David Moore Lowdown on Dez

If I was worth millions to my employer and there were 29 other large companies willing to give me the chance - I'm sure they'd be pretty fine with it. There's a reason Dez can get away with more than the parking lot staff.
Value has nothing to do with it being a big deal or not. It may influence what an employer is willing to put up with, but it wouldn't make it any less of a big deal.
To the people who don't think this is a big deal (whether true or not), how do you think your employer would react if you no-showed for a couple of days? My guess is they'd likely be your former employer.
Not if we had a salary cap to think about.
Tell you what. The club should have franchised his *** and if the team did'nt win in 2 years (now) let this overpaid, overhyped turkey walk (fly). The club gave him way too much money and he will never earn it. He has always been deeply flawed.

If he's the difference bewteen a playoff run and another sitting home, he'll earn it. It's been one bad season with an injury and awful QB play. It's just too early to make any conclusive statements about the contract. Now, that IF this isn't a true, significant distraction to the team. I kind of doubt it, but wouldn't be surprised either way.
I don't consider Dez an elite WR, for the record.
He is only elite after he catches the ball. The rest of his game is very average. He runs about 3 basis routes in slow motion and is too easy to distract and defend. His only advantage is as a jump ball specialist in the redzone. Highly overrated and overpaid.
Wrong. It is or should be a big deal when the owner and head coach basically lied to cover up his immaturity all week. A winning NFL team shouldn't have time for this.

It is an unnecessary distraction.
Agreed. There's a time to be discreet, keep things in house, and not embarrass the player. But there are other times where the guy needs to be called out for all the world to see, so he has no doubt as to what's acceptable. This is just complete jack-a$sery.
Probably didn't want the results of the MRI and saying he's gonna be out. Hopefully.... lol
Value has nothing to do with it being a big deal or not. It may influence what an employer is willing to put up with, but it wouldn't make it any less of a big deal.

Big deal is relative. If we win a Super Bowl this year and Dez makes the winning catch, this will not have been a big deal. If we miss the playoffs and there are locker room issues, maybe it will have been.
Not really wrong. This is the kind of thing that guys like you love to bellyache about, but at the end of the day, the fact that Dez didn't show for and MRI, got fined for it, and ended up missing a meeting amounts to him missing a meeting in the lead up to SF. A distraction, ok, but a minor one.

In two weeks, nobody will remember it. And if anybody asked the players about it now, they're not going to care. Dez comes with some personality issues, period. The team knew that when they signed him and they signed him anyway. Episodes like this are going to happen his entire career and, when they're said and done, they're not going to amount to anything but a bunch of hot hair on a Wednesday afternoon.
I've never heard the colloquialism "Hot hair on a Wednesday afternoon" before, but I'm gonn have to start using it... Once I can figure out exactly what it means. ;)
He is only elite after he catches the ball. The rest of his game is very average. He runs about 3 basis routes in slow motion and is too easy to distract and defend. His only advantage is as a jump ball specialist in the redzone. Highly overrated and overpaid.
I'm not sure if I'd still consider him elite or not, but I sure as heck wouldn't have him in my top 10 WR list currently.
To the people who don't think this is a big deal (whether true or not), how do you think your employer would react if you no-showed for a couple of days? My guess is they'd likely be your former employer.

He missed a meeting Tuesday, if you're good at your job no one is firing you for missing a meeting.
I don't consider Dez an elite WR, for the record.

Really, Idgit? That statement coming from you is very surprising. Is this due to his recurring/nagging injuries, or a percieived lack of route running abilities and actual gameplay (lack of game IQ)?

Isn't his endzone presence and ability to beat double and triple teams enough to consider him elite? Do you not have him in at least the top ten in the league?

Genuinely surprised to see you have that take, :(
No, that is just your simplistic view.

A lot of people have given Bryant the benefit of the doubt and have either stood by him, or even revised their opinion of him, over the years.

But he has proven he is not a true professional.

He is no Michael Irvin. He has proven that, no matter how much Jones likes to pretend otherwise.

He is just another diva WR. Hot. Cold. Distraction. And ultimately probably not worth it in the long run.
I agree he isn't Michael Irvin. Irvin had better coaches that knew what he was good at and used him this way. I'm glad he isn't Irvin and won't stab another player on the team, won't spend his career on drugs, won't get caught with prostitutes, won't throw trash cans across the locker room.

These threads today show how simplistic some fans really are. The guy plays with a broken bone a few days ago and now you have a bunch of people tearing into him. I've read today how Dez can't catch, is Classless, Stupid, immature, unreliable, overrated, can't learn the offense, a distraction, not worth the headache, selfish, lazy, (and more).

And this is coming from "fans" because he didn't feel he was injured and waited a day to have an MRI...

It's not my views that are simplistic.
His best days are behind him and eventually this team WILL cut him.

Who was the last non-RB player at his level to peak at 27? It was one bad year with awful QB play, folks. We've seen plenty of guys bounce back plenty of times.
If he's the difference bewteen a playoff run and another sitting home, he'll earn it. It's been one bad season with an injury and awful QB play. It's just too early to make any conclusive statements about the contract. Now, that IF this isn't a true, significant distraction to the team. I kind of doubt it, but wouldn't be surprised either way.
He isn't. WR's and QB's don't win the big games. Grinders and trench players do. Bryant is just another overhyped..over paid sizzle player and is not important in the bigger picture. Sizzle no substance.
Ask Jimmy about how many sets of rules he had for different players. Asked what he'd do if it was Troy sleeping in a meeting and not John Roper, he said 'ask if he wanted a pillow.' At the same time, he left Irvin to fly commercial home when he wasn't ready for the team plane.

Something like Dez not wanting to get an MRI and getting fined for it is going to have 0 effect on this locker room. This team loves Dez, and they get that he's wired a bit different from other players. This will be chalked up to 'Dez being Dez' and, other than the fine (which he deserves), it'll amount to nothing.

Idgit, I usually agree with you and I was just about to respond with the Jimmy Johnson view of the world that your nuts if you think you treat all players the same. I think there is some truth in that, I know I don't treat my star employees the same way I do the run of the mill average employees. You do treat them differently, but you also expect more of them and you generally don't let them do things that go against what you are preaching as your core values, things such as accountability to your team mates.

Do I think this is a huge issue that will severely hurt the team, no I don't and the lets trade Dez talk is crazy, but I don't think you just brush it off either with a simple fine. You can not hope to change behavior unless you try and make it hurt a little.

I don't know but it looks like our rookie QB was trying to make it hurt a little bit and if so kudos to him and if so wow!

Will this incident be forgotten in a week, probably.

But I don't think you can just accept it as Dez being Dez either.

Why did the organization feel like they had to cover for Dez?

There are plenty of ways to make Dez feel some pain for his actions to try and change his behavior.

But I think just blowing it off as Dez being Dez is a mistake and maybe they are not but it sure looks that way.
I've never heard the colloquialism "Hot hair on a Wednesday afternoon" before, but I'm gonn have to start using it... Once I can figure out exactly what it means. ;)

Oh. You know what it means. Giggity.
These threads today show how simplistic some fans really are. The guy plays with a broken bone a few days ago and now you have a bunch of people tearing into him. I've read today how Dez can't catch, is Classless, Stupid, immature, unreliable, overrated, can't learn the offense, a distraction, not worth the headache, selfish, lazy, (and more).

That is all noise for the most part. But he is immature and probably selfish given this issue. And those are two qualities that end up getting the diva label.

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