DMN Blog: Wade Phillips might send message by being mean to the media

MacMahon has gone from 'not very talented' to 'just sucking the tailpipe, hard' over the course of the last season and a half. You know he reads this board. I wonder what he thinks when people consistently say he just sucks. We're probably not his target audience, so he probably doesn't really care all that much.

But he's in a group with JFE who think taking tough stands is hard-hitting sports journalism. Except that rather taking tough stands because they know the game or have good resources or informed perspectives, they just get opinionated. This doesn't work when there's a significant contingent of the fanbase that knows more about the game and have more defensible opinions than they do.

He may be a nice guy to have a beer with, but he sure comes off as a doosh in print.
dcfanatic;2544189 said:
If Wade doesn't think there are problems in the locker room then he needs to listen to Jay Ratliff's interview from yesterday.

Neither Ratliff or any other of the Cowboys should give any interviews to the media until they win the Super Bowl. Coaches, either. Jerry Jones, either. Phillips and Romo might have to participate in the weekly interviews with opposition writers per league rules, but that should be it.
Let Norm interview himself. Keep everything in house.

Nothing could be more helpful to team chemistry and conducive to media frustration that a code of silence enforced. Media frustration would double the amount of ink spent on the Cowboys as long as it lasted, to the delight of Mr. Jones who loves attention directed to the Cowboys, good or bad. All the media does is speculate and twist, anyway.

It would be hard on fans expecting to have inside information, but I expect they would rather have victories than information. And fans could wart the media about not giving them Cowboys information, increasing media frustration.

The gamblers might hate it, but so what?

But I thought how people talked to the media determined the outcome of football games?

After all, it's all about Terrell Owens and his media escapades.
I'm quickly losing more and more respect for Mr Phillips....regardless of what his daughter looks like.

He's going to change his ways because I'm sure that's what Jerry told him to do when they met. So now, he's gonna be a tough guy...and he's going to announce it to the world. It's all too contrived.

He needed to be told to toughen up after he saw what that team did on the field on Sunday...HIS team...and that wasn't enough? The collapse in the Raven game wasn't enough? The Cardinal game wasn't enough? The Ram game wasn't enough?

Oh yeah, this is gonna work.
This whole "Wades' gonna change his personality" thing is about the lamest friggin' thing I've ever heard. I honestly can't believe what I'm reading.
tyke1doe;2544572 said:
And you think you're hurting my feelings? :rolleyes:

Laugh away.

Oh, here, I'll start for ya. :lmao2:

What? That's not what you meant? Sorry I misunderstood you or decontexualized. I was just trying to be like one of the media clan.
SultanOfSix;2544114 said:
I'd rather he just ignore the media. Next question all of them.
I'm all for that IF he would be setting an example which would be both embraced and obeyed by every single player and assistant coach. No exceptions. Deion Sanders would be forced to secure future Dallas Cowboys interviews from Jerry Jones only instead. Phillips doesn't hold any power whatsoever over him and he breathes media attention like air anyway.

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