Demarcus Lawerence on leaving Cowboys: I know for sure I'm never going to win a SB there

It almost always comes down to the money. Football is their job, their business, and they want to make as much as they can in their relatively short career. You occasionally get a player who has been good with his money to the point that success becomes bigger than pay, but most just want to make as much as they can before their careers are over.
at the level Tank was paid his want to get every dollar was greed not need.

Now the vast majority of NFL players do need to do this; get every dollar they can.

But he was not one of them; just like Dak and Micah and others. They have already made enough to live in complete luxury the rest of their lives and take care of their children big time.
In the end it is greed; and also ego as most of them measure their self worth by their bank account
at the level Tank was paid his want to get every dollar was greed not need.

Now the vast majority of NFL players do need to do this; get every dollar they can.

But he was not one of them; just like Dak and Micah and others. They have already made enough to live in complete luxury the rest of their lives and take care of their children big time.
In the end it is greed; and also ego as most of them measure their self worth by their bank account
I would say it's greed not need for 90 percent of NFL players. We want to act like ours are different, but look at some of the signings. You have guys who give lip service that they only want to play for a winner and then go to a team that hasn't been a contender.

Think Josh Sweat left Philly for Arizona or Milton Williams for the Patriots because he wants to win? Or Myles Garrett re-signed with Cleveland after demanding a trade because he's eyeing the Super Bowl?
oh the tv networks love this crap, probably be discussed 40 or 50 times today. Two morning shows talked about it and then at the top of the next hour talked about it again, sheesh
at the level Tank was paid his want to get every dollar was greed not need.

Now the vast majority of NFL players do need to do this; get every dollar they can.

But he was not one of them; just like Dak and Micah and others. They have already made enough to live in complete luxury the rest of their lives and take care of their children big time.
In the end it is greed; and also ego as most of them measure their self worth by their bank account
Dak has taken every penny
Micah will take every penny no matter what he says
I’m surprised he did this to Jerry considering he gave him a 100 million dollar contract that he neither earned or deserved.

He is wrong for saying it, but the point is correct…Dallas isn’t winning a SB anytime soon. As has already been said…he was much more part of the problem than a solution, but that’s the type of player this organization raises.

It’s Jerry’s toy, and about him being a celebrity and making money. Many follow his lead.
I disagree, it was disrespectful in the timing and context and manner he said it - very much a stick it to Dallas comment.

That being said, he's likely got justification for the statement but it was a bit classless and I expected something different - he could have stopped at Dallas is mu home and I was thankful for the time there, looking forward to trying to win a superbowl in Seattle....
I can respect that I just see it as he knows what's going on We all have been at work and have worked with that boss. It's his job to play and yes he got paid for it. Not knowing the context in which he meant it but the way I took it is that I've been doing my job and you're not doing anything to help bring in more to Help us so we can be more productive .
Most people would tell their employer this company isn't going no where until you change.
I can respect that I just see it as he knows what's going on We all have been at work and have worked with that boss. It's his job to play and yes he got paid for it. Not knowing the context in which he meant it but the way I took it is that I've been doing my job and you're not doing anything to help bring in more to Help us so we can be more productive .
Most people would tell their employer this company isn't going no where until you change.
yeah i get it, i think there will be more coming out about the beef he and micha had. I am not saying he statement was inaccurate, but he knew what he was saying and how it would be perceived - if anything it sucks as fans bc he was always one of my favorite players and this has tarnished the way I look at him - right or wrong its how it made me feel and i know a lot of fans feel the same way.

I guess what i just dont understand is the burn the bridge type comment in that moment - he got his shot in at jerry and micha, but he also knew he was going to piss off a large ammount of fans and sully his reputation with dallas in general....there will be no ring of honor, no 1 day contract to retire, he will now be persona no grata.

his perogitve and within his rights (as i said i totally get the comment) but i just dont understand why he chose to deliver it how he did knowing the reprucusions - incase he just does not give a you know what
Yeah right , you are getting one with a team that is blown up and starting from scratch. Even though what he said was true, his reasons are not true.
Someone needs to remind D-Law that if he was not part of the solution here, he was part of the problem.

"Not winning a Super Bowl here" didn't bother him when he signed that $105 million extension in 2019.
Not a class way to leave a franchise, in any sport. Unnecessary comment. Unprofessional.
Nothing about his entire career has shown he has any class. He always underperformed for the money he was making. Didn't even notice he was out the majority of last year. He's just pouting because they didn't throw a truck load of cash at him. He thinks he's going to win a Super Bowl in Seattle? Lol
Yep DLaw....our owner/GM has established a long running "culture" that hasn't been receptive to winning football. I wonder if DLaw "accidentally" knocked a painting off the wall.
Someone needs to remind D-Law that if he was not part of the solution here, he was part of the problem.

"Not winning a Super Bowl here" didn't bother him when he signed that $105 million extension in 2019.
Or making threats to get it.

Telling rookies not to pay attention to Garrett never got away from me. It all comes back to Jerry and the environment he has created where football is a sideshow, but it was also one that Lawrence took full advantage of.

Schottenheimer is supposed to change that? Yeah good luck pal. It’ll never not be all about Jerry.
He wanted to sign until they didn't make him an offer..........his comments are just wrong and clumsy. As a 11-year vet, he should know better......


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