Deep Sea Horizon (BP Oil Spill)

SDogo;3456725 said:
Yes, a environmental scientist with decades in the field knows nothing compared to a airline passenger with a window seat. You are correct.

The end of reason...
I still wouldn't even be aware of the spill if it wasn't shoved in my face by the Media.

Can't say it's effected me in the slightest. Though a horrible travesty,I don't see what good me personally caring about it will do. I don't have time or money I'm willing to invest into the situation to help it, and if I did I'd be spending it on more important things.

The last oil spill was horrible as well, and again I never would have known about it if it wasn't on the news.

Horrible **** happens, and is always going to. You do what you can to fix it, and take steps to prevent it from happening again. What else is there to do?
MetalHead;3456720 said:
Some lead.
Some follow.
Some are cheerleaders.

I think I found your group.
What's your uniform size again?

I think you are mistaking "cheerleading" with enjoying someone getting completely owned and claiming the oil spill is no big deal based on what he saw out of an airplane window :laugh2: .

Someone making the old, stale and banal claim that it is the "media's" fault is the very epitome of being a follower.
Here's video of the gulf at 3000 feet. Please, note the size of the ships, even the largest ones, when the cameras pull the zoom back on their their lenses, and you're basically looking at them with the "naked eye".

Now, you tell me, what is it you think you're gonna see at over 10x that height cruising at 500 mph?




Hoofbite;3456633 said:
That's like trying to measure the power of a stick of dynamite in terms of it's equivalent in Pop Rocks.

It's a volume to volume comparison that may help to put it into better perspective. Everyone I tell that stat (so far, 1/2 of the empire state bldg would be full of the expelled oil) to are shocked. I was shocked also. I thought many times more oil had leaked.
SDogo;3456687 said:
For anyone who does not think it's a big deal and the leak is small in comparison to the Gulf I offer this simple expierement.

I have a cousin who is working FOR BP cleaning up the oil spill. One of the scientist working down there suggested to anyone who did not realize the impact of the spill to fill up their kitchen sink with water. Place a tablespoon of car oil in the water, mix it up and then grab a glass. See if you can get yourself a nice refreshing cup full..............
I know several people working on the cleanup...and some of the directors.

It is a monsterous disaster.

Having said that, the above "scientist's" analogy was way off base and should have said something closer to a tablespoon of car oil in to a combined 285 olympic-sized swimming pools...not a kitchen sink. Uh, so he/she exaggerated just a bit. :p: Using a very high end flow rate from day one until now, the current ratio of water to oil should be about 47.8 billion to 1. Just sayin.

It's a very horrible disaster, but the entire gulf (which gets to nearly 3 miles deep) is not going to be fully contaminated from top to bottom. is terrible, but I wanted the perspective to be real here.
DFWJC;3457500 said:
I know several people working on the cleanup...and some of the directors.

It is a monsterous disaster.

Having said that, the above "scientist's" analogy was way off base and should have said something closer to a tablespoon of car oil in to a combined 285 olympic-sized swimming pools...not a kitchen sink. Uh, so he/she exaggerated just a bit. :p: Using a very high end flow rate from day one until now, the current ratio of water to oil should be about 47.8 billion to 1. Just sayin.

It's a very horrible disaster, but the entire gulf (which gets to nearly 3 miles deep) is not going to be fully contaminated from top to bottom. is terrible, but I wanted the perspective to be real here.

At last,a reasonable individual steps up.Thank you for your contribution to sanity.
CowboyFan74;3456344 said:
30,000 ft in the air with binoculars right?:D

Yeah, he was able to see 2 miles below the water, too. Those stupid scientists.
Maikeru-sama;3456610 said:
Looks like we have some BP Stockholders in here :laugh2: .

That might be the whole point of this thing for some. While BP is "paying for the clean up", we'll be picking up the tab at a later date. You can bet on that. Now would be a good time to invest in BP. Nothing like big oil to line your pockets with money.
Last time I checked oil was thicker than water. Doesn't take a scientist to figure that's not a good thing. If it was all on top of the water, we could burn it off. Obviously that's not the case.

I'll sleep better tonight because someone riding a plane from san antonio said it was a drop in the bucket. :laugh2:
CowboyMcCoy;3474019 said:
Last time I checked oil was thicker than water. Doesn't take a scientist to figure that's not a good thing. If it was all on top of the water, we could burn it off. Obviously that's not the case.

I'll sleep better tonight because someone riding a plane from san antonio said it was a drop in the bucket. :laugh2:

Not to mention bumping a 2 week old thread trying to "call" somebody out :laugh2: .

I went to spintopic or whatever the spinoff political website is one time to browse and some of the stuff the guy says is a little scary to say the least :laugh2: .
CowboyMcCoy;3474019 said:
Last time I checked oil was thicker than water. Doesn't take a scientist to figure that's not a good thing.
No, oil floats on water and is less dense....look it up. That is one of the main truths to how oil and gas are found. They are drilled in the highest part of the reservoir because they migrate to the top b/c they are lighter than water.
Heavy tar with maybe a rock or two in it will sink though.:)

Sometimes blobs can stick together in spills and if the the current is right, they can go below the surface for awhile....especially if heavier stuff starts to stick to the blob and make it sink.
SaltwaterServr;3456314 said:
It only takes a few drops of oil to contaminate a million gallons of water to the point that it is unsafe to drink by humans.

Was the gulf water drinkable before the spill?
zrinkill;3475036 said:
Was the water clean from contamination before the spill?

It was dirty for sure but I don't think it was contaminated or else people wouldn't be eating that food.
Hoofbite;3475053 said:
It was dirty for sure but I don't think it was contaminated or else people wouldn't be eating that food.

So that was the first oil spill in the gulf?

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