Dez may need to go

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i don't see anything to be concerned about in dez off the field. as for the money thats where the issue will be. i don't think you pay him megatron money but i think they will come to an agreement that puts him in the top 5 and i think thats fair for both sides
Ian Rapoport calling the police station. That's all you really need to know.
Friday I believe. He's had the local cops called to his house several times on minor stuff. Troubling.

From what I´ve been reading, this is child´s play in contrast to what Irvin and some of the 90´s Cowboys did back in the day, they didn´t let Irvin go then and won´t let Dez go now.
All the issues cited are "normal" for pro athletes. The kid being locked in the car, it could have ended tragically but this is not an NFL only issue, there are far more tragic cases of this everyday in the country. I am willing to bet it happens more in the "real" world than in the NFL.
Dez will retire a Cowboy. Period. End of Story. Anyone who thinks otherwise is well, just wrong. And that's about as nice as I can say it.
Ever since the Duke Lacrosse rape case I have made it a priority of mine to try and hear the entire story before I start convicting somebody in my mind. And over the years I have had to view the sports media with a very critical eye, particularly when it comes to the Cowboys.

And it's shameful in both ways. The way that Peter King tried to backtrack when the Ray Rice tape leaked. King backtracked purely because he wanted to keep his sources in the NFL despite turning on his own peers that told the truth.

It really tells you how the sports media's not about the's about reporting on something that will benefit them and their career the most.

I find it hilarious that now what Rappaport is reporting is starting to be conceived as Jerry Jones trying to smear Dez so he can get him at a lower contract. This is the same Jerry Jones that gets criticized *every year* for giving out big contracts to players. Now he is supposedly trying to get a player at a discount rate?

It's hypocritical and flat-out ludicrous.

It's a major problem with the Cowboys, the local media (in general) loves nothing more than to find a way to rip into the team and root for their demise. When Adam Schefter claimed that there was a 'schism' in the Vikings locker room because players wanted Tavaris Jackson as the QB instead of Brett Favre (I swear, I'm not making this up, this is what Schefter claimed) was laughed at and shot down by the entire Minnesota press.

When there is a report that players on Washington are against RG3 being their QB and that he 'doesn't relate to other players well', that was immediately shot down by the local Washington press.

Jerry would never need to create a smear campaign against any Dallas Cowboys player. He can simply let the national media and the local media do that instead.

I really have little worries about the entire situation. I am 99% confident that Dez gets signed to a long-term contract and it won't be a discounted rate. Just the need for hacks like Rappaport that try to smear Dez so he can make a bigger name for himself is disgusting.


Rappaport: A tabloid "journalist" who happens to specialize in sports gossip...
LOL. How can the OP start this thread and not think he's going to get lambasted and make himself look like a damn fool? He had to be kidding, right? Had to be.
I heard a report Dez passed gas without saying "Excuse me", he was alone in a park.:eek:

So if Dez farts in the forest and no one is around, did Dez make a sound?

Should we call the police for disturbing the peace?
Here's what 105.3 The Fan said about those reports

FYI, Dez's name was not on these reports. Bryant was on one call and Bryant alone.

The harassment 9/4/2011 - This was of somebody at the address receiving text, "we can make this stop." The Police were called to get a hold of the person to tell them stop. Again, the person "AT" the address received the text

The baby - Police were called for the baby being locked inside. Dez Bryant nowhere listed on the report.

Burglary 6/2/2013 - The call was made by a Johnson. The house was broken into while he was asleep while the house was dark. The burglar left thru the garage window. Dez's name nowhere on the report.

A neighborhood patrol incident was called in. - The radio guy called in to cross reference it. The Cowboys were in NY playing the Giants this day. Dez was playing in this game.

So yeah.

Holy crap. Sounds pretty dangerous.
Leave the man alone already, he's doing great things for this team...Dez that is.
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I love Dez Bryant. He is a monster and one of the best WR's in the NFL. But his off the field issues, (wait for the article coming out soon) and troubles are true, then there's no way he gets Megatron money. Heck Megatron shouldn't have been paid so much. WR's just aren't worth that kind of money. There's plenty of very good WR's available via the draft, FA or already on the team. I would let him walk if he insists on that kind of money.

Who said he was asking for Megatron money?

Anyway, from what I heard, the police visits to his Desoto home were mostly small things.
6 incidences (not sure of the time frame) and no convictions or arrests
A break in to his residence for example
An harassment incident (could have even been Dez filing it)
The worst I heard was a kid was locked in car...that can be dangerous in the Texas heat.

The man has been doing really well compared to what many thought.

Stop feeding the mediots
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