Depression after a loss

windward;4207285 said:
I have been a more or less casual fan of the Ramgers since I was 6 in 1989. Mostly due to Nolan Ryan. But living in Hawaii, we only got 10 or so Rangers games a year, not really enough to sustain a really passionate interest. The mid 90s were kinda fun ( Rusty Greer was my favorite player on those teams).

But now that I watch the majority of the Rangers games, they have done a great job at entrenching themselves as my number 2 team in all of sports.

Greer was a favorite of mine too. Few ever played the game as hard.

I first started paying attentiion to the Rangers a little in the late 1970's - yes I'm older than you - and a lot of the reason was that the other Texas team had sucked my whole life. I got a lot more interested over time as access to TV broadcasts became more available, and the last 10 years I have become pretty fanatical. Of course the last 2 years that has built to the point that I'm ready to explode now.
yimyammer;4207265 said:
I'm SO jealous!! Congrats buddy, it was a great game for everyone but the Ranger fans

No congrats are in order as yet. Still anyone's series. I know some of the Rangers pain watching the Cards claw back into the game at 4-4 only to give up those BTB HR's.

I couldn't take watching that momentum swing again and especially with FOX showing every one of Washington's excitable moments. Nothing against him as all those little things the opposition does bug you when your emotionally distraught.

I'm more than satisfied with the Cards playoff showing given their August status. Taking out the Phils was a shocker. Taking out the Brewers was very satisfying. I have no ill will towards the Rangers. A shame someone will lose because both have shown stuff of champions.
Not a fan of baseball but I do know how it is when the Cowboys and my favorite College Football team lose. For the sake of the Rangers fans on here hope they win the series that will make all of you feel a ton better
Stautner;4207278 said:
The thing to realize is that in baseball one inning can change the momentum.
The way I'd put it is: there's no such thing as "momentum" in baseball. Last night's crazy back-and-forth affair is a perfect example of that.

Or, as Earl Weaver said, "Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher."

There's plenty of history to give Rangers' fans hope:
The D-backs beat the Yankees in 2001 after two of the most demoralizing possible extra-inning losses in games 4 and 5.
The Reds won game 7 in 1975, after Carlton Fisk's homer in the 12th the night before.

It ain't over.
As strange as it may sound I have learned enjoy the extream highs and lows of sports. You learn to accept you can't enjoy the one without the other.

To me it is the unknown of sports that is thrilling, it is not a script used by actors. While it is a crushing feeling you face in defeat it also makes the thrill of victory that much sweeter when you win.
The Cowboys have been difficult to deal with after a loss because we've had so many games that we either should have won and shot ourselves in the foot and/or get some of the craziest bad breaks ever. In fact, I think opposing kickers are BY FAR AND AWAY kicking the best against us than any other team in the league. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd look it up...but I'd be willing to bet that it's right. I know a few years ago it was looked up and it was true.

I didn't get depressed last year because I was just angry. I was angry at the lack of sense of urgency on the team. I was angry at the lack of emotion from some of our team leaders. I was angry that Wade Phillips changed his ways in '09 and IT WORKED....and it WORKED THE BEST IT EVER DID FOR HIM AS A HEAD COACH...and then he went back to his old ways and it burned him.

When people don't learn obvious lessons, it really makes me irate.

This year, it's been heartbreakers again. Although the Pats loss didn't feel all that bad because we didn't shoot ourselves in the foot and Tom Brady was unbelievable on that last drive.

I would be depressed, too...if I were a Rangers fan. I mean...that's the whole enchilada there. And you were 1 strike away on 2 different occasions.

Not trying to rub it in, but I can certainly understand it.

Probably the most depressed I was ever after a loss as a sports fan was after the 2001 World Series when the Yankees lost to the D-Backs. After 9/11, all I wanted was for the Yankees to win, just to get an ounce of joy after all of the tragedy and we lose. Not because they actually hit Rivera hard, but because he couldn't make a throw to 2nd and we had the infield in an Texas League single off a broken bat beats us. It was my favorite Yankee, Paul O'Neill, last hoorah and I just got the feeling that things weren't going to be the same for a long time.

Doomsday101;4207382 said:
As strange as it may sound I have learned enjoy the extream highs and lows of sports. You learn to accept you can't enjoy the one without the other.

To me it is the unknown of sports that is thrilling, it is not a script used by actors. While it is a crushing feeling you face in defeat it also makes the thrill of victory that much sweeter when you win.

I get upset after losses, but the future prospects of success or hope makes it all bearable in the end.

The sun will come out tomorrow. Failure today does not ensure failure tomorrow.

Never has, never will.
I'm rooting for the Cards (aka, my dad's team), so I had a great night. :)

I am not a Rangers fan.

I wasnt depressed that they lost.

I WAS MAD though.

I was SOOOO sure that 2 outs and 2 strikes each time would end game on next strike/swing.

I was SOOOO sure that when they went up 2 runs in consecutive innings that they would win WS.

Seriouly, as a non-Rangers fan (Yankees fan)... days later it is still bothering me.

I felt they were a team of destiny and they(Washington/Oliver) altered that.
i've never been this depressed after a sports loss in my life. that's saying a lot considering my issues dealing with cowboys losses.

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