TNT, BAT21, Mash, Randy White, Oiler Fan and others have posted other places before DMN. Once you get used to the ability to share a passion like Cowboys football it is very addictive.