Deion Sanders Vs Darryl Green

jrumann59;1056633 said:
I disagree green was a much smaller db but could cover and handle pretty much any receiver that came to town. Green was blue collar sanders was bling.

That sounds more like player hating.

I see it like this. Deion was one of the greatest CBs to play the game. No only did he play the receiver he also played the QB. What I mean by that is he would play off the receiver setting a trap for the QB. When the QB would try to beat him he would kick in that incredible speed and jump the route and intercept the pass.

Green was a VERY good CB, but he didn't have the abilities of Sanders.
CalMor;1056993 said:
Irvin was a better team player. Jerry Rice is a jerk.

What? I had never heard that about Rice. I agree that Irvin was a great teammate unless your name was Everett McIver.
I would take a Darrell Green over a Dieon Sanders every time. I hate the Commanders as much as anyone but Green was an exceptional talent and maintained a consistently high level of play for nearly two decades. He was a great player and a great team player.

Sanders was all about his image and his money and I never had any use for him. Yes Sanders was talented and could have been good for a long time but he chose to get all he could while he could and ended up using up his body and his talent much too quickly. Add to that his mercenary mentality and I just had no use for him.
Ask any Defensive coordinator who faced both of them who they had to game plan around more. I'd be surprised if anyone of them would cast a vote for Darrell.

I'm not taking anything away from Green, he was an exceptional player and a genuinely good guy, but Deion was just just the most devatating shut-down corner ever.
Green was a very good player but come on you cant even mention his name in the same breathe as Deion. Green gave up more big plays then he ever made in my opinion. One stat would sum it all up TDs given up vs TDs scored. Deion could win games on his own, and did a few times in Dallas, with his big play ability on defense and special teams.
jrumann59;1056784 said:
I think green covered better deion never had his side thrown to. Teams always tested green because he usually was the smaller cb on all his teams.

And exactly why did teams not test Deion? Im sure it was just cause he had a big rep. :banghead:
If you ask me which player I would rather have on my team it would be Darrell Green every time.

If you ask me which player was more talented, I would say Deion Sanders.

If you ask me which player was the better in coverage, I would say Sanders by a slight margin.

If you ask me who was the better overall CB I would say Green was.

For those who state emphatically that Deion was the best CB ever to play I would say that you haven't seen the best then as I could name 5 guys who I saw play that were better CBs than Deion: Herb Adderley, Mike Haynes, Dick Lane, Mel Renfro, and Lem Barney were all, IMO, better CBs than Deion in that they could cover consistently, made plays, and were solid tacklers.

Were they as fast as Deion, no. Could they close on the ball like he could, no. But they also didn't let players get past them or give up long runs because they were afraid to tackle guys (see Ricky Williams vs Deion).

For those who say that teams were afraid to throw against Deion I would say that you must not have been a Cowboys fan in the early 90s since Aikman routinely threw against Deion and completed passes to Irvin and Harper with regularity against him, and that was in his prime. Mark Brunell also ate Deion for lunch when Sanders played for us. He completed several deep passes to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell over Deion. Steve Young didn't fear him nor did Marino, Favre, or Elway. Even Scott Mitchell ate him up one game with 2 big TD passes to Herman Moore. Deion always struggled against the bigger WRs and the better QBs.

I think Deion was a great cover corner but he was over-hyped by ESPN and Chris Berman and was nowhere near as good or consistent as some believe. He made a lot of big plays but he also gave up a lot with blown coverage, being outmuscled, and missed tackles. He relied too much on his closing speed and while it served him well at times he was also burnt by it too often.

I would also say that Deion was the best threat of any defensive/STs player I have ever seen to score and it was this ability more than any other that earned him his reputation as he scored 22 TDs in his career on: 9-INTs, 9-Returns, 3-Receptions, & 1-Fumble. Those are amazing stats and make him the best defensive/STs threat to score ever! But that doesn't make him the best CB ever.

