Death By Firing Squad...

vta;3429296 said:
Capital idea. Remove the pandering crap and give criminals something to **** their pants over and a good portion will think twice about their behavior.

for the record, I am against capital punishment, but if you have to do it, then guillotine in the middle of the city where people can watch
CowboyWay;3429334 said:
Whats the difference between that and having a moment to think about the electric chair when they strap you in?

Nothing is different about it but the one poster seemed to think if it's over quick it's an easy death. If you know you're going to die at a certain time whether it be by lethal injection or a firing squad and have a chance to think about it as they're walking you to the chamber that can't be easy. These murderers are just minutes away from taking their last breaths and coming face to face with the devil. Some think their deaths will be quick and easy but their souls are about to burn in hell for eternity. I wonder how many of these killers who are about to be executed actually enjoy their last meals? LOL

They could give me the finest in french cuisine with a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape Vieux Telegraphe and I wouldn't be able to get one morsel down. What's the point in eating anyway you'll probably be dead before it has a chance to digest. I can't figure out why the heck they sterilize needles for lethal injections. :confused: After they executed Ted Bundy they took his brain out and stitched his head back up. :p:

Good lord.

I heard about the electric chair. Sometimes it took two and three pulls :omg:
Jon88;3429451 said:
Good lord.

I heard about the electric chair. Sometimes it took two and three pulls :omg:

Only because that prison unit was using wind power to generate the electricity. :D
vta;3429296 said:
Capital idea. Remove the pandering crap and give criminals something to **** their pants over and a good portion will think twice about their behavior.

Many just don't care. The death penalty in some states does not seem to deter others from committing crimes and winding up on death row themselves. Also at the end of the day if they are going to die they are going to die no matter how so still not much of a factor for most of these guys.
BrAinPaiNt;3429523 said:
Many just don't care. The death penalty in some states does not seem to deter others from committing crimes and winding up on death row themselves. Also at the end of the day if they are going to die they are going to die no matter how so still not much of a factor for most of these guys.

Maybe so but 100% it deters the guy who did the crime and is executed. Not 1 has ever done it again.
BrAinPaiNt;3429523 said:
Many just don't care. The death penalty in some states does not seem to deter others from committing crimes and winding up on death row themselves. Also at the end of the day if they are going to die they are going to die no matter how so still not much of a factor for most of these guys.

I don't think it's possible to quantify the number of people who have refrained from certain actions, in any way, let alone based on the number of people who haven't. The simple presence of a standing police force has it's effect, so I'm sure it's safe to say that the threat of harsh punishment will do it's job as well.

It won't be 100%, but what is?
CanadianCowboysFan;3429409 said:
for the record, I am against capital punishment, but if you have to do it, then guillotine in the middle of the city where people can watch

Oh I know that, we've been 'round this topic many times. But I do see your predilection for exhibitionism would help you see it in a favorable light. :laugh2:
Honestly I can't say I'm a big fan of the death penalty but I do think it is just in some cases.

I would like to see the standard of what constitutes a death sentence to be higher than it currently is.

One example happened here in Houston where 2 men robbed a store and shot the owner they were given life sentence the man driving the getaway car was given death I have a hard time figuring out how he would get that punishment while the 2 who actually killed were handed life sentence.
Doomsday101;3429624 said:
Honestly I can't say I'm a big fan of the death penalty but I do think it is just in some cases.

I would like to see the standard of what constitutes a death sentence to be higher than it currently is.

One example happened here in Houston where 2 men robbed a store and shot the owner they were given life sentence the man driving the getaway car was given death I have a hard time figuring out how he would get that punishment while the 2 who actually killed were handed life sentence.

Gotta agree. I know there are people who just ought to be taken out. I just don't trust the system to alays choose properly. Higher standard. Some sort of automatic review of the trial, so that there's as much assurance as possible of getting it right. Review of the facts, not just procedural folderol. Because we know that they don't always get it right, and prosecutors with an eye towards a political career are not high on my 'trust' list. They are lawyers after all.

Gas chamber is actually a pretty nasty way to go. As I understand it, the actual way it kills you is by chemically burning the lungs, so despite it's adoption as a more 'humane' method, it's not nearly as smooth as a guillotine.
arglebargle;3429697 said:
Gotta agree. I know there are people who just ought to be taken out. I just don't trust the system to alays choose properly. Higher standard. Some sort of automatic review of the trial, so that there's as much assurance as possible of getting it right. Review of the facts, not just procedural folderol. Because we know that they don't always get it right, and prosecutors with an eye towards a political career are not high on my 'trust' list. They are lawyers after all.

