Do people really believe there is a better option than Dak this year?

Gangsta Spanksta

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What you call excuses are simply facts. In 2018 the line was riddled with injuries. Offense was struggling and we gave up almost 60 sacks that year. Trolls like you kept saying it was Daks fault. Remember changing sacks to a QB stat? LOL Those of us that understand the game tried to educate you that it was the Oline. Low and behold the line got healthy in 2019 and Dak was only sacked 28 times. You were proven dead wrong. Case closed

Also in 2018 the "receiver by committee" approach was ridiculous. Dak had little to throw. We tried to tell you it was a BIG reason why the offense was stalling and Dak and the passing game. Of course you blamed Dak. "Dak cant throw for 300 yards", ect......ect.... Again, those of us that understand football tried to explain the void in passing weapons and the importance of them to a QB. Cowboys were 3-5. The moment they trade for Cooper the entier season turns around. Dak is averaging 275 yards passing per game and the passing game catches fire. Cowboys go 7-1 down the stretch, make the playoffs, and win a playoff game. Once again you were prove DEAD WRONG. Case closed.

You are what a I call a QB challenged fan. You dont understand the dynamics of the QB position or how the different aspects of the team work together. Its actually, not about what Dak needs as much as it is what the team needs.

No different than a RB needing and Oline to block for him, a QB needs the same thing in order to do his job to the best of his abilities. WR's need a quality QB to hit them when they are open. A QB needs WR's that get open. They need a scheme that maximizes their abilities and exploits the mismatches against whatever defense they are playing as well as being unpredictable.

This stuff is football 101. And obviously the entire team will go further the better the defense, the more turnovers and better field position they can give their offense. Having to drive 85 yards to score every time is more difficult than having to go 30 yards after a turnover with momentum.

You show an complete inability to understand these basic concepts. Like a naive child you think that everything is all about the QB. I probably believed that when I was 12 until I learned to understand the game. Are you 12? I dont think so.

As far as Dak being clutch he was as clutch as it got his first 3 years. Those are just the facts. Led the NFL in last drive wins. As far as 2019 he definitely wasnt as clutch. NO question about that. He had a few opportunities and didnt get it done like he did previously. Some were his fault, others werent. Thats the NFL. Which again, you fail to grasp.

You are always one to attack the poster around here, calling them trolls and such, and then you paint yourself as quite the expert when others around here don't think so. Anyway the point you keep missing is, well you say Dak, and now "no the team" needs this and that, but back then it was Dak needs this and that. The thing that many of us were trying to tell you when you clapped both palms to your face and made that home alone face, is that nothing has change. I mean here you are stating what Dak, and now no the team needs, and well most of us are left wondering why you bring this up now, after years of bad drafting by the Jones there have been plenty of times this team has had more holes in it than swiss cheese. Dak needs an offensive line, Romo played under one of the worse offensive lines ever seen in the NFL. Dak needs Defense; Romo played under some awful one of those. If you would listen to others besides yourself, perhaps you would get the point that, that 2016 team that Dak played under might be the best team he'll ever play under. I know I made the point many times that Dak will have much worse offensive lines and defenses if he is the long term QB around here, He'll have crappy receivers at some point of time. Heck, Aikman for the longest of times only had Irvin and no real number 2. The point we were making is that it seems very whiny to cry about all the things that Dak lacks around him, when that is just a given in today's salary cap age, and on a team with a history of bad drafting.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Gangsta Spanksta said:

Exaggeration such a proclaiming someone to be clutch just after a couple of seasons with little sample size to back it up?

Gotta love this complete gaff by you in this laughable statement.

So Dak fans pointed out how he was clutch over 3 seasons. And here you are saying he isnt clutch because of one?

Who's sample size is bigger yours or mine?[/QUOTE]

2017 was a horrible season for Dak too :) but I guess no to the daksters.

Also perhaps your definition of clutch is different than mines. I mean so far Dak hasn't done much in the playoffs just like Romo hasn't. Both him and Romo are normal, and not clutch in my book. Eli was more Clutch than Dak, as shown by the super bowl performances.


