DMN Burnett Blog: UT Roy Williams fits right in


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41gy#;2381047 said:
Go root for Barbie.:rolleyes:

I think Barbie is a pile of junk. I have countless times expressed that on these boards.

In regards to Burnett, I think he is an extremely serviceable player and head above shoulders better than Barbie.

My point though is that teams are going to shy away from Burnett this offseason because of his injury history and although we'd like to have him around, because he is effective, his injury proneness doesn't allow him to be around as often as we require. Therefore our offer, if one is made, will possibly not be substantial enough for him to continually risk his health for the game.

Unfortunately this the reality in the NFL and players deteriorate because of the game. Therefore players look to other avenues such as broadcasting and reporting since they know the game. On top of which, he has more pressing things to worry about right now than telling the fans RW is a nice guy on some blog.

If you're looking to get your aggressive frustrations out on some blogger, choose another and you ca go root for Barbie since he came to your mind. Right now I'll root for Zach Thomas. Many years in the league, had a serious injury last year that could have ended his career, stayed focused, got healthy and is playing very productively. Go find a sugar coater's thread so that you don't have to deal with reality. Actually go by Burnett's informative blog. I personally like him better as a player. Go root for him as a media outlet.


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Rack;2381064 said:
The anger should be directed at the ST's coach who decided to switch people around on the punt team and put players at positions they hadn't practiced before backed up near our own endzone in an overtime game.

I believe he was taking Spencers spot who was injured DURING the game.

He should know his assignment nonetheless. I can't even put that one on Read. Somebody was goofing off when they should have been listenting! Curtis should know he has to block someone - aren't you supposed to read from inside out- he went outside when no one was there!


Federal Agent
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aikemirv;2381127 said:
I believe he was taking Spencers spot who was injured DURING the game.

He should know his assignment nonetheless. I can't even put that one on Read. Somebody was goofing off when they should have been listenting! Curtis should know he has to block someone - aren't you supposed to read from inside out- he went outside when no one was there!

You are incorrect.

He moved players around on the punt team to try and get the double team off of Burnett.

And if the coaches want the players to know multiple positions then it's up to the coach to make sure the players KNOW multiple positions.

THat was the coaches fault. Period.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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aikemirv;2381127 said:
I believe he was taking Spencers spot who was injured DURING the game.


Messenger to the football Gods
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khiladi;2380967 said:
I sure hope Roy Williams doesn't have this team's non-existent swagger and attitude...

Heh. That's what I was thinking. Roy looks real laid back to me. Even with the Lions.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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aikemirv;2381022 said:
I am not a big Burnett fan but I could have sworn it was Tony Curtis who wandered off to the left doing nothing when the blocker of that punt came through!!!!

That's the way I remember it too. Curtis just inexplicably moved to the outside after the snap and let his guy go straight through.