Sorry as much as I love Daredevil the marvel superhero much as I adored the Netflix DD version.....but thus far this Disney version of DD is
Horrible !
- This is exactly what I feared if Disney took over the Dardevil series ..deeply watered down, and deeply disappointing
- It is so boring and sloooow ...has very, very little fighting action in it,.. and is more of a CSI -like soap opera, with practically zero superhero action ..
- It's slinging conversation spots of WIlson Fisk and Matt Murdock, .
.( spoiler Alert) it's spent almost a whole hour on a homeless guy whose crime was only shoplifting some caramel candy,...
we see nothing of the White Tiger's fighting prowess besides a 1 second video survellance,..
Even the entrance of the Punisher meeting Murdock was whacked ! ...
- If it were Netflix, that meet up again scene between the two would have been an all out fly-kicking brawl between the two..
.The only part that was of interest was the opening scene of the series vs Bullseye..
If you're gonna put up a Marvel Action- Superhero series, and a very popular one at that - Go ahead Put up and fully display the super action on Full display ..
but nope ,,, here's come the dragging diaolgue chatter.. here comes the marriage therapy,... no Dardevil suit .. no dardevil scarf ... no Wilson Fisk action,. no White tiger action
just his alter ego in a " Subway wrestling match " ..
I'm trying to stay with it after 3 or 4 episodes, ..but its really boring the heck outta me. I'm already convinced it's not gonna be anywhere near what Netflix made of it.
In fact it's gonna be just the utter opposite, .. flat, disappointing and a waste of time by Disney. ..and another example of Disney's hands on failure.