Lastly, I don't like self-serving, grandstanding players and Deion epitomized that mentality. I never wanted him on the Cowboys and was upset when Jerry signed him, just as I was about signing Terrell Owens. Guys like that are a distraction to the team and are only in it for themselves.

That's my opinion, take it or leave it.
mschmidt64;1056728 said:
I wouldn't be interested in any unbiased opinion that said Darrell Green was on par with Deion Sanders, because all that would mean is that the person you asked knew nothing about football.

Or had a different opinion, funny how people say "if you argue with me, you know nothing about football". Those are the folks whose opinions I generally disregard.

You can put Darrell Green on par with Rod Woodson or most of the other Hall of Famer CBs in the league and get no argument from me.

Me either, there have been a lot of great CB's in this leauge.

Deion Sanders, in his prime, was a cut above. The watered down version you experienced when he was in DC was not the real Deion.

Mostly agree with this also, in his prime is the key. Also I have to add what you mean by best corner needs more definition. Deion was not "in his prime" as long as other CB's. Longevity is part of my definition as to greatness.

The real, healthy Deion in his prime could cover any WR for any length of time, which is unheard of among any other CB... ever.

Simply not true, even in his prime not true. Best corner at "covering in his prime" I would agree too. Our own M. Irvin owned Mr. Sanders in both of their primes.

He had an ability that was unmatched among his peers.

Picking Green cause he was more physical is like saying Emmitt Smith is the best RB ever cause he could run block. Thats nice, but who gives a crap. I want the best running back, ie, the one who could get the most yards on a running play.

Well others give a crap and I don't really give a crap about your Your Emmitt Smith analogy is perfect, your probably a Barry Sanders fan because of the sparkle factor.

Emmitt vs Barry Green vs Sanders...Flashy vs productive and longevity. Emmitt has more yards and TD's...Green has more tackles and interceptions. Yet you take Sanders and Flashy yes.

With a CB, I want the one who can cover the best. If I want better run support I'll get a frickin linebacker.

Well then you must be talking nickle back. more than 50% of the plays in the NFL are runs or pass's to other players your CB may not be covering. When that happens having an extra tackler is a good thing. Your type of CB is probably better off in the CFL or Arena leauge, which are more passing orientated.

And the best cover corner to ever play the game, bar none, was Deion Sanders. His 1994 season with the 49ers may have been one of the best individual performances ever.

He was great at covering...and if you are just looking at that one particular point in a CB, fine during a short time he was the best cover guy in the leauge.

Best ever to play the game, nope...In my opinion. I like more complete players. not too mention Mr. Sanders also missed time due to baseball and other activities.
Although I can not stand to listen to deion and just strikes me as a person I would like to smack in the mouth if he spoke.

He was far and away the best cover corner we have seen play NFL in modern football.

With that said.

I will take NOTHING away from D.Green

He may not have been as great of a cover corner as Deion...but I tell you what IMO he is not far away from deion just because of D.Greens overall game, length of time he played, speed and most importantly to me his class.

He is one of the few, if not only, Commanders player that I have a huge amount of respect for as a player.
THUMPER;1057145 said:
If you ask me which player I would rather have on my team it would be Darrell Green every time.

If you ask me which player was more talented, I would say Deion Sanders.

If you ask me which player was the better in coverage, I would say Sanders by a slight margin.

If you ask me who was the better overall CB I would say Green was.

For those who state emphatically that Deion was the best CB ever to play I would say that you haven't seen the best then as I could name 5 guys who I saw play that were better CBs than Deion: Herb Adderley, Mike Haynes, Dick Lane, Mel Renfro, and Lem Barney were all, IMO, better CBs than Deion in that they could cover consistently, made plays, and were solid tacklers.

Were they as fast as Deion, no. Could they close on the ball like he could, no. But they also didn't let players get past them or give up long runs because they were afraid to tackle guys (see Ricky Williams vs Deion).

