Also, I want to further blame Terry Glenn's fumble on the 5 yard line in the Seahwaks playoff game on Tony "not getting it". Clearly, if Tony just "got it", Terry hangs onto the ball. Then, maybe the magical clutch fairy visits Romo and sprinkles its' magical clutch and leadership dust on him, like it did Eli. Unfortunately, Terry's fumble, much like Crayton's drop, appears to have scared off the magical clutch fairy, instead turning him Eli's way. That is until the fickle clutch fairy took away Eli's magical clutch and leadership abilities before this year's playoffs. Just like Aikman led his teams in 1994, until the magical clutch and leadership fairy took away his powers in 1996 for the rest of his entire career, for reasons completely unknown. Man, that magical fairy sure is unpredictable.
I know a lot of people wonder if Tony will ever "get it". I'm going to go way out on a limb and predict that Tony magically "gets it" at the same exact moment his WRs don't fumble the ball on the 5 yard line and when they don't drop game clinching passes that hit them right in the hands. When that happens, all of Tony's naysayers will flood the board and proclaim that Tony now, finally, "gets it".