DMN- Terry Glenn Cited for Public Intoxication

LaTunaNostra said:
a lot of good latuna points in here... :D

Later, don't pee against any dumpsters tonite.

not gonna hijack anymore.

glenn walked and sounds like he was treated like anyone else would have been.

and if you fight it at every opportunity, then all you're doing is fighting. isn't that what we want to end? you can either lead by example or follow the common path. yes it's harder and no it's not fair - but you've never seen me call life fair.

as for apologizing - who? who would apologize and to whom? (is that right?) i just think that if you're ready to fight it at every opportunity then you're going to see every opportunity as a fight, not just life.

if it helps, hell i'll apologize - : )

feel free to pm me if you wanna keep talking about it.
Really have to wonder at those that need to bring up race every chance they get. To me someone that is always thinking about race is a TRUE RACIST.
you ask 10 people what racism is and you're likely to get 10 different answers.

i just wish people would quit attacking it and/or defending it and let people just be people. it's the focus of *why* someone may feel the way that they do that leads to why they DON'T feel the way you do.

lofty dreams i have, huh?
iceberg said:
not gonna hijack anymore.

glenn walked and sounds like he was treated like anyone else would have been.

well, we'll have to agree to disgree on this one.

unless QD, who claims to have relieved himself sans benefit of a john scads of time,s even ONCE got pounced on and cuffed by a cop, and an off-duty one at that. :rolleyes:

Could be just bad luck for TG. We shall never know why an offduty cop chose to make an arrest about such an incident. He was within his right, that is for sure.

As for the 'fighting' about it. I'll end now with a story told on this board by a very respected poster.

I'll even say who he was. InmanRoshi. it made a pretty indelible impression on me.

Roshi was at a summer Boys practice and some total dirtbag kept yelling 'you black monkey" at Quincy Carter.

Now whatever anyone thinks of Q as a man or QB, I don't think he deserved this. I was aghast not just at the story, but at the reaction to it, which was that you can't do anything about such cretins, so just ignore it. Apparently NO one challenged that creep. NO ONE.

Well, I disagree. You very well can do something about such behavior. You can call the awesome person on it. What you do is you turn around, look him square in the eye, and tell him he is POND SCUM. You can send a message loud and clear that such sentiments aren't tolerated, and that tolerating them creates the very environment in which men are still allowed to be dragged to death behind the the back of pick up trucks because they are the 'wrong' color..

But of course, in order to do that, you can't be overly concerned about being seen as 'politically correct' .

There are always at least two choices in life, and one leads to progress and one to regression.

I don't know anyone on this board personally, but I do know Roshi's sad vignette would represent a good litmus test for me for who I would want to know. We are all either part of the problem, or part of the solution.

Those who would speak up I would be honored to count among my friends.

The silent ones I would rather not know. Ever.

I won't be IMing you, but nice talking with ya even if the topic is best suited to the off board, so I shall sign off on it too.
LaTunaNostra said:
well, we'll have to agree to disgree on this one.

unless QD, who claims to have relieved himself sans benefit of a john scads of time,s even ONCE got pounced on and cuffed by a cop, and an off-duty one at that. :rolleyes:

Could be just bad luck for TG. We shall never know why an offduty cop chose to make an arrest about such an incident. He was within his right, that is for sure.

As for the 'fighting' about it. I'll end now with a story told on this board by a very respected poster.

I'll even say who he was. InmanRoshi. it made a pretty indelible impression on me.

Roshi was at a summer Boys practice and some total dirtbag kept yelling 'you black monkey" at Quincy Carter.

Now whatever anyone thinks of Q as a man or QB, I don't think he deserved this. I was aghast not just at the story, but at the reaction to it, which was that you can't do anything about such cretins, so just ignore it. Apparently NO one challenged that creep. NO ONE.

Well, I disagree. You very well can do something about such behavior. You can call the awesome person on it. What you do is you turn around, look him square in the eye, and tell him he is POND SCUM. You can send a message loud and clear that such sentiments aren't tolerated, and that tolerating them creates the very environment in which men are still allowed to be dragged to death behind the the back of pick up trucks because they are the 'wrong' color..

But of course, in order to do that, you can't be overly concerned about being seen as 'politically correct' .

There are always at least two choices in life, and one leads to progress and one to regression.

I don't know anyone on this board personally, but I do know Roshi's sad vignette would represent a good litmus test for me for who I would want to know. We are all either part of the problem, or part of the solution.

Those who would speak up I would be honored to count among my friends.

The silent ones I would rather not know. Ever.