For those who say that teams were afraid to throw against Deion I would say that you must not have been a Cowboys fan in the early 90s since Aikman routinely threw against Deion and completed passes to Irvin and Harper with regularity against him, and that was in his prime. Mark Brunell also ate Deion for lunch when Sanders played for us. He completed several deep passes to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell over Deion. Steve Young didn't fear him nor did Marino, Favre, or Elway. Even Scott Mitchell ate him up one game with 2 big TD passes to Herman Moore. Deion always struggled against the bigger WRs and the better QBs.

I think Deion was a great cover corner but he was over-hyped by ESPN and Chris Berman and was nowhere near as good or consistent as some believe. He made a lot of big plays but he also gave up a lot with blown coverage, being outmuscled, and missed tackles. He relied too much on his closing speed and while it served him well at times he was also burnt by it too often.

I would also say that Deion was the best threat of any defensive/STs player I have ever seen to score and it was this ability more than any other that earned him his reputation as he scored 22 TDs in his career on: 9-INTs, 9-Returns, 3-Receptions, & 1-Fumble. Those are amazing stats and make him the best defensive/STs threat to score ever! But that doesn't make him the best CB ever.

Lastly, I don't like self-serving, grandstanding players and Deion epitomized that mentality. I never wanted him on the Cowboys and was upset when Jerry signed him, just as I was about signing Terrell Owens. Guys like that are a distraction to the team and are only in it for themselves.

That's my opinion, take it or leave it.

Some great points and a list of other great corners. Green is one of my favorite players because he went to Texas A&I.

I am not quite sure I remember Deion giving up scores to Herman Moore while in Dallas. I am pretty sure Detroit and Dallas did not play each other from 1995-1999 when Deion was on the team.

I also don't remember Harper doing much of anything against Deion in any game whether Sanders was in Atlanta or SanFran. Now Irvin did very well against Deion in several games.

McCardell made some great plays in that 1997 matchup against the Jags, but Jimmy Smith was held to 2 catches for 13 yards.

You mentioned a bunch of Hall of Fame QBs who were all on good teams that were not afraid to throw on Deion. They weren't afraid to throw against anyone. That is why they are Hall of Famers and Superbowl winners. I actually don't think any offense is afraid to throw at any corner back. They are just aware of the risks and when to try to take them. There were always few opportunities to throw against Deion, but as with any DB, he can beat from time to time.

Deion is one of the best. That is obvious. There are a few more and they could all hold their own against any receiver big or small. I think Darrell Green is just on the outside of the all time very greats. I think he was great and will be in the HOF, but there are a few guys that were slightly better and Deion is one of those.
joseephuss;1057251 said:
Some great points and a list of other great corners. Green is one of my favorite players because he went to Texas A&I.

I am not quite sure I remember Deion giving up scores to Herman Moore while in Dallas. I am pretty sure Detroit and Dallas did not play each other from 1995-1999 when Deion was on the team.
It was in 1994 when Deion was with the 49ERs and San Fran beat Detroit 27-21.

I also don't remember Harper doing much of anything against Deion in any game whether Sanders was in Atlanta or SanFran. Now Irvin did very well against Deion in several games.

McCardell made some great plays in that 1997 matchup against the Jags, but Jimmy Smith was held to 2 catches for 13 yards.
I seem to remember seeing Harper catch a TD pass against Deion at some point but I could be wrong. I do remember that Aikman was far from afraid to throw his way though regardless of who he was covering.

You are probably right about Jimmy Smith. I remember that game in 97 when McCardell caught a couple of big TD passes against Deion but again, I thought Smith had in another game (could have been when Deion was with the Ravens).

You mentioned a bunch of Hall of Fame QBs who were all on good teams that were not afraid to throw on Deion. They weren't afraid to throw against anyone. That is why they are Hall of Famers and Superbowl winners. I actually don't think any offense is afraid to throw at any corner back. They are just aware of the risks and when to try to take them. There were always few opportunities to throw against Deion, but as with any DB, he can beat from time to time.
I was addressing the comments by a couple of posters that NO ONE would throw against him and that he could cover ANY receiver and that simply isn't true.