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You are always one to attack the poster around here, calling them trolls and such, and then you paint yourself as quite the expert when others around here don't think so. Anyway the point you keep missing is, well you say Dak, and now "no the team" needs this and that, but back then it was Dak needs this and that. The thing that many of us were trying to tell you when you clapped both palms to your face and made that home alone face, is that nothing has change. I mean here you are stating what Dak, and now no the team needs, and well most of us are left wondering why you bring this up now, after years of bad drafting by the Jones there have been plenty of times this team has had more holes in it than swiss cheese. Dak needs an offensive line, Romo played under one of the worse offensive lines ever seen in the NFL. Dak needs Defense; Romo played under some awful one of those. If you would listen to others besides yourself, perhaps you would get the point that, that 2016 team that Dak played under might be the best team he'll ever play under. I know I made the point many times that Dak will have much worse offensive lines and defenses if he is the long term QB around here, He'll have crappy receivers at some point of time. Heck, Aikman for the longest of times only had Irvin and no real number 2. The point we were making is that it seems very whiny to cry about all the things that Dak lacks around him, when that is just a given in today's salary cap age, and on a team with a history of bad drafting.

Its not an attack, just an observation.

Take out the name Dak and just insert QB. No different for any of them.

Romo had the same problems. The team around the QB and the coaching has not been up to championship caliber.

Does Mahomes need Hill, Kelcy, Watkins, an Oline and one of the best offensive minds in the game?

And as far as Dak, I actually am very satisfied with the players around Dak on offense. Its plenty.

What this team lacks is well known to everyone:

Coaching, defense, special teams.

Its what the team needs to win it all, not Dak. You seem to confuse the two often.

QB's don't win, teams win.

What does Zeke need to be at his best. I believe he still needs blocking TE's, a FB, and real HC. Not a knock on Zeke. Just common sense.

The goal is to improve your team.


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Gotta love this complete gaff by you in this laughable statement.

So Dak fans pointed out how he was clutch over 3 seasons. And here you are saying he isnt clutch because of one?

Who's sample size is bigger yours or mine?

2017 was a horrible season for Dak too :) but I guess no to the daksters.

Also perhaps your definition of clutch is different than mines. I mean so far Dak hasn't done much in the playoffs just like Romo hasn't. Both him and Romo are normal, and not clutch in my book. Eli was more Clutch than Dak, as shown by the super bowl performances.[/QUOTE]

Why is it that all you want to talk about are the bad games, season, or losses? LOL

That's exactly why you are a troll.

In 2017 the first half of the year Dak was great. 2nd half the wheels fell off completely when Zeke got suspended and Oline had big injuries. But again, you over criticize a 2nd year QB.

Once again showing you don't understand the dynamic of the QB position. QB development. You criticize as if he has been in the league 8 years. I would fully expect 2nd year QB's to go through growing pains. Football and QB 101.

Dak played really well in all 3 playoff games. Again you show a disconnect. Are disputing that he played well?

This is why you are a troll. You are a Cowboys fan and make up nonsense just to continue to hate on your QB. Classic Troll behavior. Same thing with Romo while he was here.

Romo was plenty good enough to win titles as is Dak. There wasn't a better player on the Cowboys in 2019. If there was let me know.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Its not an attack, just an observation.

Come on, you well known around here for calling anybody who doesn't agree with you a Troll. I'm someone who says Dak is a good Quarterback, sounds like real trolling on my part.

Take out the name Dak and just insert QB. No different for any of them.
Romo had the same problems. The team around the QB and the coaching has not been up to championship caliber.

Sure all quarterbacks, need them. The point is, know your team. Given this team's past history, can we always expect good drafts? The more we pay the top players, can we always expect the talent level on this team to be top notch? In general the team around Dak is bound to get worse overtime. Why was there whining about it when the talent around him was still top notch?


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Come on, you well known around here for calling anybody who doesn't agree with you a Troll. I'm someone who says Dak is a good Quarterback, sounds like real trolling on my part.

Sure all quarterbacks, need them. The point is, know your team. Given this team's past history, can we always expect good drafts? The more we pay the top players, can we always expect the talent level on this team to be top notch? In general the team around Dak is bound to get worse overtime. Why was there whining about it when the talent around him was still top notch?

