DAVID MARTINDALE--Brady 'best big-game' QB in history

Billy Bullocks said:
New England also benefited from a very weak AFC East this year to help them get in the playoffs, though they got hot at the right time. Jets, Bills, and even Miami arent that great. Always easier to make the playoffs when 2/3 teams in your division provide you with cakewalk games

During Montana's run with the 9ers the NFC West was the closest thing to a "cake walk" the NFL has ever seen. The Rams, Saints, and Falcons struck fear in the hearts of NOBODY in the 80's. Montana fans should steer clear the weak division excuse when jumping on Barry Manilow junior's jock.
As much as I hate to admitt this (Lord forgive me) but Joe Montana was the best Big Game QB ever. The guy time and time again did it so smoothly you hated him from a Cowboys fan point of view but from a pure football enthusiast point of view it was a great thing to watch.
Who would you rather have: a Hall of Fame-caliber quarterback or a genius coach? I don't want to dismiss anything a coach does. But I don't care how good a trainer or how good a jockey you have: You can't win the Kentucky Derby on a mule.

This is very funny coming from a guy who looks like a horse but its also very true. :laugh2:

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