To the mod that added "fake" to the title of this thread, I find that very unfair. When I originally posted that screenshot, it was very clear to me that a message had been sent so I shared it here. A few have asserted that the message did not come from Demarco throughout the discussion but no one has proven that it in fact did not come from him. Nothing. I stand by my theory that he does indeed own that page and was regulated by his agent after creating that post.
So the page went completely bye bye for a few days this week. Dead link action. You will be interested to know that it is indeed back online but now set to private with all photos removed. So. I ask you... What fan would set the page to private? That's Demarco. Period. Feel free to prove me wrong.
Nothing comes up in a general search via Google for demurray29 instagram. You are presented with a link but upon clicking it you receive page not found. HOWEVER, if you were already following him on IG (as was I) you now see what I just posted above. So draw your own conclusions. It should also be noted that during those few days earlier this week, trying to access that page via IG bore no fruit. It's like it was taken offline for cleansing and brought back in an invisible private fashion.
I, personally, believe that original post was indeed Demarco but whatever. Agents are powerful.