Deion Called Werder a Liar! LOL


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JFlgn;2494481 said:
Reporting isn't just telling everyone what "sources" said. It's corroberating information from a number of sources to get the most honest story in print.

It's clear that Werder propelled only the sources that made the story he wanted to tell instead of checking and rechecking with everyone in the organization, namely, T.O., Witten and Romo, to form an honest, complete story.

Irresponsible journalism without a doubt.

How do you know he didn't check with Witten and Romo?

T.O. wasn't talking to him, so he doesn't count.

Werder isn't going to reveal his sources. His source very well could have been Romo and Witten. Even if they act as if they didn't know what was going on, that could be a misdirection. Ed Werder isn't going to rat them out. Neither is he going to be bother by them saying he was wrong when he could have gotten his information from them.

That's the nature of the anonymous source and the reporter.

Second, you say it's irresponsible journalism. And that's because you believe that everyone in the Cowboys organization is telling the truth.

Obviously, the Cowboys aren't going to come out and say, "Yep, it's true. T.O. is jealous of Witten and Romo. He went to the coaches to complain that Witten is getting more passes. He dissed Witten on the practice field."

Pulease. The Cowboys are going to try to minimize this even if it were a major division.

And it's not like every other media outlet in Dallas didn't confirm the story. There was enough truth to the story to validate Werder's initial story. It's just that people didn't like the fact it went public. And now that T.O. is saying Werder made it up, many want to agree with him because they'd rather this not be a distraction. And that's easier to do after a win.


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thechosen1n2;2494330 said:
more telling is mariuccis response. deion has some bias (obviously) but muuch's sincerity on the subject makes you think.

Mooch never criticizes anyone too harshly. I wouldn't read that much into his defense. He doesn't want to burn any bridges if he should get back into coaching. ;)


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Future;2494315 said:
Me neither, the stuff he reported really isn't his fault if he got false information. He is the face of the story because he reported it, but as a journalist or reporter, he will take the heat.

Did he get false information ? I doubt that ! Something happened and it looks like it was over exaggerated by the media; but to believe that nothing happen after all those meetings is a little far fetched


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Perhaps Troy Aikman will start a rumor about Werder being gay with Bayless.


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RXP;2494879 said:
It could be worse.

We could have Sal Paloantonio covering the Cowboys.
I wish they'd strike a deal with Warner Bros. and let Yosemite Sam take a crack at it.


Makin' It Rain
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I feel for Werder actually because he's just doing his job. He's a professional who has been doing this a long time and, yes, while he likes to stir up stuff he's never shown to be someone who flatly lies. I think we can all agree SOMEONE was feeding him that information. Perhaps the info came from a second-hand source like an agent who isn't entirely keen to the situation but has a general idea that some players were miffed about touches. Or maybe it came from a backup that dislikes T.O. Or maybe it came directly from one of the stars themselves. Who knows?

I don't find it despicable that Werder is reporting this. What I find disgusting is the way ESPN makes these reports breaking-news alerts in the the-president-has-been-shot mold.

Players holding meetings with coaches? Players wanting the ball more? Some in-house bickering? Hardly earth shattering.

Now, yes, if T.O. flatly hates Romo or Witten now, that's a story. But it seemed like the ESPN headlines would insinuate that yet the story didn't really back it up. Even players coming to blows isn't that big of a deal these days. It happens. And oftentimes, they move on.

Again, I don't hold this against Werder but wish ESPN were less sensationalistic in the presentation of the news. But then, while they're a journalistic avenue, I believe they're pretty open in admitting they're in the entertainment business. Probably somewhere in the CNN meets TMZ and has an affair with The Onion mold.

It's their job to report the news, and seemingly also to create the news. As we've seen here.

Meanwhile, Clinton Portis ripping his coach, by contrast, is merely a footnote at the end of a broadcast it seems.


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RainMan;2494959 said:
I don't find it despicable that Werder is reporting this. What I find disgusting is the way ESPN makes these reports breaking-news alerts in the the-president-has-been-shot mold.


That was pretty funny.


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RXP;2494879 said:
It could be worse.

We could have Sal Paloantonio covering the Cowboys.
Sal would commit suicide if he had that particular duty full-time.