Question. How is 23 points a sucky Defense ? If Dallas played it's worst defensive game of the year (Micah's done and been exposed, DQ is a fraud, whah whah blah blah bligedy blah blah) Yet they held the Texans to 23 points
and We won the game , with us gifting them 3 turnovers so that's 3 short fields but they only scored 23 , how is the defense trash? Do some of you just type or do you read before you send ? Personally I'D be embarrassed to let people know
I'm this much of a drama queen, I would have to just shut up and fake it. I mean defense sucks , Micah, DQ ? I'm so relieved that NOBODY reads the trash posted on here, I mean I get the Dak post, that's just knuckle dragging, I get it .
But the defense? Stephen A is right, The most nauseating fanbase in the world. Bar None. Sad point is we get represented by these idiots