Gas chamber is actually a pretty nasty way to go. As I understand it, the actual way it kills you is by chemically burning the lungs, so despite it's adoption as a more 'humane' method, it's not nearly as smooth as a guillotine.

True, the bottom line should come down to what is the facts and the truth not which Lawyer did the best job. No doubt there are some scum out there who deserve punishment of death much like the guy in Florida who raped the little girl then beat her, put her in plastic then buried her alive. As far as I'm concerned this guy needs to burn
vta;3429537 said:
I don't think it's possible to quantify the number of people who have refrained from certain actions, in any way, let alone based on the number of people who haven't. The simple presence of a standing police force has it's effect, so I'm sure it's safe to say that the threat of harsh punishment will do it's job as well.

It won't be 100%, but what is?

It won't be near 100% because every day the prisons keep getting more people in them. Every day there are murders galore committed in the USA and not just in states that don't have the death penalty.

People are going to kill people no matter if there is a death penalty or not. The death penalty does not seem to deter people killing other only makes they do things to try and not get caught.

And if you go to countries with much harsher, quicker or more gruesome punishments...they still have people committing the crimes knowing that they will face those punishments.

People always have and always will commit murder or other crimes even when the punishments were much worse (worse before eventually dieing).
BrAinPaiNt;3429771 said:
It won't be near 100% because every day the prisons keep getting more people in them. Every day there are murders galore committed in the USA and not just in states that don't have the death penalty.

People are going to kill people no matter if there is a death penalty or not. The death penalty does not seem to deter people killing other only makes they do things to try and not get caught.

And if you go to countries with much harsher, quicker or more gruesome punishments...they still have people committing the crimes knowing that they will face those punishments.

People always have and always will commit murder or other crimes even when the punishments were much worse (worse before eventually dieing).


But I really don't know if a country should get rid of the Death Penalty because of the "it isn't a deterrent" argument.

My main concern is bias within the Justice System and making sure innocent folks are not being executed.

If I knew that every person given a Death Sentence was guilty, I really don't care if it is a deterrent because that really isn't the reason why they were given a Death Sentence in the first place.
Maikeru-sama;3429827 said:

But I really don't know if a country should get rid of the Death Penalty because of the "it isn't a deterrent" argument.

My main concern is bias within the Justice System and making sure innocent folks are not being executed.

If I knew that every person given a Death Sentence was guilty, I really don't care if it is a deterrent because that really isn't the reason why they were given a Death Sentence in the first place.

I think I have not made myself clear.

I am not saying I am against it. Heck put me front and center to pull the lever for some people. :laugh1:

I was just saying that saying it will deter people is a load of horse hockey (as Col. Potter would say).
BrAinPaiNt;3429868 said:
I think I have not made myself clear.

I am not saying I am against it. Heck put me front and center to pull the lever for some people. :laugh1:

I was just saying that saying it will deter people is a load of horse hockey (as Col. Potter would say).

Must of misunderstood you.

I agree with you, people are going to kill other people because that is just what we do.
BrAinPaiNt;3429868 said:
I think I have not made myself clear.

I am not saying I am against it. Heck put me front and center to pull the lever for some people. :laugh1:

I was just saying that saying it will deter people is a load of horse hockey (as Col. Potter would say).

True. It may make some think twice, there is no way to put a number on that but there will be those to it will not change their behavior.
BrAinPaiNt;3429868 said:
I think I have not made myself clear.

I am not saying I am against it. Heck put me front and center to pull the lever for some people. :laugh1:

I was just saying that saying it will deter people is a load of horse hockey (as Col. Potter would say).

You don't believe standing laws and consequences are a deterrent for some?
vta;3429889 said:
You don't believe standing laws and consequences are a deterrent for some?

Your mom or dad telling you to be a good boy is a deterrent for some.

Saying the death penalty is a deterrent over prison for life does not seem to be much of one.

That is what I am talking about.

I don't think that the logic behind someone saying the death penalty is a bigger deterrent opposed to states that don't have it works.

People kill, people commit crimes whether the penalty is life in prison, standard gas chamber death penalty or if they brought back death by ancient tortures.

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