Deion is one of the best. That is obvious. There are a few more and they could all hold their own against any receiver big or small. I think Darrell Green is just on the outside of the all time very greats. I think he was great and will be in the HOF, but there are a few guys that were slightly better and Deion is one of those.

I would agree that Deion was a better cover corner than Green but I would still take Green on my team any day over Deion. Just a much better teammate and a more likeable guy by a wide margin!

Good comments & corrections. :bow:
For a single game or season give be Deion, for a career give me Green.

Green played with excellent technique for twenty years and was faster than anyone else for fifteen of them. Deion played for ten seasons before becoming a shell of his former self in Washington and a shadow of his former shell in Baltimore.

Both were dangerous return men and both made big plays. Deion was better vs. some physical receivers, but I saw Green cover Harold Carmichael like a blanket. Deion was better at making you pay for throwing his way. Green was far more durable, and a model player off the field.
THUMPER;1057145 said:
If you ask me which player I would rather have on my team it would be Darrell Green every time.

If you ask me which player was more talented, I would say Deion Sanders.

If you ask me which player was the better in coverage, I would say Sanders by a slight margin.

If you ask me who was the better overall CB I would say Green was.

For those who state emphatically that Deion was the best CB ever to play I would say that you haven't seen the best then as I could name 5 guys who I saw play that were better CBs than Deion: Herb Adderley, Mike Haynes, Dick Lane, Mel Renfro, and Lem Barney were all, IMO, better CBs than Deion in that they could cover consistently, made plays, and were solid tacklers.

Were they as fast as Deion, no. Could they close on the ball like he could, no. But they also didn't let players get past them or give up long runs because they were afraid to tackle guys (see Ricky Williams vs Deion).

For those who say that teams were afraid to throw against Deion I would say that you must not have been a Cowboys fan in the early 90s since Aikman routinely threw against Deion and completed passes to Irvin and Harper with regularity against him, and that was in his prime. Mark Brunell also ate Deion for lunch when Sanders played for us. He completed several deep passes to Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell over Deion. Steve Young didn't fear him nor did Marino, Favre, or Elway. Even Scott Mitchell ate him up one game with 2 big TD passes to Herman Moore. Deion always struggled against the bigger WRs and the better QBs.

I think Deion was a great cover corner but he was over-hyped by ESPN and Chris Berman and was nowhere near as good or consistent as some believe. He made a lot of big plays but he also gave up a lot with blown coverage, being outmuscled, and missed tackles. He relied too much on his closing speed and while it served him well at times he was also burnt by it too often.

I would also say that Deion was the best threat of any defensive/STs player I have ever seen to score and it was this ability more than any other that earned him his reputation as he scored 22 TDs in his career on: 9-INTs, 9-Returns, 3-Receptions, & 1-Fumble. Those are amazing stats and make him the best defensive/STs threat to score ever! But that doesn't make him the best CB ever.

Lastly, I don't like self-serving, grandstanding players and Deion epitomized that mentality. I never wanted him on the Cowboys and was upset when Jerry signed him, just as I was about signing Terrell Owens. Guys like that are a distraction to the team and are only in it for themselves.

That's my opinion, take it or leave it.

What a great post - and a very simlar viewpoint to my own.

I will say that I don't feel as old as I did before reading it - I'm probably older than most posters, but I don't have memories of watching "Night Train" and Lem Barney - those were guys on my football cards and that I read about in "Paper Lion". I'm assuming you're a Lions fan from way back ........
Stautner;1057854 said:
What a great post - and a very simlar viewpoint to my own.

