Dealing With Depression

Doc50;4779821 said:
Does "Kevorkianize" mean euthanize to you?

I post here in regard to healthcare as an advocate in this field since 1971.
My intention is to provide proper advice and information, with an emphasis on safety, and I take all questions seriously.

Yes, and I was kidding Doc.
Between March 3rd 2009 - May15 2010 I lost both my grandparents, one of my ex ROTC students, and my baby sister.

But life goes on ....... best way to honor the memory of those who are gone is live a good honorable life.

Best way to get over depression is to stay active and busy...... depression feeds off lethargy.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4779705 said:
I've been depressed several times in the past. This is nothing new unfortunately. It's not just my aunts death although that is the main cause for it. It's a combination of things. I went to her house yesterday to go visit with her and see my family and it was just so weird not seeing her there. I basically lived at her house and watched a bunch of Cowboys games there. I'm not sure the games will ever be the same again. I still can't believe she's gone. That's really gonna be the toughest part for me just realizing that she is gone.

Why don't you PM me later. I'm leaving the house now but I'll be back in a few hours EDT.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4779368 said:
What is the best way to deal with depression in your opinion?

It depends, is it situational because of the death of a family member, or is it long term? If it is the former, you can probably just deal with it naturally, once the initial pain goes, then the depression is gone.

If it is long term, then probably some meds will assist.
CanadianCowboysFan;4779941 said:
It depends, is it situational because of the death of a family member, or is it long term? If it is the former, you can probably just deal with it naturally, once the initial pain goes, then the depression is gone.

If it is long term, then probably some meds will assist.

It's a little of both to be honest.
Go search for "Don't Worry, Be Happy" song. You already even know it?

It's a great song. ;) It means something to that helps me, and lots of other people.

Lonestar94;4779404 said:
Sorry to hear about that

From my experience whenever i feel down I get up and do something. Run, work out, do something in the yard, etc. Whenever your moving you don't have time to think about anything like that.

I disagree with that. It's non-stop thinking for me when I'm working out.
it depends on how long the depression has last. If it has been more than two weeks it diagnosed as major depression but if it has been over 2 years than it is dysthymia. Either way the symptoms are loss of apetite, sleep, interest in things you had before, etc. SRI medication can help but talking to a licensed therapist to get to the root of your depression is the key. He/she should assess for your safety first. Hope this helps.
Id love to have the problems now that I thought I had when I was 18. Def seek professional help, cause lifes problems dont get better in time.
rynochop;4780172 said:
Id love to have the problems now that I thought I had when I was 18. Def seek professional help, cause lifes problems dont get better in time.

I'd love to have the problems you thought you and when you were 18 too.
So, grief is a big trigger for my depression.

Someone at my work lost her mother. She asked me if it got better. I said, I don't want to lie to you. It's going to take a long while and even then you won't get over it. For me, like Mash, losing a child was worse than anything I can imagine though.

Stick it out, man. I think this will get better.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4780405 said:
Really dude? :facepalm:

Mourning the loss of someone you love is weak? Wow you people never cease to amaze me with your ignorance.

It's okay to mourn... it takes about a year to get through it for those that are close to you...

I'm neither small nor weak by any means. It took at least that much time when I lost my dad last year, still not over it fully, but I am better... I lost my grandmother this morning (my last grandparent), but I will get through that as well...

Hang in there...
trickblue;4780442 said:
It's okay to mourn... it takes about a year to get through it for those that are close to you...

I'm neither small nor weak by any means. It took at least that much time when I lost my dad last year, still not over it fully, but I am better... I lost my grandmother this morning (my last grandparent), but I will get through that as well...

Hang in there...

Sorry about your grandma man. I lost mine a few years ago. She was actually the only grandparent I ever knew. There's been a lot of deaths in the family for me, but I'll find a way to get through this just like I did with the other tragedies.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4779368 said:
What is the best way to deal with depression in your opinion?

Seek professional help. Seriously. Counseling/therapy.
casmith07;4781118 said:
Seek professional help. Seriously. Counseling/therapy.

Agree. As well-intentioned as we are here, you should seek out professional help. There is no shame in it, it's a good first step to better days.

Also someone suggested getting in shape - couldn't agree more, there is only upside to that.

My other 2 cents would be turn off the tv if you watch a lot - it's honestly wasting time watching genetic sitcoms or all these sick crime/murder shows that fill the airways,'s like Cheetos for the brain, may taste good but no nutritional value. And those CBS crime shows as just disturbing - what is wrong with ppl that these are top rated shows?

Best advice I have gotten is "garbage in, garbage out" - if you are consuming bad stuff it's just no good...your mid is stewing on junk.

Finally, get off the Internet - it's a classic way to avoid human contact.

No offense intended to anyone and if I presumed something off apologies, hope this advice helps and you get going in right direction .
vlad;4788366 said:
Agree. As well-intentioned as we are here, you should seek out professional help. There is no shame in it, it's a good first step to better days.

Also someone suggested getting in shape - couldn't agree more, there is only upside to that.

My other 2 cents would be turn off the tv if you watch a lot - it's honestly wasting time watching genetic sitcoms or all these sick crime/murder shows that fill the airways,'s like Cheetos for the brain, may taste good but no nutritional value. And those CBS crime shows as just disturbing - what is wrong with ppl that these are top rated shows?

Best advice I have gotten is "garbage in, garbage out" - if you are consuming bad stuff it's just no good...your mid is stewing on junk.

Finally, get off the Internet - it's a classic way to avoid human contact.

No offense intended to anyone and if I presumed something off apologies, hope this advice helps and you get going in right direction .

Close the thread. He's no longer with us.
Rynie;4780160 said:

I pray this was a joke. Poor judgment. Not a joke type of thread. Way too many have gone down that road. Hope the best for you C&LF. I am not going to post my experience here but I will send you a note.

PS... Stay away from depressants such as alcohol...

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