Damnit, I Don't Care Who It Upsets, I'm Happy


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I was bummed that the TE went back and signed with Chicago but that was on him and not the Cowboys.

I do not like nor dislike Bernadeau (sp?) signing as I see him as depth.

I don't really like the Poole signing as I think he is a concussion away from IR and he has an established history of concussions. However I will say that the FA Safety class this year sucks and none of the FA Safeties excited me.

But I do like the other moves thus far with Carr, Connor, Vickers and Orton.

So all in all I am pleased.


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Flinger;4462216 said:
Agree, but how differential are they? Younger? Yes. But, Vicker and Pool seem to be a push. Same with Bernadeau. Maybe, even a bit lesser than Holland. The others appear to be clear upgrades. Still, overall, pretty good.

I guess I am in the same boat. Carr is an upgrade -- however, the rest just seem like reshuffling of the depth to me... improved depth but none of these guys seem like dramatically better players the guys they are replacing (again except Carr).


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I am on board. I really like the VIckers pick. As good as Fiametta did last year, I really feel that his success was just the packages he was in. We have not been very Full Back centric for a few years... suddenly we get a true FB & our running game explodes. I felt like Fiametta was a JAG that looked great because our Run game was more successful in FB formations. I feel that Vickers is more than a JAG & will shine.

Carr - Very happy with the Carr signing. He was our best option for a FA CB, and we pounced on it. This will allow Scandrick to play the slot (whre I think he played much better) and give us an upgrade over Newman.

Connor - signing is actually huge to me. He is an instinctive guy who should provide an instant upgrade to our run defense. He will allow for a nice inside rotation based on formation. This is the kind of player we have been missing - a role player who is a student of the game (and young). Scrappy guy.

Bernadeau - don't know enough about him, but he is an experienced OG... something we don't have a lot of if Kosier leaves.

Orton - Could start for about 10 teams. To me, that makes him the perfect backup. I am not sure how we pulled it off with him. He knows he is not "the guy" in Dallas, and he has apparently accepted that. What a great luxury to have.

Pool - I am a fan. Better ball-hawk than Elam. People keep pointing to him getting trucked against NYG, but really... who in this league hasn't been caught off balance & been the butt end of a highlight reel for someone else? He played much better with the Browns than the Jets... Maybe Rob knows how to use him better.


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Risen Star;4462192 said:
So start a thread a week or so ago and talk about how the OL should be the total focus this offseason.

Now you give us this.

That Mackenzy Bernadeau must be some kind of player.

Dude I know, because the NFL canceled the draft and free agency ends tonight at midnight.



Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Hostile;4462183 said:
I like the way it is looking like the Draft will shape up for this team. I like the improvements. Just do the balance scales here.

Orton...McGee (He would likely be the backup)
Connor...Brooking or James
Bernadeau...Dockery or Holland

It is a youth movement. It adds solid players. It doesn't look like we are quite done yet if you listen to Stephen Jones.

I'm not upset by what's been done, but I don't think it's been a fabulous offseason yet.

We needed to address the secondary and did with Carr and Pool. So everyone should be happy about that.

We also needed other help on defense in the front seven and added Connor. That's a good step, but more needs to be done considering this defense's propensity for collapses. A pressure player has to be added at some point.

We couldn't re-sign Fiametta on our terms, so we turned to Vickers. I think we came out better in the exchange. So we should be happy about that.

We needed to have insurance in case Romo got hurt, and we got that in Orton. So everyone should be satisfied by that.

The interior of the offensive line really needed addressing and our only move there was to get a player maybe we hope can be another Kyle Kosier. That's far from being enough. Adding Livings won't change that.

We lost a great contributor to the offense in Robinson, and if the plan is to replace him in-house, I'm not sure why anyone would be happy with that.

So while we've done several good things, there is plenty left to do if we want this team to be able to surpass the Giants, Packers, etc.

I'm not knocking the moves, but I just can't say I'm satisifed that they've gotten us where we need to go. Until we address the trenches and find a third receiver, there is work to be done. (Granted, some of that work will be done in the draft.)


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BrAinPaiNt;4462235 said:
I was bummed that the TE went back and signed with Chicago but that was on him and not the Cowboys.

I do not like nor dislike Bernadeau (sp?) signing as I see him as depth.

I don't really like the Poole signing as I think he is a concussion away from IR and he has an established history of concussions. However I will say that the FA Safety class this year sucks and none of the FA Safeties excited me.

But I do like the other moves thus far with Carr, Connor, Vickers and Orton.

