CFZ DirecTV trying to hang in there with a big move

Long time DirecTV customer here who's almost quit them multiple time because of weather issues with dishes and their crappy alliance with AT&T, which is the worst company on the planet.

I stayed for three reasons:
  1. Picture quality was (and still is) better than other services, and I have a large projector screen.
  2. The NFL Ticket
  3. The wife knows the channels, and I didn't want to re-train her on using another app service instead.
I was ready to change and was working on the learning curve with the wife, and then lo and behold, they came out with the streaming app at no additional charge. No more bad weather signal issues, so I stayed put.

Then, DirecTV loses the NFL Ticket, so I'm again pondering YouTube TV (which I don't like). But again, lo and behold, they recently announce that RedZone will be included with the Sports Package, which I already have.

I ONLY watch the RedZone channel and begged for the option for years to only subscribe to that channel. I don't need all the individual games because I live in Cowboys country already. It was an annual song and dance to negotiate down from the $360 per year charge.

Never expected for that to happen AFTER they lost the service to Google.. Now I have RedZone for "free" because my monthly bill won't change Meanwhile, all the once cheaper internet TV options continue to creep up and up in price anyway.

Pretty smart (and necessary) for them to workout that deal for RedZone before they hemorrhaged down to nothing. Might not save them in the end, but I'm good for now.

Makes me wonder how Google (YouTube) feels about this late revelation right before they start their first year of rights to the NFL Ticket? There are a lot of people like me that really only want the RedZone, not all the other stuff on the Ticket option.
I am right there with you. Hard to unplug. I know it’s the right thing to do but old habits are hard to break.
Maybe that’s an issue you have over there with the broadcaster, because over here the broadcasts by Sky for soccer and F1 in UHD HDR is way better than HD.
Even their upscaled UHD which they have NFL on, is visibly a lot better.
Or perhaps your satellite equipment isn't up to par. It's always about the equipment and signal, much like a really good 1080p bluray can outshine most 4K discs.
I am right there with you. Hard to unplug. I know it’s the right thing to do but old habits are hard to break.
It was the right thing to do, but now the pricing difference is negligible, and I can only watch Rangers and Mavs with DirecTV.
Or perhaps your satellite equipment isn't up to par. It's always about the equipment and signal, much like a really good 1080p bluray can outshine most 4K discs.
Sky’s satellite system is as good as there is
and absolutely nobody would say normal 1080 Blu-ray is better than 4K… normal Blu-ray doesn’t have HDR, and when you see that, you wouldn’t say it either.
Just switched to YouTube tv last Thursday, Love it! Was paying $287 a month with Frontier for tv and internet 100/100. Now Frontier is offering YouTube tv and 500/500 internet for $139 a month. Homerun in my book as of now.
Dropped directv since they refused to meet my price point to stay. Went with youtubtv, ans the picture quality is noticeably different. Hopefully they get it better for NFL and college football, because that’s all I really care about in terms of superb picture quality. I am skeptical they will get right bu week1, but hopefully they work out the kinks by October.
With AT&T Fiber Internet, which is great even though not a big AT&T fan anymore. If it storms and the Satellite goes out. It asks if you want to switch to streaming until the signal returns.
So you do not lose but maybe 10 seconds of what you are watching.

Maybe it does it with regular internet from them as well.
I have Verizon Vios one gig Internet. I’ve never lost service. I’ve had DIRECT TV for 10 years. I’ve never had a Weather related issue while I had it but that’s pretty cool that AT&T gives you an option.
Is DirecTV stream picture quality really that much better than youtube TV or Hulu plus live TV?
YouTube sucks. For picture quality even if you pay extra for high DEF best picture by far is Netflix. And Hulu is a joke . Just get a. OTA. antenna.
Not if you have good internet.
You can have a great Internet. It doesn’t matter. It’s the level they stream at. Do you want to see what a great picture looks like Netflix high definition. Best picture quality I have seen.
You can when it's really good 4K, but much of it is actually just 2K. I'd rather have true 1080p than 2K.

In fact, I wish they forget this whole 4K broadcast endeavor and just give us 1080p, which is MUCH better than and 1080i and 720p. It's basically the same as a regular bluray, which is perfect for something as fast moving as sports.
A true 4K picture is amazing. But not many offer it.
Sky’s satellite system is as good as there is
and absolutely nobody would say normal 1080 Blu-ray is better than 4K… normal Blu-ray doesn’t have HDR, and when you see that, you wouldn’t say it either.
4K doesn't "have" HDR. They're two separate things, and most 4K isn't really 4K. It's just 2K that's called 4K. 1080p can absolutely be done with HDR, but very seldom is.

This is kind of a specialty of mine, so I know what I'm talking about on this.
Long time DirecTV customer here who's almost quit them multiple time because of weather issues with dishes and their crappy alliance with AT&T, which is the worst company on the planet.

