Not really, most injury reports are understandable, you can usually infer from what had happened on the field or what a reporter saw in practice. You must not be paying attention or are just angry or something.
They have been coy about the nature of McClain's injuries to the point where all manner of negative speculation ensued. Your is a great example but before he was melting down emotionally in TC and not working hard. It has since come out to be everything but the truth.
They didn't reveal Romo's back injury.
Melton's injuries regarding his knee and groin as well as the severity were never made clear. The team said one thing. He said another.
Claiborne's injury severity having torn 3 ligaments was not known until recently interviewed. He was injured in late summer.
You listen to Garrett's press conference's and he gives the exact same canned answers regardless of player or injury: "i'm not a doctor," "day-to-day, "we'll see," etc.
I'm not mad. I do pay attention. Another option is that you are inventing stories with no basis in reality.