Dallas should trade for...insert QB name...

stilltheguru said:
schaub has only played in the west coast offense.College and now pros.

Dallas doesnt run that offense.

question: did atlanta play westcoast last year? I'm not to sure, but i think so... But i do remember that he played good when he played last year. I think his skill as a quarterback is good enough to play in any offensive scheme.
If Henson is doing poorly and these guys have a pulse then why would they want to trade a future starter for someone who has done nothing but mostly play baseball for several years, didn't do much in college, is currently hurt and not doing well.

I suppose if you mean cut Henson and bring in a backup you have to look at that thru Parcells eyes. He has an unknown doing reasonably well in Romo. So there is your backup or number three. If I were Parcells I would want to bring someone in here who has actually started or at least played as a backup well enough to play a few games for me.

That narrows it down somewhat and kicks the price up significantly. Otherwise best hang onto Henson and hope your gamble works out. And why would you cut a third round pick with a reasonable amount of money tied up when he's hurt. The man has a hurt throwing hand and seems to at least marginally be getting better. That says his hand may be getting better and maybe you should finish your evaluation. You can't cut a QB who is not throwing well when his throwing hand is hurt. Good Grief.
We should clone Troy Aikman.We should kidnap Brett Farves firstborn son.We should breed Ron Mexico with Jackie Joyner kersey.We should........ah what the hell it's no use we're stuck with 2 Drew's,a Romo and the ghost of Quincy past....we suck....a fool's mind really is at the mercy of his tongue.
we dont neccessarily have to trade henson for him.But i want that kid in dallas.period
stilltheguru said:
we dont neccessarily have to trade henson for him.But i want that kid in dallas.period

Personally, I think we should keep a minimum of 6 or 7 QB's on our roster ...

ndanger said:
We should clone Troy Aikman.We should kidnap Brett Farves firstborn son.We should breed Ron Mexico with Jackie Joyner kersey.We should........ah what the hell it's no use we're stuck with 2 Drew's,a Romo and the ghost of Quincy past....we suck....a fool's mind really is at the mercy of his tongue.

lol.....that was actually funny
You guys need to lay off the madden football.This is real here ,you just can't go,hey let's trade for Joe the next big thing @ quarterback,and then debate the merits of such idiotic idea. :mad:
Matt Schuab in the regular season.1 td 4 ints.

What games was he going off in?
Banned_n_austin said:
Serious question BZ: Would you make a straight trade for Josh McCown or Chris Simms?

why would we want either of them?

Banned_n_austin said:
I'd like to trade Henson too, but for someone like Josh McCown or Chris Simms ...

both those guys have ZERO potential to be quality NFL starters

stilltheguru said:
I tried to tell people last year he was gonna be sick.Trade Hensons sorry butt out of town for seneca NOW!

lol...seneca wallace...



da_whiz_kid said:
lol.....that was actually funny
Thank you .Humor is the best medicine for shear,spine tingling,head throbbing, frustration over some peoples inability to see the ridiculasness(is that a word?) of their thought processes or lack thereof. :bang2:
stilltheguru said:
I dont recall a good game from henson by any means.

not surprising from someone who thinks seneca wallace is "the answer"

but as a reminder, Henson did have a good preseason last yr

dbair1967 said:
why would we want either of them?


Josh McCown has game playing experience and I think he's a decent QB ... Chris Simms has the potential to be just like Bledsoe was in his prime ... or even his father Phil Simms ... not to mention that Parcells would probably love to work with Simms ... now, you can say he has pedigree and not be talking out of your arse - because he does ... in every sense of the word ...

This is something I've thought about in the past ... but recenly thought about it because a poster "noshame" brought it up on another board as a hypothetical situation ... but remember the key word is "hypothetical" ... I'll even spell it real slow if you'd like ... no reason to get your panties in a bunch over it though ... this does not mean you can't still be the Henson in 2005 chairman ...
Banned_n_austin said:
Any takers on Josh McCown or Chris Simms?

Going once ....


Twice ...


Three times a lady ?

gone...both are mediocre talents


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