dallas/washington 1999 8:00 central *Merge*

even after all these years it's still pisses me off to see the skins score on us :banghead:
Didn't Rocket also catch a bomb from Quincy to beat the Skins? Dude is a Skins killer.
lane;1770160 said:
love seeing darren woodson out there!
Isn't that the truth! I love Roy, but he's not even close to Woody.

Also, I like those blue uni's better. Kind of nice seeing some of the '90's team again: Troy, Emmitt, Michael, Woody, Allen, Step, Hennings, etc. The first 5 I mentioned should be HOFers. Only one I see having trouble getting in is Woody.
Ellis just made a big play. He's quietly had a very solid career.
"He'll score and the Cowboys will win."

I think it's something like that.
how funny is it in 1999 Dallas is facing Brad Johnson and in 2007 he's Dallas' backup...seems like Brad has been in the league for centuries lol
I'm looking at this game like it's just that regular replay thing that they play and use to them cutting through games. I wish the NFL Network play more classics like this.
That was a heck of a catch by Connell. Man they dominated that quarter lol.
The announcers are so stupid for thinking that was a shanked kick and not intentionally on-sides.
And Moose recovers his own fumble right before overtime. Or was it during OT? Can't remember.

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