I stayed for three reasons:
  1. Picture quality was (and still is) better than other services, and I have a large projector screen.
  2. The NFL Ticket
  3. The wife knows the channels, and I didn't want to re-train her on using another app service instead.
I was ready to change and was working on the learning curve with the wife, and then lo and behold, they came out with the streaming app at no additional charge. No more bad weather signal issues, so I stayed put.

Then, DirecTV loses the NFL Ticket, so I'm again pondering YouTube TV (which I don't like). But again, lo and behold, they recently announce that RedZone will be included with the Sports Package, which I already have.

I ONLY watch the RedZone channel and begged for the option for years to only subscribe to that channel. I don't need all the individual games because I live in Cowboys country already. It was an annual song and dance to negotiate down from the $360 per year charge.

Never expected for that to happen AFTER they lost the service to Google.. Now I have RedZone for "free" because my monthly bill won't change Meanwhile, all the once cheaper internet TV options continue to creep up and up in price anyway.

Pretty smart (and necessary) for them to workout that deal for RedZone before they hemorrhaged down to nothing. Might not save them in the end, but I'm good for now.

Makes me wonder how Google (YouTube) feels about this late revelation right before they start their first year of rights to the NFL Ticket? There are a lot of people like me that really only want the RedZone, not all the other stuff on the Ticket option.
Unfortunately by the time it’s all said and done, we will all have to do business with companies that are diametrically opposed to what we believe in and will have to do business with banks and financial institutions that no longer put fiduciary responsibilities first and foremost.

so basically pick the lesser of the poison pills , but the results will still be the same. I’m just glad I was able to live during the 70s and 80s when things were normal…..after that is just becoming progressively crap.

oh yeah, “Let’s go Cowboys”… to get that in before they become the “Cowpersons”….

Its coming…..hopefully after Ive shuffled off my mortal coil
4K doesn't "have" HDR. They're two separate things, and most 4K isn't really 4K. It's just 2K that's called 4K. 1080p can absolutely be done with HDR, but very seldom is.

This is kind of a specialty of mine, so I know what I'm talking about on this.
Well in that case you should know, that Sky broadcast their live football in full UHD and you have the option to watch it in UHD HDR or standard UHD if you turn HDR off… and the difference between the two is like black and white.
1080 is not broadcast in HDR, you’d need to watch the 1080 broadcast on a 4K tv and upscale it.
I was a long time DirecTV user, & Sunday Ticket buyer. I live in the mountains of Virginia somewhat close to WV. I hated losing signal, which happened way more than I'd like to admit. It was really bad in thunderstorms, & snow storms.

I didn't have other options until fiber came to the boonies where I live. Now, I have fiber & stream. I use YoutubeTV & couldn't be happier. My picture is just as good as when the sat was working, if not better. My bill is cheaper, & in the last 3 years since streaming, I've never lost signal once.
Long time DirecTV customer here who's almost quit them multiple time because of weather issues with dishes and their crappy alliance with AT&T, which is the worst company on the planet.

I stayed for three reasons:
  1. Picture quality was (and still is) better than other services, and I have a large projector screen.
  2. The NFL Ticket
  3. The wife knows the channels, and I didn't want to re-train her on using another app service instead.
I was ready to change and was working on the learning curve with the wife, and then lo and behold, they came out with the streaming app at no additional charge. No more bad weather signal issues, so I stayed put.

Then, DirecTV loses the NFL Ticket, so I'm again pondering YouTube TV (which I don't like). But again, lo and behold, they recently announce that RedZone will be included with the Sports Package, which I already have.

I ONLY watch the RedZone channel and begged for the option for years to only subscribe to that channel. I don't need all the individual games because I live in Cowboys country already. It was an annual song and dance to negotiate down from the $360 per year charge.

Never expected for that to happen AFTER they lost the service to Google.. Now I have RedZone for "free" because my monthly bill won't change Meanwhile, all the once cheaper internet TV options continue to creep up and up in price anyway.

Pretty smart (and necessary) for them to workout that deal for RedZone before they hemorrhaged down to nothing. Might not save them in the end, but I'm good for now.

Makes me wonder how Google (YouTube) feels about this late revelation right before they start their first year of rights to the NFL Ticket? There are a lot of people like me that really only want the RedZone, not all the other stuff on the Ticket option.

I have DirectTV but I still don't know I'm going to be able to watch every Cowboy game, not really interested to watch other games like I used to record on Sunday Ticket. If I was busy I could record the game and watch it later, now I don't know?
I left DirecTV a long time ago too. There were some good things about it like their self service option - they send me the equipment and I install it myself vs Verizon FIOs where everything is a service call, or just about everything.

But I could never see the HD satellites from my location. They were too low on the horizon and trees were blocking the signal. I spent hours on a ladder with a signal meter and got nothing. I had DirecTV send out one of their service guys who took on look at my backyard and said forget it. So I dropped them.

But if they offer streaming only, I am willing to look into it and see what it costs monthly. If they have the right channels and a decent price I will quit FIOS TV.

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