Video: DC: La'el Collins: I'm A Team Player


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did you weigh him , you sneak in the locker room to catch a shot of him in his skivvies?? i mean hes wearing a loose t-shirt from the waste up in an interview and you proclaim hes fat,,

so no i stand by my first reaction and he hasnt lost his job.. check back in 2 weeks and we can talk..ok fat head:laugh:
Ha, of course I noticed he looked good in the shower! .... HA... Okay, all I'm saying is his face was way slimmer in the off season, he looked very different... I'll be honest, I was already sour on the player because of his absolute bonehead handling of the drug testing and court appeal.. I'm not every going to make fun of anyone because of their body type, my initial reaction was that I was surprised at how different he looked in a few short weeks.. I guess it's possible that the camera man was using an ultra wide lens though :lmao:

The issue is, if you say someone looks skinny they typically say "thanks".. If you tell them they look fat, that isn't handled quite as well... Again, from my perspective this is a society issue and we never know why someone has weight issues, and in Collins's case if he is indeed heftier, it may be because of stress.


Defender of the Star
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Getting suspended for 5 games for being an idiot hardly qualifies as a “team player”


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Getting suspended for 5 games for being an idiot hardly qualifies as a “team player”
blessing in disguise, we found out steele can play and kept Collins healthy now back he might replace Cwill

id say you owe this man big thanks :) we are 5-1(only loss he played in his only game) no harm no foul..5-0 without him so again apologize :)