Did Terrell Owens stunt Romo's growth?

EPL0c0;2676266 said:
Owens gave Romo the potential to be a better leader. If he was infact yelling in his ear "constantly" Romo had the opportunity to step up and put his foot down as leader of the team.

Sadly never happened...Romo's lack of a pair isn't because of Owens.

If Romo makes an issue out of it, then it will cause a greater divide in the locker room. That's what McNabb did in Philly and it was horrible - you had some players for McNabb and the other for a cut TO.

Romo did the right thing by keeping it in-house, BUT I am pretty sure there could have been times where he could have been a bit more vocal.
rubin86 said:
what do you mean? TO has been here longer than Garrett, TO has been given multiple chances. His whining and constant crap after a game is overbearing on teammates and management. Garrett had a great season with 13-3, and yes he had a bad season the past year but does that mean we just shelf the guy for a receiver who is on the decline (he's 35 and his production has dropped off). Garrett could be a hidden gem if he retains his 13-3 type calling, Garrett doesn't have any attitude problems or doesn't go out at his players. TO does that and he must go. If you look at a team like Pittsburgh, theres a reason they are champs because they don't allow this kind of attitude. There's no I before team for them.

Yes TO has been here longer. The point however is that he has been consistently productive in his career on his way to putting up HOF numbers. It'd seem like we would give THAT GUY the benefit of the doubt after one down year before Jason Garrett, a guy whose flaws were extremely evident throughout the season. Our whole offense had a down year. So instead of getting rid of the guy who is actually running said offense, we release the WR who has made a career out of making DBs look silly.

And seriously, how many of our players have to call TO a good teammate before we stop calling them all liars? It's absolutely ridiculous. People make it sound like TO made life hell in that locker room when it clearly is not the case.

Oh, and Pittsburgh won a superbowl because they actually have "Come from behind plays" for their playmakers. Really paid off on that last drive too. Imagine that.
T.O. helped him in 2006 and 2007, but hurt his growth in 2008, hence the bye-bye.
EPL0c0;2675124 said:
Yeah, Terrell's responsible for Romo's "If losing a game is the worst thing that happens to me" attitude because we all know how much Terrell Owens doesn't mind losing...

At the end of the day every man answers for himself and if Tony Romo's growth was "stunted" it was Tony Romo's fault.

Well said...
Last season took a helluva toll on Romo in many ways. He simply was not himself after week 4 or so. I don't think we know everything that was bothering him (besides the obvious injuries and apparent locker room strife) and we probably never will. I hope he comes out of this a stronger QB. The heart he showed against Wash and NY gives me hope.

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