DMN: Dallas Cowboys best/worst draft picks of Jerry Jones era David Moore

Kevin Smith's injury didn't do him any favors but he really was the victim of being labeled as a guy that pass interfered.

After he got a reputation for being physical the refs would not let him get away with ANYTHING. He ended up with several poor calls going against him

The name escapes me- but the CB we had in 2003 next to Newman got the same thing- interference calls up the yang and a LOT of them were really ticky tack- he clearly pissed off the refs.
I don't see how Bobby Carpenter isn't number one on that worst of list. Maybe just because it's kinda fresh compared to the two above him, but man how I hated that pick so much...

If Carpenter had been a 4th rd pick it would have been OK for what we got out of him. As a first rd pick he clearly stank but nowhere in the same galaxy as Goodrich and several others. You just do not know enough cowboy history.
The name escapes me- but the CB we had in 2003 next to Newman got the same thing- interference calls up the yang and a LOT of them were really ticky tack- he clearly pissed off the refs.

Pete Hunter? Or Mario Edwards?
If Carpenter had been a 4th rd pick it would have been OK for what we got out of him. As a first rd pick he clearly stank but nowhere in the same galaxy as Goodrich and several others. You just do not know enough cowboy history.

I don't? I'm glad you informed me of that, here I was thinking I've been following the team since I was 5 years old and taking in everything I could about the Cowboys, but apparently our differing views on our biggest draft busts proves otherwise.

Or maybe, I value first rounders over second rounders... either way.

EDIT: I value your opinion and understand the case for Goodrich being the worst draft pick, just didn't appreciate that crack about me not knowing enough about the Cowboy's history.
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Pete Hunter? Or Mario Edwards?

Pretty sure he must be thinking of Edwards. Edwards would get flagged for looking at somebody after he got the rep of being a penalty guy (mostly deserved though.)
Kevin Smith's injury didn't do him any favors but he really was the victim of being labeled as a guy that pass interfered.

After he got a reputation for being physical the refs would not let him get away with ANYTHING. He ended up with several poor calls going against him

lining up with Deion on the other side didn't help any either,
I have no idea why Aikman is #1 over Emmitt. Emmitt was the better player, and he was an incredible find as a #17 value pick that we moved up to get. Aikman was a no brainer #1.
LaFleur never panned out but o don't think he was the worst pick. Shane Hannah anyone? Kavika Pittman? Jason Williams?

LaFleur was a 1st round pick. Thus the nod.
Hannah was a late 2nd.
Pittman was pretty bad but he actually played a bit and he was a round 2 guy.

LaFleur is a pretty good choice as worst return versus draft slot.
Tend to agree harder sell is Aikman as top overall draft choice of the era.
Great pick no doubt but top overall choice of the draft.

Hall of fame guys selected far later are hard to ignore.

And while a gigantic if... IF Romo wins a title or two he probably goes down as a better QB for Jones era teams than even Aikman.
Romo already holds most of the statistical records.
In fact Romo has shockingly better stats.

Comp % is Romo 65.2 percent to 61.5%
TDs Romo is 242 to 165.
Pass Yards Romo has slight lead with 500 fewer attempts.
QB rating is Romo 97 versus 82.
Even win perecentage favors Romo.

Aikman has the 3 SB wins and a ton of playoff success overall which is the difference maker for perception.
I don't? I'm glad you informed me of that, here I was thinking I've been following the team since I was 5 years old and taking in everything I could about the Cowboys, but apparently our differing views on our biggest draft busts proves otherwise.

Or maybe, I value first rounders over second rounders... either way.

EDIT: I value your opinion and understand the case for Goodrich being the worst draft pick, just didn't appreciate that crack about me not knowing enough about the Cowboy's history.

if you think that carp was worse then goodrich....
something is wrong
Tend to agree harder sell is Aikman as top overall draft choice of the era.
Great pick no doubt but top overall choice of the draft.

Hall of fame guys selected far later are hard to ignore.

And while a gigantic if... IF Romo wins a title or two he probably goes down as a better QB for Jones era teams than even Aikman.
Romo already holds most of the statistical records.
In fact Romo has shockingly better stats.

