Disturbing Job Ads: 'The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered'

Jon88;3427293 said:
I think it's illegal to post a disclaimer like that.

You can't deny someone an application.

Who do they think they are? "We're so good we only accept people who have jobs."

No [strike]Irish[/strike] losers need apply.
Companies should be free to do it however they want. And those ranting about loyalty need to remember that its a two way street. In todays world companies that thrive do it by being better then the others; and while there certainly are very well qualified and excellant workers unemployed due to company failures you are more likely to do better getting those who have a job already.
tomson75;3426662 said:
I see your poor taste isn't limited to the cinema.

Your farts stank yesterday. You're fired.

I don't like people from South Dakota. You're fired.

Your mom works at a quilt factory? Fired!

You quit your job to further your education during an economic depression? Don't even apply.



No, it's called, it's your company, it's your money, you choose to do with it what you want. If you want to be a ***** and not hire someone for some stupid reason, go ahead, but if they're a good worker it's your loss. If you're paying the bills, you get that choice, or at least that's how it should be.

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