Diggs cost us this game ***MegaMerge***

Today's soft players and their business decisions make me want to puke how can he even look at himself in the mirror after doing that in a playoff game.

Plays like that are why we can never get any further we are Jerry's home for misfit Toys.
So let's say Diggs makes that INT, SO WHAT? Then it ends up 12-12 and we assume Dak is going to win that battle regardless of regulation or OT? I'm not buying that.
IDK that if he had lit Kittle on that play the Refs would not have called a defenseless receiver bs, but that whiff was bad.
Then he top it out dropping a game changing int.
He had a bad second half of the season IMO and today of all days was his worst game.
I agree. He’s going to command a price tag that is just too high for what he’s actually giving us.

In the TB game he was the only one who didn’t step up.

And then he had a golden opportunity to make a play this game, and he didn’t.

Outside of the Pollard injury, I think that missed int was the biggest play of the game.

Two plays, right? The missed int and the missed hit on Kittle when he was bobbling that catch. That was a huge play. DBs drop balls all the time. Diggs just picked a bad time to drop his. He usually makes that play. As for the whiff on Kittle, idk. If he cleans his clock.(which is what he should've done), maybe we get a penalty. And don't get me started on the defensive holding nonsense.

Still, an overreaction. No one player cost us the game. They scored 6 points on 2 ints. Take away those 6 and we lose by 1. Yeah, two turnovers also may have cost us some points, but who knows.

Losing Pollard really hurt. You know what else hurt? Zero depth at RB. SF brought in their guy that was 3rd on the depth chart (Mitchell). He had fresh legs and looked like a stud. He isn't.

Man, it was just a tough game. Our defense played very well, but not perfect. I haven't seen the all-22, so I have no idea what the coverage looked like against our receivers. I'm guessing the SF CBs and Safeties did a good job. They DL certainly did a good job pressuring Dak, and their blitz packages were effective.

The game was winnable, but it was going to take almost our very best. We didn't have it tonight. I'm as disappointed as anyone, but it's clear where we need help as a team. The OL needs shoring up, we need another decent WR, and every team can use better CBs.

One last point: Something isn't right with Dak. A guy doesn't go from being decent at protecting the ball to being a turnover machine. I know our receivers are at the bottom of the league in getting separation, but it's more than that. Maybe his thumb injury? I doubt we'll ever know, but I don't expect the int trend to continue.

We had a good team this year and we'll have a good team next year.

Sorry it ended this way, but I don't have a problem with the way our team is built. There's one thing that can make us a contender for years to come. Not sure it'll happen, but I wonder if anyone here can point to what I think it is.

Best to all - LIA
Imagine thinking 12 points is supposed to win any NFL game. We're not exactly the 2000 Ravens.
Dropped a pick that hit him in the hands and rolls out of the way of hitting Kittles who was juggling the football... pathetically soft, but our players always show up in critical games like this
Diggs was soft this year, was not impressed overall, his season was decent but lost his aggressive play and just seemed no show when it mattered most,
Diggs needs to find his balls because he plays like he doesnt have any.

Seriously, is the dude scared he is going to brake a nail or something making a tackle?

The football Housewives hit harder than this p#$$y!
He had Kittle right where he wanted, all he needed to do was knock Kittle's arms down or anything but what he did, but the near interception was tipped. For all those who's never caught a ball in your life, try catching a fast tipped ball which loses trajectory then talk. And I'll say it again, he's a receiver by nature, not a real life born cornerback. He was a receiver turned Corner in Alabama. You draft that type of player, you get what you get.
Diggs lost the game for us by basically avoiding Kittle on the bobble catch. If he would have smacked him after the first bobble, instead of cowering away from him, their TD drive would have been stopped right there.
Diggs has cost us a couple of games. He doesn't like to engage.
.....that's been going on all year, but never got addressed and is just beggining to be called out here. Business decisions all year, and excuses last week against TB (protecting himself from injury, coaches told him to protect himself because of depth problems). Wanted no parts of Kittles on the play. Comparisons to Deion are simply insulting.

Word out now......run his way, be physical with him. See Sam Howell meeting at the goal line a few weeks ago.

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