Did anyone hear Jeff Fisher's Interview?

There's way too many people here that couldn't handle Fisher's 'old school' approach.

As soon as he started barking at their particular golden boy, they'd be calling for his head...and then wanting a more player friendly head coach.
jackrussell;2553470 said:
There's way too many people here that couldn't handle Fisher's 'old school' approach.

As soon as he started barking at their particular golden boy, they'd be calling for his head...and then wanting a more player friendly head coach.

It's what this team needs and will always need.

The Coach's who succeed here are butt kickers.

This franchise is highly susceptible to losing focus when we are good.

The media attention is crazy and they will dig and dig and make something so ordinary headline news.

If you take an approach like Wade does its hard to manage this monster.

I think Wade is a heck of a coach. He might even do a really good job else where. His style of defense is exactly what we need.

But his head coaching style only fits what Jerry looks for in a coach and not what gets Lombardi's and parades back in Dallas.
Because he's a real head coach... He doesn't pay attention to the complaining and *****ing by the players. Wade Phillips is a complete idiot!
CATCH17;2553416 said:
I'd still take Cowher over Holmgren.

I'd take Shanahan over the entire bunch.

I was all for keeping Wade until Shanahan got released. I can't believe we aren't all over this.

He is exactly who we need.

Something tells me if Jerry is just looking for an excuse to make this move ,and if Red takes a job elsewhere, than Wade is done.

I believe it was on NFL Gameday Final last night. But it was reported that Shanahan wants to wait 2 weeks before he takes an interview and/or a job offer. This was brought up by Sheffter(SP?) when asked about Shanahan to the Jets.

stay tuned......
ThreeSportStar80;2553693 said:
Because he's a real head coach... He doesn't pay attention to the complaining and *****ing by the players. Wade Phillips is a complete idiot!
Hey! Why do you have insult idiots like that?
dbair1967;2553404 said:
doesnt seem to look like it today

The Dolphins, with one tenth the "talent" of this team, played with a hell of alot more heart against the Ravens than the Cowboys did. In case you missed it, the Phins actually made the playoffs.
Sarge;2553360 said:
He's a real head coach and a real LEADER. They are a TEAM - we are a like a nasty dsyfunctional family - and I use the term "family" loosely.

Those of you who don't think grown men at this level don't need leaders are absolutely kidding themselves.
jackrussell;2553470 said:
There's way too many people here that couldn't handle Fisher's 'old school' approach.

As soon as he started barking at their particular golden boy, they'd be calling for his head...and then wanting a more player friendly head coach.

The GM in that situation should back the coach. If the player is still being a problem he can be traded/released/benched/suspended. This is the approach Jerry should be taking here - players have to respect the coach for the team to be successful.
Doomsday Duck;2553697 said:
I believe it was on NFL Gameday Final last night. But it was reported that Shanahan wants to wait 2 weeks before he takes an interview and/or a job offer. This was brought up by Sheffter(SP?) when asked about Shanahan to the Jets.

stay tuned......

Just make him an offer he can't refuse (give him a say in the draft but ensure the team of scouts/Jerry/coach will all have a big say in the end. There is no point in breaking the only thing that is working well on this team right now - the draft.
If I'm reading jackrussell's post correctly, he's saying that too many posters here couldn't handle Fisher because he would call out their golden boy a.k.a. fave player.

I have no idea who he has in mind. ;)
Eskimo;2553801 said:
The GM in that situation should back the coach. If the player is still being a problem he can be traded/released/benched/suspended. This is the approach Jerry should be taking here - players have to respect the coach for the team to be successful.

You misunderstood his post.
Everson24;2553332 said:
Bill Cowher interviewed Jeff Fisher at halftime of the Ravens Dolphins game and was asled what he did this week and Fisher said he had his team working on basics like tackling, running the ball and red zone stuff. The thing that got my attention is he said he had the team working in pads. He said they didn't like it but felt it was necessary. He also had them compete against each other and the losers had to run.

