Divisional Round -- 49ers vs Packers Thread

OMG, that brings back so many memories. I remember playing in teen weather, with water and mud all over the place. I looked like hell after the game. Was covered in complete mud.
Nobody nowadays will have any idea how much fun real football conditions were to play in. It sucks at the time but those are always the games I remember. Even junior highs are turf now. Won’t be long till they are all covered as well.
My younger (and only) sister lives in Maryland. I tell her all the time that she is tougher than me when it comes to cold weather. It is 28 degrees outside my door and it makes me miserable just thinking about it. :laugh:
Back to back 3 and outs for Pack. Get the ball to your playmakers Rodgers!!!!
I just want to see AR and his Chuck Norris looking self walk off the field in shame tonight.
I grew up in Texas and I long for cold weather. I'm leaving for NY ASAP.
I should delete this weather app off my phone. It tells me its 27 degrees here in northern Louisiana and 34 degrees in Anchorage. How the heck is it colder here than in freaking Alaska??? :(

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