If you don't want to be called a troll then just talk realistically. All you talk about is when Dak plays poorly. Nothing about how good the kid is, just what he cant do. You over exaggerate to make a point. And you go around commenting the same negativity over and over again. That's what trolls do.

I was a Garrett troll 100%. However, my dislike for Garrett was much more justified than your hatred of a 4th round QB that has basically played for 800k per year on average. We got lucky with Dak, not the other way around.

As far as what we can expect, we just got a big leg up firing Garrett and hiring McCarthy. That was the #1 problem in Dallas. The future is actually looking much brighter on that one move.

We can also see that based on Dead Money and also cap space, the Joneses are handling the cap very well as compared to the past.

The drafing seems to have taken a hit the last few years. Im concerned about that.

However, I don't see what any of that has to do with Dak. If you are implying that we need a Mahomes to make up for Jones mismanagement than that's an argument that is a waste of time.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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I don't care if they pay him a billion gazillion dollars.

Just make the daily threads end.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Every day I read a new thread about that QB who is going to somehow make us look like a genius for not signing Dak.

-- Matthew Stafford? Didn't anyone learn with Aikman what happens to an immobile QB over 30 with a bad back?
-- Teddy Bridgewater? How many games has he proven himself in his career since 2015? You realize he never threw more than 14 TDs a year before his injury?
-- Philip Rivers? He almost threw more interceptions than TDs in his worst year ever. He was booed out of the stadium by his own fans his last game!
-- Tom Brady? He turns 43 this year! I repeat, he turns 43! I didn't even trust myself jumping off my truck tailgate at 43. Nevermind a QB in the NFL!
-- Insert whichever QB is the flavor of the moment.

Here we have a 26 year old QB about to enter the prime of his career. Except for one sophomore slump, he has pulled in terrific numbers and wins every year. I won't post the repeat stat threads that show how Dak lines up well against all the recent great QBs in most significant stats and wins numbers. He's not a choker in the Playoffs. He just got done with a record year on a team that had given up on its head coach, and oh yeah, he tried to close it out with more than one significant injury. We'll never see him in a rape or wife beater headline, we'll never see the team give up on him or him isolate them with his primadonna act. He IS high grade quality individual, tough as nails, and this is about as safe a contract as you can gamble on.

You want to rally against him because he won't sign for the same as the last QB free agent? Fine. But look at the competition above. His agent isn't stupid. Someone will pony up $40 million a year for Dak. He is the only one on the list who guarantees you 7 years of a franchise QB.

If you want to have a serious QB debate, why not talk about some 2nd-4th round draft pick bargains that could become the next... gulp... Dak! Just in case we have to franchise him and it goes south. I look forward to someone telling me who that next hidden draft pick is who could play Tony Romo into retirement.

The problem is that Dak isn't going to let the team worry about only 2020. The new contract he wants will impact this team's cap in a big way for the next 4-6 years......depending on signing bonus and how much money we kick down the road. So, the question isn't what's best for the team in 2020. A smart team is going to have a longer view. .........we've rarely been the smart team, but we can always dream.


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Every day I read a new thread about that QB who is going to somehow make us look like a genius for not signing Dak.

-- Matthew Stafford? Didn't anyone learn with Aikman what happens to an immobile QB over 30 with a bad back?
-- Teddy Bridgewater? How many games has he proven himself in his career since 2015? You realize he never threw more than 14 TDs a year before his injury?
-- Philip Rivers? He almost threw more interceptions than TDs in his worst year ever. He was booed out of the stadium by his own fans his last game!
-- Tom Brady? He turns 43 this year! I repeat, he turns 43! I didn't even trust myself jumping off my truck tailgate at 43. Nevermind a QB in the NFL!
-- Insert whichever QB is the flavor of the moment.

Here we have a 26 year old QB about to enter the prime of his career. Except for one sophomore slump, he has pulled in terrific numbers and wins every year. I won't post the repeat stat threads that show how Dak lines up well against all the recent great QBs in most significant stats and wins numbers. He's not a choker in the Playoffs. He just got done with a record year on a team that had given up on its head coach, and oh yeah, he tried to close it out with more than one significant injury. We'll never see him in a rape or wife beater headline, we'll never see the team give up on him or him isolate them with his primadonna act. He IS high grade quality individual, tough as nails, and this is about as safe a contract as you can gamble on.

