Darren Howard Obsessed

Outlaw Heroes said:

I can't believe how thoroughly you allow yourself to be OWNED. Doubtless "the mods" (one can only speculate on the responsible individual, though I think I have an inkling) are having a field day snickering at the all too predictable hissy fit you're throwing at having your label tinkered with. The irony is that nobody else would have noticed had you not drawn attention to it. Which makes you an unwitting accomplice in your own hazing. And that, oh indignant one, is the very definition of being OWNED.

LOL! How was I owned? Howard trade was scoffed at day 1 by me! out
Come on guys. Go easy on Nors.

Yesterday he was jumping out of window over the prospect his beloved 3-4 had been derailed.

Today he sees Ty agree to , if not sign yet, a long term contract with the Jets.

It's been a killer weekend for him.

Only thing could top it off is Bill proclaims Dre first team center tomorrow.

Have a heart, guys.

Nors said:
Out - hope this joke was fun for ya'll mods that alter my avatar description..... Dead *** wrong and avoiding reality. Later

Henson imploding and Howard trade no go, 4-4? eh? hows that looking?


No!! Don't go. This is so much fun. I'm dying to hear your reaction to "I am Lawless, hear me roar." The Mods really outdid themselves on that one, IMO. Though, given your reaction to "Darren Howard Obsessed", I'd be more inclined to describe your response as screeching, rather than roaring.
Nors said:
LOL! How was I owned? Howard trade was scoffed at day 1 by me! out

Let's see...

Who started the thread calling attention to it?

Was anyone else making comments?


You start a big fuss over nothing. They pulled your string and you came right in on cue.

That is what he meant by owned, and it was 100% spot on.:lmao2:
Total BS - Mods playing with stuff.

Whoever started the Howard obsession was dead *** wrong. Later and someone is abusing power tonight to bust my balls.

My guess is their QB is tanking - Out- regards to all
Nors said:

Oh crap. I think he means it this time. I know, I know, he's threatened (promised?) twice before, but this time he sounds "dead ***" serious. Mods, I think a new label is called for. Short of that, I'm not sure what will bring him back (for at least the next ten minutes) and I can't bear to see this party end.
Fletch said:
Well that ESPN guy that I talked to in the bar was spot on as well. I got a lot of grief from people in here. But he said that the Howard talk was a smoke screen and that the Cowboys had pegged their guy(s) in the draft. Ware and Spears anyone? I feel a bit vindicated myself.

Brilliant !!

Nors said:
Out - hope this joke was fun for ya'll mods that alter my avatar description..... Dead *** wrong and avoiding reality. Later

Henson imploding and Howard trade no go, 4-4? eh? hows that looking?


It would seem any true fan would just be happy to see the season start and be hoping everyone on this team does well. This is the most exciting time of the year just before the season starts!

However, you and others seems more obsessed with hoping guys fail (i.e. Henson). What does a team gain by having someone on the roster play like crap? Even BP would call that BS rediculous.

Be a real fan and root for the team and not against players you don't like eh?
I know this is off the current subject of this thread, but I've been meaning to ask you a question.

When and why did you jump on the Bledsoe bandwagon? I remember when he was first mentioned as a possibility as our QB back in the early off-season you made fun of him as the human statue! Now, you constantly praise him and slam Henson every chance you get. What made you become a Bledsoe fan?
Nors said:
Darren Howard Obsessed

Mods of late made that my new avatar label.

Cute - Those pro Howard trade and 4-3 predictions should have "jackass" as theirs!

Again - 100% spot on. Howard still a Saint ;)
I just told my wife to check and make sure my shotgun was unloaded.

Just in case I can't take any of this any more. :bang2:
Nors said:
Thanks - I'm totally vindicated. Yes we have tremendous 3-4 Depth at DE. We did not do Howard trade! I called all this well before draft.......

