Dez Bryant - The Survivor


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"Crackheads in my house, potato chips and peanut butter for dinner — my life was **** all the way to college," says Dez Bryant. Photograph by Mark Seliger

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Cowboys 24/7/365
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He breaks off abruptly and ducks his head, holding it in both hands as he sobs. "But I swear on my life, I was blessed that day," says Bryant after composing himself. "There was this abandoned trailer, and on the stoop outside, I seen these shoulder pads and helmet sitting there. The craziest <expletive> was, they actually fit me. I stole those, man. I stole 'em and I played."
Knowing he couldn't play college ball if he continued on the special-ed track, Stafford recruited a team of teachers to tutor Bryant. They crammed three years of learning into 18 months, and attended to his other, dire needs. "He'd literally have nothing to eat except what he got at school, so we took turns feeding Dez on our dime," says Stafford.
Next, it was Dez's turn to hit the street; he got tossed out at the end of his junior year. Deidre denies that she pushed out Dez's siblings, saying they left on their own, and that "me, Mac and my God know what happened." She does concede that she forced Dez to leave, saying, "Dez had a problem with rules and the 'no' word." Happily, his girlfriend's family took him in; the months he spent on their couch were the most stable (and nutritious) of his teens.
People talk about his contract. It's a blessing but it wasn't the only blessing Bryant has received. And I think he knows and respects them.

Good article. Not great but good. The Greg Hardy mentionable could have been reworded but it would have made the article a little less dramatic.

The team's front office should separate themselves from Wells. That is a relationship which may not eventually end well. And that's putting it mildly.


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People talk about his contract. It's a blessing but it wasn't the only blessing Bryant has received. And I think he knows and respects them.

Good article. Not great but good. The Greg Hardy mentionable could have been reworded but it would have made the article a little less dramatic.

The team's front office should separate themselves from Wells. That is a relationship which may not eventually end well. And that's putting it mildly.

Hope DEZ can lead us to the promised land this year and we get # 6 !!!! :star::star::star::star::star::star:

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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Read the whole thing. Honestly not impressed. Curious as to whether it strains the relationship between the COwboys and Dez, as it is far from complimentary.


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People talk about his contract. It's a blessing but it wasn't the only blessing Bryant has received. And I think he knows and respects them.

Good article. Not great but good. The Greg Hardy mentionable could have been reworded but it would have made the article a little less dramatic.

The team's front office should separate themselves from Wells. That is a relationship which may not eventually end well. And that's putting it mildly.

I agree about Wells.

Maybe Chris Carter will offer his advisory services to troubled players....


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Read the whole thing. Honestly not impressed. Curious as to whether it strains the relationship between the COwboys and Dez, as it is far from complimentary.
I doubt it hampers the bond between front office and player. The article doesn't recite much that hasn't already be publicly stated or speculated in the past. Truth or subjective, I think both parties interact amicably enough without underlying misgivings about the other.


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I doubt it hampers the bond between front office and player. The article doesn't recite much that hasn't already be publicly stated or speculated in the past. Truth or subjective, I think both parties interact amicably enough without underlying misgivings about the other.

The article seems to have quite a bit of editorializing added by Rolling Stone. They've really taken a lot out of context about the contract situation to attempt to play on the "evil owner Jerry Jones" angle.

Read between the lines on this one -- great story, in context, about Dez Bryant, but a relatively poorly written article when compared to other tell-alls, like the ESPN articles on Arian Foster and Jerry Jones that came out this year.


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Article is not very nice to Jerry. I am a little disappointed in Dez, as Jerry took quite the hit for drafting him where he did.


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Read the whole thing. Honestly not impressed. Curious as to whether it strains the relationship between the COwboys and Dez, as it is far from complimentary.

It's certainly slanted to make the Cowboys look like the bad guys, with the evil Jerry Jones trying to take advantage of poor Dez.


1st Round Pick
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Read the whole thing. Honestly not impressed. Curious as to whether it strains the relationship between the COwboys and Dez, as it is far from complimentary.

Remember who is in our front office.

Jerry isn't the kind of guy that would let something like this ruin his relationship.

He's friends with Dale Hansen and Hansen bags on him every day.


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Heh, definitely paints a dark picture of Wells and a non flattering picture of Jones.

His life story is crazy, to put it shortly. Holy ****, talk about growing up in a messed up environment.