I will say that I don't feel as old as I did before reading it - I'm probably older than most posters, but I don't have memories of watching "Night Train" and Lem Barney - those were guys on my football cards and that I read about in "Paper Lion". I'm assuming you're a Lions fan from way back ........

Nope, been a Cowboys fan since I was 5 (1963) but I've always been a football fan and had guys I liked on almost every team. Johnny Unitas was one of my heroes growing up as was Paul Warfield even though he played for the hated Browns. I grew up in L.A. and liked the Rams too but the Boys were my favorites!

I did like several of the Lions' players back in the 60s though like Lane, Barney, Earl McCullough, Joe Schmidt, Roger Brown, Dick LeBeau, Wayne Walker, John Gordy, Larry Hand,Gail Cogdill, Yale Lary, Milt Plum (who had played for the Rams), Amos Marsh (who had played for the Boys), and Pat Studstill. They had a killer defense and played the Packers tough, which is probably why I liked them, as a foil to Green Bay (kinda why I liked the Knicks back in the day, they might beat the Celtics). They were stuck in the same division as the Packers, Colts, Bears, and Rams so they didn't stand much of a chance at making the playoffs back then.

Dick "Night Train" Lane was at the end of his career when I saw him play and while his coverage skills had diminished some he was still one of the best tacklers I ever saw play DB. My dad saw him throughout his entire career (he met him when he played for the Rams in the early 50s) and said he was the best he ever saw play, he still says so. He was Ronnie Lott and Rod Woodson rolled into one.
Deion was the best cover corner ever. He didn't bring much to run support however.
THUMPER;1057955 said:
Nope, been a Cowboys fan since I was 5 (1963) but I've always been a football fan and had guys I liked on almost every team. Johnny Unitas was one of my heroes growing up as was Paul Warfield even though he played for the hated Browns. I grew up in L.A. and liked the Rams too but the Boys were my favorites!

I did like several of the Lions' players back in the 60s though like Lane, Barney, Earl McCullough, Joe Schmidt, Roger Brown, Dick LeBeau, Wayne Walker, John Gordy, Larry Hand,Gail Cogdill, Yale Lary, Milt Plum (who had played for the Rams), Amos Marsh (who had played for the Boys), and Pat Studstill. They had a killer defense and played the Packers tough, which is probably why I liked them, as a foil to Green Bay (kinda why I liked the Knicks back in the day, they might beat the Celtics). They were stuck in the same division as the Packers, Colts, Bears, and Rams so they didn't stand much of a chance at making the playoffs back then.

Dick "Night Train" Lane was at the end of his career when I saw him play and while his coverage skills had diminished some he was still one of the best tacklers I ever saw play DB. My dad saw him throughout his entire career (he met him when he played for the Rams in the early 50s) and said he was the best he ever saw play, he still says so. He was Ronnie Lott and Rod Woodson rolled into one.

Another great post. It's refreshing to find a true fan who has lived it from his early days. I was much the same way, although I'm about 4 years younger so some of the guys you mentioned I've only seen in highlight films.

My earliest football memory was watching Don Merideth - I don't think I even knew any of the other players at the time. But in those days you didn't have multiple TVs and you watched what Dad watched. I loved sports anyway, so I took to it naturally.

I also admired players from other teams. The "Purple People Eaters" and the ..... damn, I'm drawing a blank - what did they call the Rams defense in the Olsen, Greer, Jones days ......? Those guys were animals.

I was a little bit of a Raiders fan in those days, and have actually been to a Raiders game. Stabler, Casper, Belitnikoff and especially Blanda caught my eye.

But my passion was always the Cowboys and I grew up hating the Commanders and still do to this day. In my mind George Allen, Sunny Jergenson and Billy Kilmer still define that organization.

Staubach was the guy that really sealed it for me. To this day I would take him over any QB in history.
jrumann59;1056633 said:
I disagree green was a much smaller db but could cover and handle pretty much any receiver that came to town. Green was blue collar sanders was bling.

Irvin regularly ate his lunch.

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