/Relaxed me.
Dez, love ya bro. Ignore the noise. But don't go after our lifeblood on D.
Not even if it was warranted in your eyes.
It will do you no favors, my boy.
Not speaking on Lee like that.
Still, I loved you to the end. And I don't doubt for one second that our coaching stifled you, and that you may have fell victim to the Dallas Cowboys Country Club™
But Lee ain't part of that. Lee is all warrior. All work. No frills. No gimmicks. No Romo-Witten-JG group hug. (Love Romo, but it is what it is)
Still, homeboy, don't go at our
" on defense, mang.
As right as you are about JG, stop there. Even if there's truth beyond it. You just cant do it, my man. It's gonna hurt you with other teams. Remember Bennett, my boi? This reads like he and Witt, just more odd due to oppo sides of the field. And Lee has shown nothing but professionalism and true heart to our team. It's ******* time stamped and recorded on Amazon.
Obviously, as my posts in here show.
Coaches and Org failed Dez, now he's taking it out on the wrong people. Go after JG, Cue Ball etc, not Lee. He's off limits. PURE team first, elite WIL LB. There's nothing any Cowboys fan has ever seen that shows otherwise.