You want to rally against him because he won't sign for the same as the last QB free agent? Fine. But look at the competition above. His agent isn't stupid. Someone will pony up $40 million a year for Dak. He is the only one on the list who guarantees you 7 years of a franchise QB.

If you want to have a serious QB debate, why not talk about some 2nd-4th round draft pick bargains that could become the next... gulp... Dak! Just in case we have to franchise him and it goes south. I look forward to someone telling me who that next hidden draft pick is who could play Tony Romo into retirement.

You are ignoring the bulk of reasoning from the segment of fans that disagree about Dak's pedigree. Plus, you ignore what these fans feel about the qualifications of being a "franchise" QB and what teams should pay for anyone that does not meet those qualifications.

Lots of teams pay a QB big money because they need buy in from the other players (we're heavily invested in this guy, so this is OUR guy). They also need but in from paying fans. The QB must at least play well enough to not get shellacked most games. Also will need to occasionally win a game against stiff competition. Gotta sometimes make the playoffs with the guy. That will sell tickets and merch.

I'm a fan of either letting a thing blow up to find the key players at the top or going all in for the Super Bowl. This team plays for relevance (revenue). To many of us, we see the big payday for Dak as guaranteed mediocrity and a few seasons of playoff football. You could make the argument that if the team wants to continue the past 24 years success level they are doing well to sign Dak and keep him long-term.

Yup, the Cowboys likely cannot do better. But if they are angling for good-ish success, should they just let the thing blow up?


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Dak is not elite, fans don't want to pay him elite money. What is wrong with that?

It really feels like people are rooting for Dak to be the highest paid QB in the NFL or something lol.

Some people seem to think Jerry can just pull money out of his pocket, and make up for what Dak's cap hit is.

It doesn't matter how rich Jerry is... the cap is the cap....

Not just Dak, but the vast majority of the QBs right now, I don't want us to pay anywhere near $40mil.

Hell, I don't want to pay Brees $40mil...

Not after what we saw from our defensive issues.

We would be stupid to pay him elite money, with the holes we have...


Go Seahawks!!!
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Dak is not elite, fans don't want to pay him elite money. What is wrong with that?...
Nothing is wrong with that if you supported Dak in his rookie deal and now won’t because if the increase. But we know most people whining about money now didn’t even want Dak at $465k a year either. It has never been about the money for them, but all of a sudden it is? It’s dishonest, if you ask me.


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Nothing is wrong with that if you supported Dak in his rookie deal and now won’t because if the increase. But we know most people whining about money now didn’t even want Dak at $465k a year either. It has never been about the money for them, but all of a sudden it is? It’s dishonest, if you ask me.

Hell I will keep him for that... We could win with our defense lol.


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You are always one to attack the poster around here, calling them trolls and such, and then you paint yourself as quite the expert when others around here don't think so. Anyway the point you keep missing is, well you say Dak, and now "no the team" needs this and that, but back then it was Dak needs this and that. The thing that many of us were trying to tell you when you clapped both palms to your face and made that home alone face, is that nothing has change. I mean here you are stating what Dak, and now no the team needs, and well most of us are left wondering why you bring this up now, after years of bad drafting by the Jones there have been plenty of times this team has had more holes in it than swiss cheese. Dak needs an offensive line, Romo played under one of the worse offensive lines ever seen in the NFL. Dak needs Defense; Romo played under some awful one of those. If you would listen to others besides yourself, perhaps you would get the point that, that 2016 team that Dak played under might be the best team he'll ever play under. I know I made the point many times that Dak will have much worse offensive lines and defenses if he is the long term QB around here, He'll have crappy receivers at some point of time. Heck, Aikman for the longest of times only had Irvin and no real number 2. The point we were making is that it seems very whiny to cry about all the things that Dak lacks around him, when that is just a given in today's salary cap age, and on a team with a history of bad drafting.