Comp % is Romo 65.2 percent to 61.5%
TDs Romo is 242 to 165.
Pass Yards Romo has slight lead with 500 fewer attempts.
QB rating is Romo 97 versus 82.
Even win perecentage favors Romo.

Aikman has the 3 SB wins and a ton of playoff success overall which is the difference maker for perception.

Aikman was hyped out the yang coming out of college and that never really goes away. That is one of the hurdles Romo has had to over come and never really has.

Eveyone talks about how big as steal Brady was. He was STILL DRAFTED and he had some fame coming out of college if not a lot. Then he gets real lucky and lands instead of a disaster area like the raiders or titans or who ever he goes to arguably the best run franchise in the nfl. He is undoubtedly one of the greatest QBs of all time but a lot of that came from where he went.

Aikman did not quite have as much luck as he had to suffer for a couple of years at the beginning and at the end of his career.
I do agree that to be blunt Troy was more of a system QB as when the system broke down he was frankly looking pretty pedestrian at the end of his career.

Troy though really had nerves of steel in big games mostly and to me that was his best feature. In that area to me he was better than Brady. He only ever really had one terrible playoff game- SF 94. Even there he almost redeemed himself.
Relative to where they were drafted he might be... maybe that's a harder concept to grasp than I thought?

no you are just wrong. You obviously do not recall that we did not have a first (Jerruh's big screwup to that time)
So this was our FIRST pick. And we badly needed quality players as the ship was sinking.
SO do to the circumstances and the timing it was indeed worse then carp. Carp came at a time of the upswing and we had a fair amount of talentd so failure there was not as critical. not to mention that Carp had a much better career and did contribute if not a lot. Goodrich was a total and epic bust.
no you are just wrong. You obviously do not recall that we did not have a first (Jerruh's big screwup to that time)
So this was our FIRST pick. And we badly needed quality players as the ship was sinking.
SO do to the circumstances and the timing it was indeed worse then carp. Carp came at a time of the upswing and we had a fair amount of talentd so failure there was not as critical. not to mention that Carp had a much better career and did contribute if not a lot. Goodrich was a total and epic bust.

His being our first pick of that draft has no relevance to the fact that he was still a second rounder. The fact we screwed up and traded two first round picks for Joey Galloway doesn't change the fact that he was a second rounder. Get it?
That entire list for the bottom should consist of the 2009 draft class.
That entire list for the bottom should consist of the 2009 draft class.

i would just title it "larry lacewell".
2009 was just bad as a whole draft class. ours sucked about like most.
but we spent about 5-7 years under lacewell drafting garbage like tony dixon based on ll's sec buddies inside info.

he did larry allen VERY right which shows that clock being right thing is true....
The article is about drafted players. Regardless of where you land on the Aikman/Romo discussion, Tony was not drafted so he could not really be a consideration in this article.
I don't see how Bobby Carpenter isn't number one on that worst of list. Maybe just because it's kinda fresh compared to the two above him, but man how I hated that pick so much...

Parcells is media teflon.
Draft position goes a long way in determining what players were the worst picks. The higher a player is drafted the higher the expectations are. Although LaFleur didn't pan out I find it a little odd he would be ranked as the #1 worst pick of the Jerry Jones era when he was actually a good blocker who caught 7 TD's in 1999 which was more than Jay Novacek ever caught in a season. He had back problems that affected his play but at least he contributed some. Yes he was a disappointment but not the worst pick in my opinion. Following Jay Novacek led to some lofty expectations for him and because he didn't come close to living up to them made him look a lot worse to some than he actually was. For me hands down Morris Claiborne has been the worst pick of the Jerry Jones era not only was he the 6th overall pick but the Cowboys traded up to get him. He was billed as the best defensive player in the draft and has done nothing but disappoint in 3 NFL seasons. He's spent most of his career battling injuries and when he's on the field he gets toasted.

Top 5 worst picks of the Jerry Jones era.

1. Morris Claiborne.

2. Bobbie Carpenter.

3. Dwayne Goodrich.

4. Shante Carver

5. David LaFleur.

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