Diggs has damage requiring surgery and thus ending Diggs' season

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Once again, questioning professionally licensed medical surgeons on the integrity of their work and questioning injuries on players is beyond the pale, especially when it concerns more than 1 Cowboys player. Someone is seriously wrong with you.
anyone thinking all doctors are great and paragons of virtue is beyond stupid
Yeah, the fact that some fans are actually suggesting that not just Jerry, but the entire medical staff is lying about players being injured, the beat writers who all reported on the injuries are all lying, the hospital in New York where Dak had the surgery I guess is lying also that Dak was ever a patient there, Dak is also just wearing a knee brace and hobbling around on crutches just for the hell of it since his leg is apparently totally fine, ect....

I'm sorry, but I dont belive in vast conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence to back them up. I guess these same posters think all the other conspiracy theories are legit as well, 911 was an inside job, elections are rigged, vaccines have microchips in them for the government to track you, aliens are being held captive at Area 51, ect......LOL....did I leave anything out?
Don't forget Elvis is alive and well living in Australia
Another quitter
Shocker got paid
Expect starters to sit
Quietly tanking

All that got posted about Diggs just this morning. He's hurt. It's that simple. No conspiracy theory. Needs surgery.
TY at first I thought that was your post and I was about to get all over you but yes these are the nonsense rolling around that he saw his injury prone and the worst narrative is saying that Dallas Cowboys made in the highest paid corner which is not even true he was a top four corner pay and now he's at 5:00 but they're telling everybody saying he's washed now and that we should get rid of as fast as we can yes the nonsense that comes from this fan base gets worse on a daily basis really by the minute if you read Bleacher Report and all the social media and Twitter this is what they're saying and it's sad that doesn't understand that he was trying to play through the pain it's not major I don't believe I think they're exaggerating it's probably a clean up surgery something needs to be done and there's no reason to keep him out there and make it get hurt worse it's probably a torn meniscus it could be frayed there should be cartilage anybody who's had surgery know there's scar tissue things that can break apart and float around and cause a lot of pain and swelling and he's just decided to get the surgery now versus later and I bet it was a suggestion by the team doctors the team trainers not him alone he been out there trying to practice..
must be from all that running because he sure as **** won’t tackle
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