Does this sound anything like Wade's approach? Wade would have let them all go on vacation like last year and rest their legs. I'm curious to see how the Titans play next week. I bet they come out with more energy than we showed last year.

The results are in:

going to Cabo before playoff game = loosers

having team compete vs each other and losers run = winners?
(I may have to come back and edit this post) lmao

regardless - I would go with latter
RoadRunner;2553343 said:
According to some reports, the Cowboys did not practice in pads once the week before the Philly game. They didn't even do a routine walkthru on the Saturday before.

You play like you practice, and the Cowboys sure as hell proved that saying is true in the Philly game.

Chocolate Lab;2553820 said:
If I'm reading jackrussell's post correctly, he's saying that too many posters here couldn't handle Fisher because he would call out their golden boy a.k.a. fave player.

I have no idea who he has in mind. ;)

But the reason who whole "golden boy speaking up" gets traction here is the GM here gets in the middle and supports the player over the coach. This leads to some fans backing the "golden boy" in question. If the GM were a stronger supporter of the coach, this would mostly be a non-issue in the end as far as the fans are concerned. Look at what Philly did - the owner supported the coach/GM, turfed the player and the fans sided with the FO. This is the way a team should be run - if the FO acted with integrity here, the fans would fall in line. The problem is Jerry is far too hands on and has too much invested in TO (and I'm not talking about money).
Jeff Fisher has a running game, and the offensive game-plan emphasizes it... Our genius chooses to ignore it...
Eskimo;2554070 said:
But the reason who whole "golden boy speaking up" gets traction here is the GM here gets in the middle and supports the player over the coach. This leads to some fans backing the "golden boy" in question. If the GM were a stronger supporter of the coach, this would mostly be a non-issue in the end as far as the fans are concerned. Look at what Philly did - the owner supported the coach/GM, turfed the player and the fans sided with the FO. This is the way a team should be run - if the FO acted with integrity here, the fans would fall in line. The problem is Jerry is far too hands on and has too much invested in TO (and I'm not talking about money).
Correction. Some fans would fall in line.

There are fans of the Dallas Cowboys and then there are fans of individual players. While some of the fans of the latter group would possibly side with the front office, all would not.

I know this as a certainty because I was the same way once. Once upon a time, I thought of myself as a devoted Philadelphia 76ers fan, but when the Sixers decided to part ways with Charles Barkley, I followed suit and became a Barkley fan only.

It was a personal choice, but I did remain honest with myself and other devoted team fans by not claiming to also be a Phoenix Suns, Houston Rockets, or even a true NBA fan during his post-Philadelphia career. It wasn't even very hard to do either.
Eskimo;2554070 said:
But the reason who whole "golden boy speaking up" gets traction here is the GM here gets in the middle and supports the player over the coach. This leads to some fans backing the "golden boy" in question. If the GM were a stronger supporter of the coach, this would mostly be a non-issue in the end as far as the fans are concerned. Look at what Philly did - the owner supported the coach/GM, turfed the player and the fans sided with the FO. This is the way a team should be run - if the FO acted with integrity here, the fans would fall in line. The problem is Jerry is far too hands on and has too much invested in TO (and I'm not talking about money).

Oh, I'm with you 100%.

And you're right, it's not about money with Jerry and TO -- it's pride, ego, and stubbornness. Pacman proved that.
Everson24;2553332 said:
Bill Cowher interviewed Jeff Fisher at halftime of the Ravens Dolphins game and was asled what he did this week and Fisher said he had his team working on basics like tackling, running the ball and red zone stuff. The thing that got my attention is he said he had the team working in pads. He said they didn't like it but felt it was necessary. He also had them compete against each other and the losers had to run.

Does this sound anything like Wade's approach? Wade would have let them all go on vacation like last year and rest their legs. I'm curious to see how the Titans play next week. I bet they come out with more energy than we showed last year.

Brilliant. Keep them focused. Good coaching philosophy.

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