Dexter thread

The Coffee cup scene made me want to vomit.
Not excited about this season so far.

Dexter Questions faith. Dexter just happens to meet an ex murderer converted religious guy! at the same time there just so happens to be new religious serial killers! WOOO.

Everything is too sickeningly coincidental.
Heisenberg;4220343 said:
It's been alright. I've been spoiled by Breaking Bad lately.

Mos Def (lame pun intended). I can't believe some people think this is better than Breaking Bad. It's been decent, but it isn't even the best show airing right now. That award goes to Boardwalk Empire which has been fantastic.
The Ominous;4220631 said:
Mos Def (lame pun intended). I can't believe some people think this is better than Breaking Bad. It's been decent, but it isn't even the best show airing right now. That award goes to Boardwalk Empire which has been fantastic.

Well. It's certainly not the best show anymore. The earlier seasons, especially 1 and 4 were fairly amazing.
One of the stupidest things I've ever seen occurred in the latest episode. AWESOME!

Hey I couldn't find out the buyer of the evidence because he was behind a FIRE WALL!

But! I deleted all traces of it FROM THE INTERNET!

oh, and I improved your credit score and installed the latest CPU !!!

God that scene was so awful.

Anyhow. I'm going to go hack ebay now and delete traces of their sales from the internet.
Teren_Kanan;4224375 said:
One of the stupidest things I've ever seen occurred in the latest episode. AWESOME!

Hey I couldn't find out the buyer of the evidence because he was behind a FIRE WALL!

But! I deleted all traces of it FROM THE INTERNET!

oh, and I improved your credit score and installed the latest CPU !!!

God that scene was so awful.

Anyhow. I'm going to go hack ebay now and delete traces of their sales from the internet.

So you want realism on a show about a serial killer that works for the police dept? :D
Yeagermeister;4224412 said:
So you want realism on a show about a serial killer that works for the police dept? :D

Come on now. I believe there is quite a difference in the stretch of imagination between the two.

What happened on the episode was basically the show creators saying, "hey, people are stupid, lets just say this random garbage to make this guy seem computer smart".

There was a thread on this subject a while ago or something similar. like the 10 top stupid "Tech" scenes of tv shows or something.

THis one should be added to the list.
Teren_Kanan;4224375 said:
One of the stupidest things I've ever seen occurred in the latest episode. AWESOME!

Hey I couldn't find out the buyer of the evidence because he was behind a FIRE WALL!

But! I deleted all traces of it FROM THE INTERNET!

oh, and I improved your credit score and installed the latest CPU !!!

God that scene was so awful.

Anyhow. I'm going to go hack ebay now and delete traces of their sales from the internet.

Gotta admit that was pretty lame, but I just overlooked it. Dexter isn't the first show to do that, nor the last. I mean really, how many actually talk about advanced computing and don't ***** it. All they were doing was throwing out buzz words so non-technical Dexter watchers would hear something they could recognize.

Last nights episode was already, but the previews for next weeks look wild. Anyhow know how many episodes are left?

I just recently watched season two and three. That chick in season two was hawt! ;)

Season three was good but also slightly boring. Not sure what I really make of it. I literally played bejeweled on my phone through two of the last three episodes (though I was paying attention to it through listening and would watch when something was really happening)

I'm finally getting to the season four with John Lithgow. I've always like Lithgow as a psycho and it's said this is the best season. Only season I haven't seen as of yet.
Sam I Am;4229086 said:
I'm finally getting to the season four with John Lithgow. I've always like Lithgow as a psycho and it's said this is the best season. Only season I haven't seen as of yet.

You will be amazed and how great Season 4 is.

It won't be topped.


As far as last night's episode, good ending. That's who Dexter is, however anyone in that same situation would've gone vigilante on that guy (Nick).
I didnt watch last nights episode yet....but iss the blonde assistant really gone?!?!?!?! :cry2: :cry2:

She's from Marshall, TX and went to UT :) Her and her sweater puppies will be missed.

kmp77;4229733 said:
I didnt watch last nights episode yet....but iss the blonde assistant really gone?!?!?!?! :cry2: :cry2:

She's from Marshall, TX and went to UT :) Her and her sweater puppies will be missed.


Yep, she's gone.
I thought she would be back since her departure was kind of abrupt, especially with her genuinely liking Vince.
Dexter just needs to unleash the Dark side.

Forget the light.

Some people deserve to die.
ConcordCowboy;4231612 said:
Dexter just needs to unleash the Dark side.

Forget the light.

Some people deserve to die.

I know in season 3, he thought he killed an "innocent" man. I really would like to see how he feels about killing an innocent person, no strings attached.
VietCowboy;4231813 said:
I know in season 3, he thought he killed an "innocent" man. I really would like to see how he feels about killing an innocent person, no strings attached.

Goes against everything he is about and what separates him from those who visit his table.

He'd have to "off" himself!
Now that was about as good as Dexter gets. That episode was incredibly insane on so many levels. Screw the villain of the season and even bad guy of the week, give me dark passanger vs Harry all day.!
That last episode..

Might have jumped the shark for me =/

Poor poor writing. So bad.
WHich is upsetting because the concept is really good. It's just done horribly. If they were going to play the Dexter falling towards the darkside card, it had to be the season. They did it at a super fast pace in one episode.. kind of awful. It's really just sloppy and poor story writing all around. Bringing Brian back was awesome. how they used him? Horrible.

Dexter can't just fall towards the darkside. He has to go crazy banging chicks in gas stations to steal guns and go on a wild shooting spree for no reason, completely out of character? It was awful.

It's not quite as bad as Anakin going from good to slaughtering "Younglings" in 10 minutes, but it's pretty bad. And then it gets resolved 20 minutes later.

I could go on and on into detail about stuff I don't like, but I won't.

Dexter has become a show I will enjoy watching from a distance, it is no longer a show I am in love with anymore. I don't even watch it on Sunday anymore. Hell I watched episode 6 and 7 back to back because I just had no motivation to watch 6 'cause this season has been awful.
Not to worry Teren_Kanan. There are only a few episodes left. I believe this is the final season.

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