Got to say this. It is complete foolishness to TRY to compare the 90's Super Bowl teams before there was a salary cap to teams today. Not to mention that Aikman had the NFL all time leading rusher, a HOF receiver, a good TE and the best offensive line to go along with a top 3 defense. Lets not forget that one of those years the Cowboys had 10 out of their starting 11 on offense go to the Pro Bowl. But hey that was a time when Jones could pay what he wanted and why the Cowboys had starting quality backups and why they could rotate players and not lose production. Proof, when the cap started the Cowboys had to let most of the high priced backup go and they went on to be starters on other teams.

Gangsta Spanksta

Well-Known Member
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If you don't want to be called a troll then just talk realistically. All you talk about is when Dak plays poorly. Nothing about how good the kid is, just what he cant do. You over exaggerate to make a point. And you go around commenting the same negativity over and over again. That's what trolls do.

I was a Garrett troll 100%. However, my dislike for Garrett was much more justified than your hatred of a 4th round QB that has basically played for 800k per year on average. We got lucky with Dak, not the other way around.

As far as what we can expect, we just got a big leg up firing Garrett and hiring McCarthy. That was the #1 problem in Dallas. The future is actually looking much brighter on that one move.

We can also see that based on Dead Money and also cap space, the Joneses are handling the cap very well as compared to the past.

The drafing seems to have taken a hit the last few years. Im concerned about that.

However, I don't see what any of that has to do with Dak. If you are implying that we need a Mahomes to make up for Jones mismanagement than that's an argument that is a waste of time.

I think enough people here have seen me give Dak his props when he deserves it to know that I am not a troll. I'm far less bias one way or the other than you are.


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The problem is that Dak isn't going to let the team worry about only 2020. The new contract he wants will impact this team's cap in a big way for the next 4-6 years......depending on signing bonus and how much money we kick down the road. So, the question isn't what's best for the team in 2020. A smart team is going to have a longer view. .........we've rarely been the smart team, but we can always dream.

You really haven't been paying to much attention to things have you? Prescott has said publicly a couple of times now that he only wants a THREE year deal. Here's something that I'm sure you haven't thought about. The Cowboys know exactly to the penny what they will have to pay and they also know which players they will either offer low contracts to or let walk during those next 3 years. That is something nobody here has the slightest idea of. The Cowboys have their own capologist and I'll guarantee you he's not someone that posts here. Now the past three seasons or so Stephen has stopped the renegotiating contracts for cap space because he knew he had to stop that viscous cycle of renegotiating contracts to add dead money down the road. So now the Cowboys have more cap space than they ever had. Not just dollar wise but percentage wise too.

Gangsta Spanksta

Well-Known Member
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Got to say this. It is complete foolishness to TRY to compare the 90's Super Bowl teams before there was a salary cap to teams today. Not to mention that Aikman had the NFL all time leading rusher, a HOF receiver, a good TE and the best offensive line to go along with a top 3 defense. Lets not forget that one of those years the Cowboys had 10 out of their starting 11 on offense go to the Pro Bowl. But hey that was a time when Jones could pay what he wanted and why the Cowboys had starting quality backups and why they could rotate players and not lose production. Proof, when the cap started the Cowboys had to let most of the high priced backup go and they went on to be starters on other teams.

I'm not comparing those teams. But the cowboys that won the in 96 weren't one of those before the salary cap teams either. When I mentioned Aikman, it was when the cowboys already felt the effects of the salary cap. After Harper, when did Aikman have a true number 2? After Novacek when did Aikman have a true tightend? I mentioned Aikman, because even he had to make due in his career with subpar players. By the last superbowl they won, the cowboys weren't as talent rich as 92 or 93. It demonstrates my original point that you can't keep the same level of talent around a quarterback, especially once people start getting paid. It is a fact of life, and when people start complaining about how their QB is surrounded with the proper talent, especially when it is early on when the team still has a lot of talent, many of us knowingly think that the talent level is going to drop a lot more. You think this team is going to have any time soon the same level of talent it had in 2016, 2017? Even if you going to pay Dak with a big contract? The more and more you pay people, the less and less talent you team will become, especially as people get older and their talents declines.