Game Day ***Dallas vs Washington 1st half game thread***

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LOL another 3 and out.

You can't make this up. You couldn't have predicted a worse start if you tried.
If he played every game this year, he would be in danger of tying jameis Winston for the most ints ever in one season.
Put your tarot cards away. No way to know that. Had receivers caught about half the passes, he would only have 3 or 4
This game means zero to Dallas as far as playoff seeding goes, but if the 49ers somehow lose to the Cards (lead 14-13) that could cost them a 2nd round home field if they play the Vikings.
Kellen Moron playing Madden again. Let's build a rhythm getting this offense going instead of trying to get a quick score.
Serious question:

If Dak does leave when his contract is up, what does the rest of his career look like?
He will go to a team like Houston and be awful, fas away into obscurity.
Hes not a leader, not cerebral and selfish
Ugly start for the offense. Yuck.
Don’t look like they’re ready to play. I think they got word the eagles are winning….
Serious question:

If Dak does leave when his contract is up, what does the rest of his career look like?
He might be ok on a team with a good O-line and running game but he will be with us for at least another 2 years.
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