Mods get giddy playing with the avatars - But silly - I was dead on Howard right! He aint here......Obsessed are those dead *** wrong - go to Hos's "stickied" Howard thread.You can see the usual suspects!
Why do you keep bringing up dead subjects. Are you so self absorbed that you need to thump your chest every time your right or is it your wrong so often that you need ever bit of self gratification you can get the few times your right and let everyone know your right for a change?

For the 4.5 months I've been on this board I've never seen anyone thump there own chest as much as you when they are right, and there where many people on here who where against the Howard trade (not me I was for it and I admit it) but do you see all them thumping their chest or patting themselves on the back?NO only you I think its because you are right very rarely that you have to let everyone know. I bet you go to work and tell your co-workers everytime your right and if you do I don't know how they put up with you.
As a Dallas Cowboy fan, how can you not root for Bledsoe? I don't like him, didn't like the signing, but I'm praying to whatever God will listen that he has the best season of his career.
CaptainAmerica said:
I know this is off the current subject of this thread, but I've been meaning to ask you a question.

When and why did you jump on the Bledsoe bandwagon? I remember when he was first mentioned as a possibility as our QB back in the early off-season you made fun of him as the human statue! Now, you constantly praise him and slam Henson every chance you get. What made you become a Bledsoe fan?

I was a Bledsoe fan well before I JOINED THIS BOARD 2 YEARS AGO..........

I was calling for him all along - especially month leading up to draft. That statue comment was a joke. All regulars here know where I stand on Bledsoe and our #2 Romo. Henson is what he is. An inexperienced project.
jksmith269 said:
Why do you keep bringing up dead subjects. Are you so self absorbed that you need to thump your chest every time your right or is it your wrong so often that you need ever bit of self gratification you can get the few times your right and let everyone know your right for a change?

For the 4.5 months I've been on this board I've never seen anyone thump there own chest as much as you when they are right, and there where many people on here who where against the Howard trade (not me I was for it and I admit it) but do you see all them thumping their chest or patting themselves on the back?NO only you I think its because you are right very rarely that you have to let everyone know. I bet you go to work and tell your co-workers everytime your right and if you do I don't know how they put up with you.

Mods brought it up - they changed my avatar description. Since YOU asked.

I'm not going to let the bastids run me off. Inmates running the asylum. Guess you just have to act like them.

Put me on ignore If you don't want to read my posts. But you are readoing all of it and replyuing. Who's worse for that - lol

Mornin Mikey - long season ahead for your Bills.
Nors said:
I was a Bledsoe fan well before I JOINED THIS BOARD 2 YEARS AGO..........

I was calling for him all along - especially month leading up to draft. That statue comment was a joke. All regulars here know where I stand on Bledsoe and our #2 Romo. Henson is what he is. An inexperienced project.
I can testify to that..that Nors worships at Bledsoe's altar and any 'statue' references had to be the ones he's praying to.

I have suspected for a LONG time that Nors is in reality 'DrewBoy11', a notorious southern New England sports radio caller, who was reputed to have jumped out a three STORY window when Drew was packed off to Buffalo.
Nors said:
Mods brought it up - they changed my avatar description. Since YOU asked.

I'm not going to let the bastids run me off. Inmates running the asylum. Guess you just have to act like them.

Put me on ignore If you don't want to read my posts. But you are readoing all of it and replyuing. Who's worse for that - lol

Mornin Mikey - long season ahead for your Bills.

:rolleyes: Eyes rolling faster than a Torrin Tucker spin around. :rolleyes:

No one's trying to "run you off", Nors.

No one ever knows when your mood swing has gone Underwood...the same "banter" you play along with one day, takes on paranoid undertones the next.

They won't say, but you know it.

We love you.

Just don't ask why. :D
adbutcher said:
What did I miss and why is Nors crying? :)
Oh, the admin was busting his chops last night and "messing" with his avatar script.

First, "Darren Howard obsessed" and then "I am Lawless , hear me roar".

Nors threw a hissy fit.

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