I won't be IMing you, but nice talking with ya even if the topic is best suited to the off board, so I shall sign off on it too.

when it's blatant, that's one thing. one dirty look from me and that man would have shut up or we'd be reading about his pain - flat out.

but when you put it there out of "maybe" - then you seem to be leading with racism, not trying to pull away from it.

i think in many points we agree in that overall racism is for small minds and very insecure people of "any" race.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
I think cops do get off catching people urinating or having sex in cars. They love to turn the flashlight into your face a full beam just to embarrass you.

Urinating in cars? What up with that? I don't even let people smoke in mine.
LOL. Terry got drunk and then got a ticket for PPWD(public peeing while drunk),,, why does everything have be race related? I know college professors are predisposed to think that way, but c'mon.

Now, if he got pulled over while driving drunk at twice the legal limit then THAT would be racial profiling~! Most definitely,,, :rolleyes:
EGG said:
LOL. Terry got drunk and then got a ticket for public peeing,,, why does everything have be race related? I know college professors are predisposed to think that way, but c'mon.

Now, if he got pulled over while driving drunk at twice the legal limit then THAT would be racial profiling~! Most definitely,,, :rolleyes:
I didn't get on the race tangent til seeing the dumbarse quote that do rags encourage harassment, but I am glad I did. This board is invariably in need of a good lecture.

Terry is a serial whizzer. He oughta be jailed as a public menace. Props to the zealous officer for doing his job and getting the little pisser off the streets. :rolleyes:

But then, this college professor doesn't live in the enlightened Dallas metro area, but in a northeastern state with only 4 pecent african americans.

Not a week goes by here that the tax payers aren't being asked to shell out tax monies on police brutality cases. Providence has one of the highest pay out rates in such cases, supposedly, in ther nation. And it always seems to be be 'minority victims".

One of the city's finest, Officer Cornell Young was gunned down like a bloody dog a few years ago about this time as he tried to prevent a crime. But not by any hood, by his fellow officers who didn't recognize the man they went to the academy with. An unfortunate error, but the investigation encouraged improved training that did not include 'see black, shoot first'.

A big scandal was uncovered a whlle back re police official selling for giving the answers to promotional exams to white candidates, in an attempt to keep minority promotions down. The state police had to get involved. AGAIN.

And the entire State dept of education has publically admitted the very foundation of supposed equality, the public school sytem, is rife, in RIDE' own words, with 'institutionalized racism'. Black kids getting suspended or expelled for the same offenses white kids draw detention for was so endemic, that the Dept of Ed labeled the issue "systemic". (and we wonder why black kids don't think schools are 'for them') Props to RIDE for not pointing fingers at individual racist teachers or administrators. It's apparently ALL of them.

But then, that's what institutionalized racism is, bigger than any individuals.

There were no 'maybes' about any of these affairs. RI institutions and authorities admitted, as in the traffic stop study, that they need to clean up their acts. THAT is at least a start - admitting the problem. Something it'd be a pleasure to see some folks here do - about anything.

So excuse me for being jaded. As the wife of a man who has never tasted liquor even once in his life, but has been asked to take a few breathalyzers for driving 'erratically', I have become perhaps a bit cynical. :rolleyes:

And props to Dallas for being the bastion of enlightenment all know it is.
I am seriously considering relocating there. :rolleyes:

And Happy New Year, Officer.

I sincerely hope you have to encounter no more serious holiday crime than Mr Glenn's public relief practices. :)
Way 'nuff said:
So if he shot straight up in the air that'd be the same as a bullet barely missing someones shoulder?

I'm sorry, but that's got to be the most ignorant thing I've ever read, on this or any other board. What kind of logic is that? Un-freakin-believeable.
burmafrd said:
Really have to wonder at those that need to bring up race every chance they get. To me someone that is always thinking about race is a TRUE RACIST.

ding ding!!!
lights flashing!!
sirens wailing!!!

tell him what he's won johnny!!
$H!7 happens. Give the man a break. Just because he is an NFL player doesn't mean he isn't human. Geez

Glenn is in the alcohol/drug program.

I believe he even was suspended 4 games so next strike is a 1 year suspension. This could be VERY serious.
How do we know he was drunk at all? Was he administered a test? Or was it the opinion of the officer?
Jeepers, I'm the same age as TG and I've done the same thing numerous recently as this fall in Columbus, Ohio. My only regret is that it was not on something owned by tOSU.
Nors said:
Glenn is in the alcohol/drug program.

I believe he even was suspended 4 games so next strike is a 1 year suspension. This could be VERY serious.

Stage 2 of the NFL substance abuse program lasts for 24 months. Glenn is certainly not there, at this point.

I'm not even sure this would constitute failure of stage 2 if he was in it.

The only thing that could possibly happen, and I doubt it very much, is they could put him back in stage 1, which is a treatment plan and meet with some Psychiatrists.

We won't know about it if it happens, and it certainly will not be anything serious to his NFL career.

