Dez Bryant cannot beat double coverage


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Dez Bryant and Tony Romo took advantage of the elite running game last year and torched single coverage. Just go back and watch this video:

Tony Romo is the master at finding the single coverage, and when he sees double coverage he instantly goes to his second read and makes Dez his 3rd or 4th read. So what you see in this video is alot of single coverage, fade/back shoulder in end zone, a couple of defensive breakdowns, and NO TD's against double coverage. Besides a play against Chicago I can't even remember one play last year where he beat double coverage . I just can't help to think how much greater Dez would appear if he had someone like Matt Stafford or '07 Romo throwing him the ball.

Even with that being said Dez didn't do ANYTHING in the playoffs. He has to get better at his route running if he wants to take that next step to be in the category of Megatron, Antonio Brown, and Jordy Nelson. If not, I still think he's a top 5-10 WR but to put him as the 1st or 2nd best WR is ridiculous at this point.

With the running game most likely taking a step back this year, Romo has to put up a few more shots a game so we can see what Dez Bryant is made of.

So in your opinion even though Romo "Is the master at finding single coverage" you believe he should force the ball into double coverage to "make Dez appear greater"? I just want to get my head wrapped around that first paragraph before moving on.

On to the second paragraph I'm noticing that none of the "next step category" guys scored a TD in the playoffs. Dez also led all of them in regular season TD catches which last I checked was the most important stat for a WR. You take all the yardage and catches you want...I'll take the points.

Closing on the third paragraph I gotta ask if you really need another season to know what Dez Bryant is made of? Obviously it's snips and snails, and puppy dog tails.


Well-Known Member
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Dez Bryant and Tony Romo took advantage of the elite running game last year and torched single coverage. Just go back and watch this video:

Tony Romo is the master at finding the single coverage, and when he sees double coverage he instantly goes to his second read and makes Dez his 3rd or 4th read. So what you see in this video is alot of single coverage, fade/back shoulder in end zone, a couple of defensive breakdowns, and NO TD's against double coverage. Besides a play against Chicago I can't even remember one play last year where he beat double coverage . I just can't help to think how much greater Dez would appear if he had someone like Matt Stafford or '07 Romo throwing him the ball.

Even with that being said Dez didn't do ANYTHING in the playoffs. He has to get better at his route running if he wants to take that next step to be in the category of Megatron, Antonio Brown, and Jordy Nelson. If not, I still think he's a top 5-10 WR but to put him as the 1st or 2nd best WR is ridiculous at this point.

With the running game most likely taking a step back this year, Romo has to put up a few more shots a game so we can see what Dez Bryant is made of.

Jordy Nelson and Antonio Brown is better than Dez ?? Dez production increase every year. Also lets be honest CJ was the last if a dying breed such as TO, Randy Moss and AJ Johnson.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
When your name-or your avatar-reveals something about your general opinion, people will rightly read into it. OP just needs the courage of his own convictions.

I refrained from mocking the post's argument itself, but there's plenty of meat on that bone, too.

Randle is that you?:p


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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Romo '15 will be better than Romo '07. In fact last year he was also better.


1st Round Pick
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It's hard to beat double-coverage when a significant portion of your routes are go routes.

So much this.

We don't try to get guys open. We run our play and let the defense decide where the ball will go.

You think Garrett will do anything special to get the ball in someones hands? Puuuuhhllleeease.


Well-Known Member
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Saying CJ beats double teams is like saying Shaq beat double teams. When your only strategy is throw it to him as high as possible and he uses his physical size and length to out reach the defenders that is not beating. No different to what the 90's team did with Alvin Harper chuck it up deep and high and alvin will just jump to get it.


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Maybe it's Tony refusing to throw into double coverage, I wondered why he doesn't throw it and let Dez fight for it. I see CJ, Julio and others get the opportunity but not Dez

Look at those guys quarterbacks though. And how careless they were with the football. Then go look at Peyton, Brady, Russell and Rodgers and how they take care of the football.


Well-Known Member
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So? Why would you try to beat double coverage? If you get double coverage, particularly to the extent New Orleans was throwing out there, that just means you have an easy throw somewhere else.

I think your overestimating people's intelligence. They want Tony to throw into double coverage. But then if the play doesn't bring a positive result they want to complain that Tony threw into double coverage.


Regular Joe....
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QBs who make a living throwing into double coverage are QBs who are either playing in the USFL or working in a another line of work, waiting for calls that never come. Having said this, I have seen Tony throw into double coverage with Dez. He is, thankfully, not making this a standard practice but it does happen.

Outlaw Heroes

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Just to point out the obvious, the op did not say anywhere that ogletree is a better wr or could beat double teams better then dez Bryant. You trolls added that for him. Lol @ posters trolling the op. Typical cowboys zone. Read his post, not his name.

Just to point out the obvious, the post itself didn't merit a reasoned response. Others have provided one (completely destroying the post's premise -- namely, that one should try to beat double teams) presumably as an act of charity, not because it was merited. My failure to be so charitable may make me a troll in your eyes but consider whether the OP himself might reasonably have been thought to have been trolling in light of the lack of logic in the post. If so, what does that mean for responses that mock his post rather than being charitable?


Well-Known Member
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Dez Bryant and Tony Romo took advantage of the elite running game last year and torched single coverage. Just go back and watch this video:

Tony Romo is the master at finding the single coverage, and when he sees double coverage he instantly goes to his second read and makes Dez his 3rd or 4th read. So what you see in this video is alot of single coverage, fade/back shoulder in end zone, a couple of defensive breakdowns, and NO TD's against double coverage. Besides a play against Chicago I can't even remember one play last year where he beat double coverage . I just can't help to think how much greater Dez would appear if he had someone like Matt Stafford or '07 Romo throwing him the ball.

Even with that being said Dez didn't do ANYTHING in the playoffs. He has to get better at his route running if he wants to take that next step to be in the category of Megatron, Antonio Brown, and Jordy Nelson. If not, I still think he's a top 5-10 WR but to put him as the 1st or 2nd best WR is ridiculous at this point.

With the running game most likely taking a step back this year, Romo has to put up a few more shots a game so we can see what Dez Bryant is made of.

Oh ok.



Hardwork and Dedication
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Nope..not gonna fall for it, I know trolling when I see it.


Lightning Rod
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Maybe it's Tony refusing to throw into double coverage, I wondered why he doesn't throw it and let Dez fight for it. I see CJ, Julio and others get the opportunity but not Dez

because if he does, the same poster will whine that Romo needs to protect the ball better


Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Is that what people are thinking...LOL

When I signed up in 2012 I made this username as a joke. I'm just not on here enough to care to change it.

Oh, I know it's a joke. But you gotta understand that a 'Romo2Ogletree' poster starting a Dez-cannot-whatever thread is going to take shots for that alone. And then a dude with a three year old ban-Jerry avatar trying to rail against that obvious expected reaction is going to get laughed down, and rightly so.

As to your thread, the fact that the QB is smart enough to not throw much into double coverage isn't evidence that Dez can't beat double coverage.

And I have to say, this line: "He has to get better at his route running if he wants to take that next step to be in the category of Megatron, Antonio Brown, and Jordy Nelson..." simply cracked me up. Dez has worked hard and gotten much better with his route running, and his ability to run routes has absolutely nothing to do with our willingness to throw into double coverage or not. He's an elite WR, though, and he's not looking up at Jordy Nelson. His new contract ought to make that pretty clear, too.