So all in all I am pleased.

Yeah can't say I'm thrilled about Poole at all, he is better than Elam but that ain't saying much.

I still hope we draft a safety, even with the class being thin, cause we need alot of help there.


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casmith07;4462248 said:
Dude I know, because the NFL canceled the draft and free agency ends tonight at midnight.


Absolutely amazing, isn't it? It just never stops...


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I love the moves so far. there were certain things we had to do not sexy things but needed. Back up qb Orton was my number 1 hope. didnt see him doing itbut he did. We needed atleast 1 islb. james and brooking are done and carter has barley played. Connor was a great fit. We finally got a real fullback in fiametta and turned around and upgraded with vickers. love it. Newman HAD to be replaced, Carr is a up and comer , scrappy nice fit at cb. Never heard of bernadeau ok with it. Poole was solid, a upgrade over elam. signed to a short deal so we arent stuck if he doesnt work out.

The thing is this is a really good draft for interior olineman. we can get good ones into the 3rd. DeCastro is a no brianer and probably will be our first pick. the other focus from jerry is pass rushers whick we havent got yet. One more position that HAS to be adressed is center. Jerry and company said Konz is the only day one start and talked about missing out on unger a few years ago atleast three times this year. the boys probably will move on konz. imo decastro/Konz may torc allot of peoples jaws but id do jig if we pull that off


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Qualify "fabulous off season"

I think the moves we are making are taking this team in the direction it needs to go. Did you think that we would go out and sign every free agent?

With the free agents available to us, I couldn't be happier with our signings. Remember, we still have a draft coming up. I think they have done all they could to address the needs that they had with the cap room available.

I am quite pleased.:D


Injured Reserve
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I'm beyond happy...I'm giddy...

I love the youth movement. The guys we are bringing in are either in their prime or approaching it. No more guys looking for their final payday before they ride off into the sunset with Jerry's money. Plus we are addressing our need areas so that we don't have to reach in the draft and can truly take BPA. Fans have been begging for this for years, and we are finally in position to do so.

And I said I wouldn't drink the kool-aid...

Too late. It's good.


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I want the youth movement to keep going, I want Kendal Langford, so we can say BYE BYE to coleman.


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Risen Star;4462192 said:
So start a thread a week or so ago and talk about how the OL should be the total focus this offseason.

Now you give us this.

That Mackenzy Bernadeau must be some kind of player.

We're two days into free agency and there's still the draft.

Is you hating everything a shtick or are you actually this impossible to please?


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I agree, we are already better with more FA To come and the draft with post draft FA as well. :)


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I want Decastro in the first round and Brandon Thompson in the second round. Those two guys would complement our offseason FA signings well.


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BrAinPaiNt;4462235 said:
I was bummed that the TE went back and signed with Chicago but that was on him and not the Cowboys.

I do not like nor dislike Bernadeau (sp?) signing as I see him as depth.

I don't really like the Poole signing as I think he is a concussion away from IR and he has an established history of concussions. However I will say that the FA Safety class this year sucks and none of the FA Safeties excited me.

But I do like the other moves thus far with Carr, Connor, Vickers and Orton.

So all in all I am pleased.
That's about how I feel about it.

Sitting Bull

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I'm happy because we got younger AND better, which is a novel concept for our team in FA. Carr is an ideal replacement for Newman and people on this board have targeted Orton, Vickers and Pool- by name- in years' past.

The others add depth and competition and ensure flexibility in the draft. I'd say "what's not to like" but hundreds of people seem to have no problem answering that question. I'm happy with the haul.


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Risen Star;4462192 said:
So start a thread a week or so ago and talk about how the OL should be the total focus this offseason.

Now you give us this.

That Mackenzy Bernadeau must be some kind of player.

I guess cause it's not the way you want it that it means Dallas can't still go after one of the centers out there in FA?

I guess they also can't go O-line and D-line in the draft to help those positions? I didn't realise that Dallas was no obligated to do absolutely nothing else.

Talk about complete over reaction. Should have been expected I guess cause someone dared to be excited about anything.

As a side note, as much as it will bug you that someone else is happy, I'm quite pleased with the moves made thus far. I'm looking forward to the remainder of FA and the draft.


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I'm happy.....but I didnt expect much.....

We were not getting 2 top FA's

We signed one of the better corners available ....that's a plus

We filled needs at FB and Safety (even tho it's for 1 yr)

We picked up some younger depth on the OL and inside Linebacker

I don't know what some expected......

Free agency is still goin and we in good position in the draft BPA