The guy urinated on a dumpster, and a cop smellled alcohol on his breath.

Stupid and embarassing. That's it.
adbutcher said:
How do we know he was drunk at all? Was he administered a test? Or was it the opinion of the officer?

If only we had someone that knows the arresting officer.:cop2:
iceberg said:
sorry, i won't focus or limit myself to the trials and tribulations of any ONE race. i hate racism and i hate ANYONE being singled out for their race to either punish them or praise them for what in the end is soley a fact of birth that you will be ONE race or another.

and yes, i've been threatened by blacks while in "their neighborhood" as a child in austin and told my "white a** better be gone before the sun goes down". also in austin i had a group of black kids take my basketball (i was more of an icecube at the time) and begin to kick my arse and my mom had to literally come over (we were in a public gym just playing with friends) and get me outta there cause i was getting stomped.

as you can see, that stays with you when you're a kid of 6-7 years old. now i can either spend my life demanding revenge for the unjust treatment or i can realize that's how life works and i need to take some steps to work past it even if i go at it alone.

then 3-4 years ago leaving deep ellum with friends we passed by a group of black people outside a clud and we heard one of 'em say "you be some brave white boys to be here..."

wow. i left liquid lounge to go back to my truck and i'm "brave"? and i used to work with a friend who had to go before HR because he was accused of being racist because he had to fire a black lady who was in the end NOT doing her job and had MORE warnings than i could get away with and HR realized that and in the end all was fine. but he still had to go through all that crap of being called racist and having to defend his actions.

but those are isolated incidents, latuna. i'm sure they have their reasons for it both when i was a child and then 3-4 years ago when i was a much older child. and i'm sure there are people who use their race one way or another to be basically lazy - yes. all that is life and a part of living, not to be called out at every opportunity and the one who's in the "majority" race punished or having to be "defensive".

i don't doubt you've gotten some breaks for being who you are. i don't doubt i have also. just as i don't doubt there are those out there who are flaming racist that makes it tough for all of us to just "get along".

but sooner or later we're going to need to quit "handicapping" races and people are going to have to quit expecting a + here and there because of their race and not what they do and how they do it.

if you really want racism to end you gotta quit seeing races. that's a lot to ask of people and in our lifetime it won't happen. so while i agree with you on a lot of things i disagree that simply reverting to the other extreme is "helpful" in the overall problem.

i don't deny it's tough being black in todays world. i'm sure it was a lot tougher 30-40 years ago and brutal before that. what history has done we can either work to undo and come together or we can keep seperating ourselves and expecting differences in treatment that in the beginning we hated - those differences in treatment.

i also don't deny it's tough being a woman at times. or chinese. or the fat kid, or the gay dude in gym class trying not to stare. is there anyone over 10 years old alive who's not felt like they didn't belong in many social and other situations?

God made us different for a reason. i can only hope one day we get smart enough to realize it should be a good thing, not additional reasons to fight.

and who give a damn where terry glenn had to peepee last night unless it was on my tire after a steely dan concert, then i'd just want his autograph when he was done. : )

OK nice feel good post but let's get back to reality. People are racist adn people do stereotype. I have been pulled over numerous times for no reason. Questionsed about things I have had no connection to. Hell I wear $500-$1000 suits to work everyday and when I get in the evelvator if it is jus tme and a white woman. 80% of the time she grabs her purse like I am goign to steal it. Even if I am carrying a briefcase that is 10X more expensive than her little purse and I probally make 3X-4X as much as she does, but yet beacause I am a black male they get scared. Truth is White follks in general think black men are a threat. Yes I can speak like this because I am mixed and my family I grew up with is white as well as I grew up in a middle class all white neigborhood and went to predominatly all white schools. Funny thing is, I feel more at ease in the ghetto. Yeah I got to watch my back but at least I know what to expect. The only people who want people to quit thinking about racism are the racist.
I am curious how he can be fined for public intoxication. I doubt the off duty offier had a breathalyzer and since he wasn't taken to the station then they didn't give him the offiial one. Unless the amount of proof you need to accuse someone of this is alot less than a DUI. The guy pissed on a dumpster. Most of us have done it, what is the big deal. Meybe he had 2 beers and let his buddy drive he had to go to the bathroom and he couldn't hold it, what is he supposed to do piss in his pants?

Oh and I doubt the ST charges get dropped. The prosecuter is sitting back biding his time because he thinks he has a slam dunk. He might be doing ST's dad a favor and letting the kid make the last little bit of NFL loot that he can. In FL pulling a gun on someone automatically gets your 3-5. It don't matter if you were just trying to scare someone or if you were going to shoot at them. Pull it out and you get 3-5 mandatory. I see ST going to jail for 5 though since the prosecuter offered up 3 already.

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